3 check in

Leilei, wake up soon! Don't be late for the first day of high school today! A woman's voice I was very familiar with came from my ear.

Mom, my whole body is going to fall apart, just let me sleep a little longer! I put the quilt on my head and said habitually.

wrong! I jumped up from the bed. Didn't I buy a house in Beijing to live in? Why is my mother here?

I opened my eyes and looked around. Dilapidated single bed, age-old red lacquer desk, scattered bookshelves, everything is familiar and strange.

My mother was so young in front of me. All of this shows that my brother Hades did not lie to me, and I was reborn.

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Another possibility is that I had a dream, a very long dream. In the dream, I was in my thirties, became the president of the Z country of the security company, attended the wedding of my dream lover, and then died at her wedding, and then met Brother Yan Wang... …

Thinking of this, I touched my chest subconsciously. The mobile phone that brother Yan Wang gave me is still there, and it seems that I have really been reborn.

I was so happy that I jumped up from the bed and hugged my dear mother.

My mother patted my head and smiled: Today you are a high school student, and you are an older child. Are you still acting like a baby in front of your mother?

I shook my head, the person in front of me was my mother who hugged me every time I saw him when I was thirty years old in my previous life, and she even called it: In the eyes of my mother, you will always be a child.

I quickly got dressed, and said to my mother who was packing my schoolbag, Mom, is this my first day in high school?

Of course! My mother looked at me suspiciously.

YEAH! I yelled, stretching out a fist just like the Fan Wei I saw on TV in my previous life. I was reborn, I went back to 1994, the me who was about to go to high school.

The reason why I am so happy is because I know that I will never miss Zhao Yanyan again in this life. I opened the window, took a deep breath of fresh air, and yelled out the window, Ladies, here I come!

I turned around, only to find that my mother was still standing in the room,

He was staring at me with his mouth wide open.

Hey! I laughed dryly, I can still understand my mother's expression. If you see your child calling out beautiful when he just started high school, you probably feel the same way.

My mother touched my forehead: Leilei, you don't have a fever!

I smiled and shook my head, went out the door to the bathroom, and looked at my childish self with messy hair in the mirror. Could it be that I was so sloppy in my previous life at this time? I*, what kind of image is this? No wonder no girls like me. This is a world of difference from the handsome and unrestrained me in college. I decided that the first thing after my rebirth is to get my own image up.

After a simple wash, I came to the kitchen, my mother was making breakfast, and my father was sitting at the dining table reading the newspaper. At this time, my father had no wrinkles on his face, and his hair was black. He was in his thirties and less than forty, which was the age when he was vigorous and vigorous in his career. As far as I can remember, the state-owned factory where my father worked at this time had not yet closed down, and my father, as the youngest technical engineer in their factory, still had a bright future. But everything is unpredictable. If there is no experience in the previous life, no one would have thought that the usually amiable factory manager uncle in the father's factory would take away all the funds in the factory and the wages of the workers and run away a year later. Later, the man was arrested and returned, but all the funds were transferred abroad, leaving only an empty shell factory with hundreds of millions of foreign debts, and the factory building was forcibly expropriated by the bank within a month. The laid-off father moaned and sighed all day long, his hair turned gray a lot, and he barely supported the family by pedaling three rounds every day. This situation continued until I worked for Crisissoft after graduating from university, and my family's financial problems were completely resolved. But his father's body was already worn down, and he died within a few years.

Now that I am reborn, I naturally want to avoid this kind of thing from happening. At least with my current ability, it is no problem to support a family.

Dad, I miss you so much! After being reborn, I saw my father whom I thought I would never see in my previous life. I could no longer restrain my feelings and threw myself into his arms.

My father put down the newspaper in his hand and stroked my back strangely: My child, what happened today?

I didn't want them to suspect anything, so I explained: Dad, I had a bad dream last night. I dreamed that the director of your factory, Zhang, cheated all the money away. Anyway, I gave him the money in advance. A vaccination was given.

Don't talk nonsense, Lao Zhang is not that kind of person! My father put me down angrily and said.

I know that this dream I fabricated will not have any predictive effect, it seems that I can only take one step at a time. Maybe by then I'll have my own business.

**** I am the divider ***

After dinner, my parents accompanied me to report to school. Originally, I wanted to go alone, but my parents refused. But it’s no wonder that I have never been to a place more than one kilometer away from my home since I was a child. My elementary school is just across the street behind my house, less than 500 meters away. The junior high school is also nearby the elementary school. And the city No. 4 Middle School, where I am going to register, is more than ten stops away from my home. For a child in my teens, no parent will be at ease, let alone the parents who send their children to college are now more and more nervous. both.

The entrance of No. 4 Middle School was full of people, full of students and parents who came to report like us. No. 4 Middle School is a key high school in Xinjiang City. My father spent a lot of money for me to go to this school. I was a typical poor student in junior high school, and the junior high school I was in was notoriously poor. If it wasn’t for my introversion and cowardice at that time, I might not be able to control it and degenerate. Only students who have attended that junior high school Only then did I know how bad that school was. Most of the juvenile delinquents in Xinjiang City came from there. This kind of school can cultivate talents, that's the hell. When I took the city's high school entrance examination, I got a bad score as I deserved, so I had to study in No. 4 Middle School as a high-priced student.

Looking at the row of good cars parked on the street, I couldn't help but sigh, there are still many rich people in this era! Based on the experience of my previous life, I know that there are not a few cars with more than a million dollars here. My eyes stayed on an Audi 100, and it was not the model that caught my attention, but the license plate, Song A00001. At this time in my previous life, I didn't know the meaning of this license plate number. At that time, I just thought that the person who could be assigned this license plate number was a coincidence, but now I know that only the top leaders in the province can get this license plate. It seems that our school has a lot of powerful people.

Everything was the same as what I experienced in my previous life. I was assigned to the first and second classes of high school. This is a key class, which is the result of a gift from my father.

Soon I found the teacher who was in charge of receiving me in the first and second classes of senior high school, a cute little girl who just graduated from the normal school, who is my future class teacher Ye Xiaoxiao. Of course, this is based on my mental age of more than 30 years in my previous life. In my previous life, my parents were very puzzled. The head teacher of the good class that paid a lot of money turned out to be a female student who had just graduated from a normal school.

It was only later that I gradually learned that my Teacher Ye has a very powerful background. It is said that her father is a big figure in the Provincial Education Bureau. Apart from her, the head teacher who teaches English, there are all teachers in other subjects in our class. special teacher. The school's arrangement is to allow Ye Xiaoxiao to become a famous teacher in one fell swoop after the college entrance examination three years later. In fact, Ye Xiaoxiao did become a famous teacher after we graduated. There are ninety-two students in our class, except for a few borrowers, all of them were admitted to university.

In my previous life, I didn't have a good impression of my beautiful class teacher. I believe she is the same for me. Why did I always drag the class back in the past two years?

What's your name? Ye Xiaoxiao asked me.

Ms. Ye, my name is Liu Lei. I replied neither humble nor overbearing, and I didn't feel the nervousness that other students felt when they saw the teacher.

Ye Xiaoxiao looked up at me in surprise: How do you know my surname is Ye?

I didn't speak, and pointed to Ye Xiaoxiao's chest tag with a smile. In my previous life, I really didn't realize that my homeroom teacher's breasts were really not normal.

Ye Xiaoxiao also noticed the way I stared at her breasts, but she didn't care. She just thought I was studying her boobs. No one would believe that a kid who just entered high school would stare at the teacher's chest.

Ye Xiaoxiao took out a form and asked me to fill it out. I looked at it, and it was nothing more than resume information such as height, nationality, which elementary school and middle school they graduated from. Ye Xiaoxiao looked at me with a surprised expression as I quickly filled out the form. You must know that other students were filled out by their parents.

Ye Xiaoxiao took the resume form I filled out, and frowned when her eyes stayed on my junior high school and high school entrance examination results. This is actually what I expected. The junior high school I attended was recognized as a garbage school in the city, and I failed the two subjects when I was admitted to the city's middle school. It is estimated that the little favor that the beautiful teacher had just had for me will disappear immediately.

But this is the best way, I don't want to be selected by her as a class leader or something. Based on my previous life experience, class leaders in middle school are all thankless roles.

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