Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel

Chapter 6 [I'll help you wrap the book cover]

6 I will wrap the book cover for you

I didn't go home right away after school, so I went to a nearby barbershop to get my hair cut. At this time, middle parting and side parting are popular, so I cut a 37 part. Although I was still a little childish in the mirror, I was indeed much handsomer than before.

Walking on the streets I was familiar with in my previous life, I saw the huge contrast between the old buildings on both sides and the high-rise buildings in my previous life. In the next twenty years, Xinjiang City will undergo earth-shaking changes. Also in the 20 years since this person came, the new country Z has also experienced many qualitative leaps, pushing the socialist economy to an unprecedented level.

Now that I am reborn, I know everything about the economic, cultural, and technological developments of the past twenty years. Can I do something for my country in advance? Although I was an executive president of a multinational company in my previous life, it does not mean that I am not patriotic. On the contrary, I very much hope that country Z can also have its own large multinational company.

But these are not what I am considering at present. The most important thing is, can I earn more funds for picking up girls with my twenty years of memory? It is not difficult for an old fox like me to start a business, but the difficulty lies in the fact that I have no starting capital. My parents can't give me this money, and they can't take it out. I spent a large amount of school selection fees in high school and my family's finances were already very tight. How could I have the nerve to continue to talk like a lion?

What I need to do now is to start a business with no capital and quickly complete my original accumulation.

(Hey, hey! Don't get it wrong. How could I, a good young man with socialist modernization, do that kind of thing like killing people and stealing goods? I don't want to go to prison so early. I haven't given Zhao Yanyan yet.)

Mom, I want to sign up for a Sanda class. I said at the dinner table during dinner at night. This is the result of my deliberation. In my previous life, I was proficient in vocal music, foreign languages, football, basketball, Sanda and other skills, but apart from Sanda, the rest are technical things. Only Sanda’s physical quality accounts for a large proportion. , if the strength cannot increase, no matter how many skills are, it is useless. Although you can also exercise at home, the effect is very slow without professional equipment.

What do you want to learn from that! We sent you to No. 4 Middle School just to let you study hard. Why are you trying to do crooked ways again? My dad said angrily before my mom could express her opinion.

Dad, listen to me first—

Say what, if I say no, I won't! My dad interrupted me immediately.

What are you doing, you! You let your son finish talking! My mother gave my father a sideways look, and my father immediately fell silent. My mom is the absolute authority at home.

Dad, Mom. The high school I attend is far away from home. There is nothing wrong with summer now. When winter comes,

It got dark early, and the area at the station was said to be quite chaotic, and there were a lot of robberies at night. I was also thinking about my own safety. Even if it is useless to learn, it should be exercised. I am a person in my thirties, and this kind of high-sounding reason doesn't just come from my mouth.

As soon as my mother heard that it was for my safety, she immediately made a decision without saying a word: I think Leilei's words make sense, I agree with this matter, so it's decided!

My dad didn't say anything after hearing what I said, and my mother had already made a decision, so the matter was settled.

After the meal, my parents just taught me again, telling me how much it cost me to go to school, so I must fight for my breath. If it was in the previous life, I would have been impatient and perfunctory, but I have just been reborn, but I have a long-lost feeling. I chatted with them casually about my ideals, and promised to study hard in the future, so the two elders were so happy from ear to ear, and they praised me that I grew up after I went to high school, and the school selection fee was really not in vain.

I laughed to myself, how could I be so stupid in my previous life, I coaxed my parents to heaven so easily, but at that time I always made them angry.

At night, I lay in bed, thinking about my future plans. Today is the first day of my rebirth, and it seems to be going perfectly. The only fly in the ointment is that if I want to get my first pot of gold, I really don't know how to start.

What can create value without investing costs? Work for someone else? Impossible, let's not talk about which company would want me as a high school student, even if I am admitted to *, the meager salary every month can only start a business. Suddenly I had a flash of inspiration and thought of the industry I was engaged in in my previous life. How could I forget my old profession? Computer software, this is definitely an industry that can generate profits without spending money. Based on what I know now, isn't it easy to write a few programs?

But in 1994, when computers were not popular, where could I find a computer to write programs? My first thought was Internet cafes, but I immediately dismissed the idea. Internet cafes had to wait until at least 1996 to become popular across the country, and now it is estimated that there are not even computer rooms for playing games.

In the end, I settled on two methods. First, my dad’s unit is an electronics factory. As an engineer in the factory, he must have the opportunity to touch the computers in the factory. However, there are often some important data stored in public computers. I wonder if my dad can take me to use it. Second, there must be a computer room for college students in Songjiang University not far from the Fourth Middle School, but I don’t know if it will be opened to the outside world. If it is opened to the outside world, everything will be solved.

Ye Xiaoxiao asked us to take out the textbooks for her to check early in the morning. When I saw that none of my books were wrapped, my face was clouded immediately: Liu Lei, stand up for me!

Everyone looked at me sympathetically, and I even saw Liu Kesheng gloated a little, with a typical face of a villain.

Under everyone's gaze, I stood up unhurriedly. This Ye Xiaoxiao is actually younger than me, how can I be afraid of her? It's ridiculous, but it's also lovely to see her angry. Compared to Zhao Yanyan, a mature woman like Ye Xiaoxiao is more attractive to me, after all, I am also in my thirties. At this moment, I am staring at Ye Xiaoxiao's chest with obscenity, but I didn't do it on purpose. As a student, when the teacher tells you to stand for punishment, I think everyone will bow their heads unconsciously. I stared at Ye Xiaoxiao's big breasts, thinking about the titty sex porn I've seen in my previous life, how cool it would be if I could have sex with Ye Xiaoxiao once.

Ye Xiaoxiao doesn't know what I really think, if she knows, her lungs will probably explode.

Ye Xiaoxiao asked me, Why didn't you wrap the book?

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I continued to masturbate her breasts, and answered, Why do you have to cover the book?

Ye Xiaoxiao didn't expect me to be able to answer like this, this question was kicked back to her like a football. It is estimated that she would never have imagined that I, as a master in the negotiating field in my previous life, deeply understood the mystery of Tai Chi. In the negotiation field, whoever expresses its bottom line first means that the party has lost the initiative, so when I negotiate with others, I often push each other on an issue. But how did Ye Xiaoxiao know so much, she was undoubtedly digging a trap and jumping into it.

The whole class looked at me, a student who dared to talk back to the teacher, in surprise. In their eyes, I was undoubtedly courting death.

Ye Xiaoxiao said angrily: There is no reason! I said I must pack the bag! If you don't wrap the book cover tomorrow, you can go out for me, and you don't have to go to class.

After Ye Xiaoxiao left, Guo Qing turned around, stretched out his thumb and said, Awesome! Boss, I'll hang out with you from now on!

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Zhao Yanyan whispered to me: Why don't you wrap the book cover? Don't prevaricate me with why you must wrap it.

This little girl is clever, she blocked my way out with just one sentence. I lazily said: Actually—I'm too lazy to pack!

The little girl was dumbfounded by what I said, maybe she was thinking that my tablemate is too straightforward.

After I finished speaking, I ignored her, opened the textbook and read it on my own. The little girl would secretly look at me every little while, as if she wanted to say something to me, but she couldn't muster the courage.

Finally Zhao Yanyan turned her head as if she had made a big decision, blushed and said to me in a mosquito-like voice: Liu Lei, why don't I help you wrap up your book.

I looked at her strangely. In my impression, this little girl is not so helpful.

Seeing me staring at her, Zhao Yanyan twitched and said, I just think that Teacher Ye will be angry tomorrow if you don't wrap the book cover. Besides, Teacher Ye told me that the class leader should help other students—

I*, no way! Such a poor reason. Is this little girl in love with me? I thought proudly. Of course, how could I refuse such a good thing, so I said with a very big face: Okay, then I will trouble you.

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