Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel

Chapter 61 [Zhao Yanyan's Dream]

61 Zhao Yanyan's Dream

Are you sure that the input method he made was plagiarized? Xu Ruoyun asked.

It must be! I got the official version through internal relations, and it comes with a pinyin input method that is exactly the same as the Shuguang Pinyin input method! And it is also called the same name, but it is a platform, and Liu Lei is a platform. I dare For sure, this Liu Lei must have seen the input method in advance, and then he transferred it to the platform. This kind of naked plagiarism dares to claim to be the original of country Z! said a man.

But it's also possible that Liu Lei copied it? Xu Ruoyun asked.

That's absolutely impossible. You don't know what kind of company Ruoyun is? How could it copy others? the man said confidently.

That's right! Hmph, if that's the case, I must go and expose him in public! There will be such a scum in the computer world! Xu Ruoyun clenched her fists and said in hatred.

Of course! By the way, Ruoyun, my dad copied a new game from a colleague today, do you want to come to my house and try it? the man said.

No, I'm still in a hurry to go home and write the program, let's talk about it another day. Xu Ruoyun said without any expression.

After Xu Ruoyun left, a sneer appeared on the man's face. Steal a woman from me? I ruined your reputation.

This man's name is Li Boliang, he is the president of the Xinjiang Youth Computer Association, and he is also a top student in the computer department of Xinjiang University in his first year.

Before meeting Xu Ruoyun, Li Boliang thought that girls who play with computers are dinosaurs, because there is no beautiful woman in their computer department. When he first met Xu Ruoyun, who was applying at the Association for Computing Machinery, Li Boliang was fascinated by this thin and beautiful girl, and regarded her as his goal for the rest of his life.


But Xu Ruoyun gave him the feeling that she was just away. Although he had hinted many times that he liked her, Xu Ruoyun didn't show it at all. The relationship between the two of them is developing just like that. Li Boliang felt that the two were closer than friends, but they were definitely not lovers. But even so, Li Boliang was not in a hurry, after all Xu Ruoyun was still young and only in the first year of high school. It will be a long time in the future, and sooner or later there will be a day when Xu Ruoyun falls in love with her.

The reason why he has confidence in himself is because he knows that Xu Ruoyun is a computer madman, she always has admiration for computer experts who are better than herself, and he is the number one in the computer industry in Xinjiang City. If Ruoyun wants to find a boyfriend, then she will be his best choice.

But things often have some surprises.

Ever since Xu Ruoyun came back from Beijing to participate in the competition, another boy's name was always on her lips——Liu Lei. And he kept praising Liu Lei for how amazing he was, he won two first prizes alone in Beijing, he was a computer genius, and so on. Now Li Boliang was furious. He vaguely felt that Liu Lei might become his rival in love, so he secretly investigated.

However, when he learned that Liu Lei participated in the development of the popular Shuguang Input Method in China, he was immediately discouraged. This input method is the pride of the entire computer industry, and is known as the revolutionary work of the Chinese character input method in the 20th century! Including him, Li Boliang himself, are currently using this input method! At this time, Li Boliang realized that he was definitely a frog at the bottom of a well, and the gap with that Liu Lei was not even a little bit. Even if he worked hard for ten years, he might not be able to write such a perfect input method!

However, things happened in a timely manner. By accident, Li Boliang's father borrowed a set of the official version from a familiar friend that night. After installing it, Li Boliang discovered that Liu Lei's Shuguang Pinyin input The input method and the set of input methods provided by the Crisis operating system are 99% similar in function, not only that, but even the names of the input methods are the same—all of them are called Shuguang input method!

At that time, Li Boliang wanted to laugh wildly, God help me! This Liu Lei's work turned out to be plagiarized!

The next day, Li Boliang immediately found Xu Ruoyun, and when he told her about this matter, Xu Ruoyun was immediately very angry. She usually looks down on those who embarrass the computer field. She thinks that Liu Lei should not plagiarize no matter what, and after plagiarizing, she brazenly said that it was the original of country Z, the pride of country Z! This is simply to lose the face of Z country's computer.

Come on, download the latest T_X_T Xiao_say

So Xu Ruoyun immediately decided to find an opportunity to get close to this Liu Lei, secretly investigate what he did, and if necessary, sue him in court and bring this scum to justice!

Li Boliang was very satisfied with Xu Ruoyun's reaction, and he was sure in his heart that Liu Lei's Shuguang Pinyin input method must have been plagiarized! In his opinion, Liu Lei's reputation will be ruined sooner or later!


Since Zhao Yanyan came back from Beijing, she has had some strange dreams every night.

At the beginning, she didn't care about it, but later, the dream became more and more real, and the dreams every night can be connected back and forth!

There was always another self and another Liu Lei in the dream. After the dream, she couldn't tell whether it was a dream or reality.

Every character in the dream, every line of dialogue, and even every action including her own thoughts at that time were so real, as if it had happened before. But it didn't seem to have happened, because in the dream, I was already in the second year of high school and was about to divide arts and sciences, and I always asked Liu Lei stupidly: Do you think I should be academic or theoretical?

How is this going? Zhao Yanyan no longer simply thinks that this is just a dream, it is impossible for the dream to continue, and it is impossible to have such an immersive feeling. Every time Zhao Yanyan wakes up, the things in the dream are vivid in her mind, as if imprinted in her mind, and she can't forget it even if she wants to.

Can you predict the future? But it seems not, because the dream started from the handshake with Liu Lei at the beginning of school. The Liu Lei in the dream was not as bold as the person in reality. Shake hands by myself, and none of these things that happened afterwards appeared in my dream. So Zhao Yanyan doesn't think that there is any connection between this dream and reality, but why is it that what happened in this dream is so real?

That Zhao Yanyan secretly loved Liu Lei, but Liu Lei remained indifferent to her every suggestive words.

Zhao Yanyan was very scared, she wanted to tell Liu Lei about this matter, but she didn't know how to do so! Is it because I love Liu Lei too deeply? Maybe it is! Zhao Yanyan herself didn't know why she loved Liu Lei so much, just like on the first day of school, she felt very familiar with Liu Lei. It felt like the two had known each other for a long time.

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