Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel

Christmas Special Chapter【Zhao Yanyan's Love】

Zhao Yanyan stroked Liu Lei's thin face, tears streaming down her face. Choked up and said: Liu Lei, if you had said this to me earlier, I would have married you desperately! Do you know, I have been waiting for you for fifteen years!

Scenes of the past flashed across Zhao Yanyan's mind in an instant...

That little boy who didn't even dare to shake hands with me... (Maybe at this moment, I already secretly agreed)

A silly boy who is indifferent to his obvious hints when he is divided into classes of arts and sciences... (I have told him several times do you want me to study literature or science)

The genius boy who was ranked at the top of the school year in the last few tests in the third year of high school... (Could it be that he just exploded RP for himself?)

That familiar figure who appeared at the freshman registration office of Tsinghua University... (He really came, and I was so excited that I almost went dumb)

That new campus star who is always surrounded by beauties... (Is he the same as him in high school? But it seems that he is indifferent to the pursuit of those beauties~ Isn't it for himself? Happy ing...)

After graduating, he actually worked in the same group company as himself... (Is this a coincidence? Could it be that he secretly saw his cover letter~ Narcissism...)

That outstanding man who works non-stop and gets promoted step by step... (How does he know how to work? He is already twenty-eight, and in a few years he will no longer be youthful...)

At the age of 31, he ascended to the throne of the president of Weiruan Country Z, a man who is astonished... up!)

That man actually walked so close to Xu Zhongbang's daughter, and the two of them were talking and laughing... (What's the relationship between them? Depressed, in a daze, he agreed to Xu Qingwei's marriage proposal in a daze.)

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On Christmas Day, I gave my wedding invitation to that man... (Last chance, if he confesses his love to me before the wedding, I will definitely marry him, I'm so anxious...)

Fifteen years of memories are still vivid in his mind, Zhao Yanyan lay on the cold corpse, weeping uncontrollably.

That night, Zhao Yanyan ended her engagement with Xu Qingwei, and stumbled back to her apartment alone.

open the drawer,

He took out a diary from it, opened it, and a photo fell out—it was a graduation photo of Xinjiang No. 4 Middle School. Zhao Yanyan gently stroked the face in the photo, this was the only photo she took with him, tears fell from the corners of Zhao Yanyan's eyes.

Looking at the name that appeared almost every page in her diary, Zhao Yanyan smiled. At least I have got his love, the others are not so important, are they?

We who don't understand love, hate, love, and worry upside down

Everyone thinks that falling in love is like changing the situation

Believe in love one day is worth forever

Freeze time at this moment

We who don't know how to be gentle

Thought martyrdom was just an old rumor

how painful you go

When the dream is buried in the misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River

Only when my heart is broken

The poignant singing of Jiangnan came from the speakers...

The next day, the headlines on the front pages of all newspapers and periodicals carried a shocking piece of news: The president of China's Crisis Group died mysteriously while attending a subordinate's wedding. The bride committed suicide by taking an overdose of sleeping pills that night.

Whether it's a coincidence or something else, rumors and doubts abounded in the newspapers and TV for a while.


In the underworld.

Report to Lord Hades, another suicide came today. Judge A said.

The laws in this world have been improved a lot, why are there still suicides? Could it be that there is a grievance? Yan Wang asked strangely.

Looks like someone who died for love! Judge B said.

Oh? Are there still people who die for love these days? Hades looked like he had seen a ghost. (He seems to be a ghost himself?)

Yeah, how can there be true love these days, I haven't seen someone die in love for hundreds of years! Judge A said.

Well, that's right! The King of Hades also became interested in this person who died for love: Bring that person who died for love up here, the King of Hades will personally interrogate him!

Yes! A little ghost replied, and quickly floated out of the hall.

After a while, the little ghost escorted a beautiful and haggard female ghost to the Hall of Hades, and the female ghost was arranged to kneel below.

Who is next! Yan Wang asked.

If you go back to Hades, my name is Zhao Yanyan. said the beautiful female ghost.

Zhao Yanyan? The name is not bad! Tell me, why did you die! King Yan asked.

I committed suicide. Zhao Yanyan said.

*! I know you committed suicide, but I'm asking why you committed suicide? Yama blew his beard and stared angrily.

For my beloved, because he died. Zhao Yanyan said. But this King of Hades is quite funny, not at all as scary as the one on TV. Looking at his appearance, he seems to be quite easy to talk to. If I beg him for a while, maybe I can make myself and Liu Lei a husband and wife in the afterlife.

How did that person die? Name and name, you can tell them one by one. If he hasn't been reincarnated, I can help you arrange to meet him in the underworld. Hades said. There are regulations in the underworld that those who commit suicide because of grievances or love have different treatment methods.

His name is Liu Lei, and he died of a heart attack. Zhao Yanyan said excitedly. When she died, she never thought that she would be able to meet her lover in the underworld.

Huh? Liu Lei? Why is this name so familiar? Yan Wang thought about it.

Yan Wang, he is your god-brother! Judge A reminded.

Oh! That's right! Damn, look at my memory, you can bring me some of the melatonin that those people offered to burn in a while! Yama slapped his thigh and suddenly realized.

Well... this... Liu Lei is no longer in the underworld. Yan Wang said shyly.

What! He has already been reincarnated? So fast? Zhao Yanyan staggered and fell to the ground.

Oh, what a poor woman! Judge B sighed.

That's right, but there is only one indicator for rebirth, otherwise it would be great to let her be reborn too! Yan Wang also said regretfully.

By the way, Lord Hades, according to the regulations of the underworld, those who die for love can enjoy a chance to find their lover again! Judge A suddenly slapped his forehead and said.

You mean to give her the 'Chasing Love Pill'? Yan Wang asked. But he immediately shook his head and said, No, no, this elixir is too poisonous!

What medicine? Will I be able to meet Liu Lei after taking it? Give it to me quickly! Zhao Yanyan suddenly shouted excitedly.

Hey! Girl, it's not that this king won't give it to you, it's because this pill is too poisonous! King Yan said, First judge, please explain it to me!

Judge A cleared his throat and said: After you swallow this 'Chasing Love Pill', your soul will automatically return to the moment when you just fell in love with that person, that is to say, return to the previous you. Rebirth is similar, but it is not rebirth. Because the memory of your life will be sealed, including your current experience in the underworld.

What's so poisonous? Zhao Yanyan asked strangely.

Listen to me! Judge A continued: You must be loved by that person within one year after taking the elixir, and have intercourse with him, so that the erysipelas in your body will spread to your lover's. Not only will you be fine, but you will gradually recover the memory of your previous life. But if you fail to get his love and have intercourse in time, then you will die of poison, and you will be a lonely ghost who will never be reborn forever.

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But you said that the poison would spread to him? Zhao Yanyan asked anxiously.

What's the matter with you girl, you don't worry about your own life, but you worry about that person instead? Judge A asked strangely.

Maybe, this is love. Zhao Yanyan said quietly.

Okay, then I'll tell you, this poison is not only harmless to a man, but it will change his physique, allowing him to have some abilities that ordinary people don't have. In your words, it is called superpower, or it can be called supernatural power. And It has a strong nourishing effect on that aspect! This is also a reward for him being able to give you love in return. Judge A explained.

Oh, then give it to me quickly. Zhao Yanyan was relieved when she heard that the pill was not harmful to Liu Lei.

Are you sure? After you eat it, you won't remember these things anymore. If he doesn't behave like you, you will die without knowing why! Judge B reminded.

Oh, why are you so ink-stained, just give it to me! Zhao Yanyan said impatiently.

Huh! This is not alarmist talk! Judge B is right. XXX in the Tang Dynasty, XXX in the Qing Dynasty, and XXX in the Republic of China all took this medicine, but they still didn't get love, and finally died of poison! Yama reminded .

I'm not afraid! Zhao Yanyan said firmly.

Okay, first judge, go and get her medicine! Yan Wang shook his head and said. I thought to myself, my dry brother should not let this infatuated woman down!

Judge A handed Zhao Yanyan a pill and said: When you take it, think of that person's name, and you will return to the moment when you fell in love with him!

Zhao Yanyan took the pill and swallowed it without any hesitation.

Yan Wang sighed: Oh, I don't know if she can succeed! If my brother calls me, I must remind him.

But if that person really got the supernatural ability, wouldn't he be invincible? Judge A said worriedly.

What's the matter, that person is the younger brother of our Hades, it's normal for the world to be invincible! You don't have to worry! Judge B said, glaring at Judge A.

Yes, doesn't my younger brother want a supernatural power? This time the supernatural power comes, it depends on whether he can grasp it!

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