Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel

Chapter 87 [Meeting Liu Zhenhai]

Although Jiang Yongfu had already told me all about the Liu family in advance, when I got this information, I was still taken aback. The power of the Liu family is simply beyond my imagination. At least 30% of the country's pillar enterprises are under the name of the Liu family. They are all subordinates or relatives of the Liu family. What is even more unbelievable is that this old man Liu Zhenhai actually has his own private army in today's society, and he can legally wear guns!

Moreover, in this file, there are several rules marked: Liu's immediate family members violated the criminal law. The local public security organs have no right to arrest people. The local military must report to the central government for a decision.

With my current strength, I can't afford to provoke such a person. Although I have Zhao Limin backing me up, and the country has a Prime Minister Xia who has taken care of me, this Liu family is simply too perverted, isn't it? I reckon that if Liu Zhenhai really kills me, no one else will say anything, and I guess he won't even have to sit in jail for a day. It seems that as Jiang Yongfu said, wait for the opportunity to make peace with them.

At the same time, I also got Yang Shuguang's phone number. Since he won't call me, I'll call him first.

Hello, Yang Shuguang? I'm Liu Lei! I said coldly.

Hmph! I finally got your call, I thought you were scared! Yang Shuguang said with a smile.

Yang Shuguang, you really did it! What do you want? I said loudly.

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What do you want? You have made my son a second-class disabled, and you still have the face to ask me what I want? Yang Shuguang roared angrily.

Stop talking nonsense, how is Chen Wei'er doing now? I asked impatiently.

Don't worry! She is fine now, but I can't guarantee that she will be fine tomorrow! Yang Shuguang said.

Let her go, tell me the conditions. I stopped talking nonsense with him and got straight to the point.

Of course I will let her go, but not now. I will let her go now. What am I going to threaten you with? Tomorrow morning, you and Guo Qing will be waiting at the gate of No. 4 Middle School. There will be a van waiting for you there. Remember, Only two people are allowed to go, and you don’t have to waste your time thinking about calling the police, I was originally a policeman, and since I dare to do this, I’m sure I’m safe!” Yang Shuguang pressed the phone to death after finishing speaking up.

Yang Shuguang told me to go, and I had no complaints, because the incident itself started because of me, but Guo Qing was implicated by me. This incident had nothing to do with him, but now Yang Shuguang regarded him as the target of revenge.

Without any choice,

I had no choice but to bite the bullet and find Guo Qing. Explain to him what happened today.

Boss, isn't it just to see Yang Shuguang? What's the big deal? Guo Qing said nonchalantly after hearing this.

Guo Zi, anyway, you were implicated by me in this matter... I said very apologetically.

Boss, you are my brother, Guo Qing, for the rest of your life. Don't talk about it, isn't your business my business? Guo Qing resolutely said.

Okay! Good brother! But you have to be prepared, you will inevitably be beaten. I nodded approvingly and said. Guo Qing is a man of loyalty, and it was the same in his previous life.

Fuck, isn't it just a beating! What can I do, he beat me to death. Guo Qing said dismissively.

Early the next morning, Guo Qing met me at the gate of No. 4 Middle School on time. Not long after, a white Jinbei Bread came and stopped in front of us.

Liu Lei? The car door was opened, and a man in a black suit and sunglasses asked us.

I am, I said.

Get in the car. After the sunglasses finished speaking, they retracted their heads.

Guo Qing and I got into the van and found that there were only two people in the van, the sunglasses and the driver. It is estimated that Yang Shuguang also knows that the hostages are still in his hands. We simply can't do anything right now. Two people in the car are enough.

The driver couldn't evade us, the van turned into the development zone and stopped at a very manor. After the driver showed a certificate, our car was let in.

Get out of the car! Sunglasses said as he opened the van door.

Guo Qing and I followed behind the sunglasses and entered a small attic on the second floor. I saw a few bodyguard-like figures not far away, all wearing radio headsets, and even carrying Wei Chong on their backs! Could this be the manor of the great warlord Liu Zhenhai?

After going through the rugged corridor, we went up to the second floor with our sunglasses and stopped in front of a door.

The people who want to see you are inside, go in by yourself. Sunglasses said with his right hand as a gesture of invitation.

Guo Qing and I pushed open the door without fear, and walked in swaggeringly.

When I entered the room, to my surprise, I didn’t see Yang Shuguang. In the middle of the room, a majestic old man sat on a grand master’s chair, and six strong young men stood behind him.

You are Liu Zhenhai? I stared coldly at the former warlord in front of me without any fear.

That's right! You're quite clever! You can even guess that I'm Liu Zhenhai! Liu Zhenhai said with a ruddy complexion.

Where is Chen Wei'er? What I am most concerned about now is Chen Wei'er's safety, other things are not important.

Tell Adjutant Liu to bring that girl here! Liu Zhenhai still kept the official title in the old society when he called Steward Liu.

Butler Liu, the old lady ordered that girl be brought here. A young man behind Liu Zhenhai said with a headset.

After about a quarter of an hour, a pockmarked face pushed open the door, followed by a girl, Chen Wei'er, who I miss so much.

Wei'er, are you okay! I ran over quickly.

Liu Lei?! Chen Wei'er, who was originally expressionless, suddenly found that the boy who had saved her several times appeared in front of her again, and threw herself on him recklessly. For a moment, she couldn't control herself anymore. Tears poured out like spring water. The previous depression and grievances were vented in an instant.

Okay, Wei'er, it's okay! I will definitely let you out! I patted the back of Chen Wei'er's head and comforted me.

En. Chen Weier nodded confidently. In fact, from the moment she was caught yesterday, she thought of the person who rescued her from crisis several times. She believed that this time was no exception. Sure enough, he finally came!

Okay, let's talk about your conditions! I saw that Chen Wei'er was fine, so I was relieved. Turning around, he said to Liu Zhenhai.

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