Veteran new police officer

Chapter 5 Good intentions

Is it great to be assigned to the urban police station?

Li Cainiao's arrogant look made Han Xin very unhappy and reminded him: "Eat quickly, otherwise it will get cold."

Li Yijun found that he was not difficult to get along with, so he grinned and said, "Thank you, Brother Han!"

While they were chatting, the navigation prompted them to turn right at the intersection ahead. Li Yijun suddenly realized that the route seemed wrong: "Brother Han, where are we going? Is there something wrong with your navigation?"

"No problem, we're almost there."

"Jinshi International!"

"The Internet says this is the most upscale hotel in the city."

"What are you doing at the hotel?"


Han Xin turned on the turn signal, drove the car into the hotel parking lot, backed into the parking space under the direction of the security guard, turned around and said with a smile: "I'll go in and see if there is a buffet. If there is no buffet, go to the Japanese and Korean restaurant on the 28th floor to eat Japanese food." , the Internet said their Japanese food is good.”

"I'll eat a box lunch, and you go in for a big meal?"

"This is a lunch box from the city bureau canteen. Others can't eat it if they want to, so don't waste it."

Han Xin went as she was told, opened the car door and walked towards the hotel lobby without looking back.

Li Yijun suddenly felt that the lunch box was no longer tasty, looked at his back and muttered: "Eating alone, Japanese food is the most likely to cause diarrhea, you Qiu Ba will die, let's see how you sneeze..."

In fact, Han Xin didn't go to the buffet, nor to any Japanese or Korean restaurant. Instead, she climbed the stairs to the second floor of the hotel, followed the arrow on the conference sign at the top of the stairs, and went straight to the door of a multi-functional hall.

There is a meeting going on inside, but participants cannot enter at will.

I took out my cell phone to send a text message, and after waiting for about two minutes, a burly middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes crept out from the back door with a briefcase in hand.

Han Xin quickly stood at attention and saluted: "Hello, Political Commissar Ding, Political Commissar Ding, I have caused you trouble."

"Come on, come on, this is not the place to talk. Let's go upstairs and talk in my room."

"Yes." Han Xin followed for a few steps and asked worriedly: "Political Commissar, is the meeting over? Are you okay if you just come out like this?"

"It's okay. Even if something happens, I will ask for leave when your little comrade comes back."

The middle-aged man walked into the elevator, took out the room card from his trouser pocket and swiped it. He looked at him with a smile and asked, "I've finished my registration. Have you met Director Liu of the Political Department?"

"We met, we met once, and I said a few words that I should not fade away when I leave the army, I should not change my heart when I change clothes, I should work hard when I get to my new job, and strive to make new achievements, etc., so I was taken to go through the formalities. After completing the formalities, someone took me to pick up the police uniform."

"It's good to meet you. After all, he is also the leader of the city bureau. But then again, if he doesn't meet you, it will be hard for him to tell Secretary Guan if he asks about it in the future."

"Which Secretary Guan? What does this have to do with Secretary Guan?"

"Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Law Committee, Secretary Guan will help you with your work."

"Political Commissar, didn't you help organize my work?"

The middle-aged man was stunned by the question. He walked out of the elevator and laughed at himself: "Xiao Han, I am no longer a political commissar. You may not believe it. Now I am just the vice principal of the Chonggang District Vocational Education Center. I can't even do my job." After everything has happened like this, do you think I can talk to the leaders of the Public Security Bureau and make the Public Security Bureau accept you?"

Han Xin couldn't believe this was true: "But you are the deputy team leader, you are the deputy team leader who changed jobs!"

"In the army, I was the political commissar of the border defense brigade and a deputy regiment cadre, but when I got to the local level, I was nothing. My current level is deputy section level, and then I add a bracket and enjoy the treatment of deputy division level, haha."

"Is this okay?"

"There is a lot of pressure on local placement. This is normal, as long as the salary is good." Ding Haijun didn't want to talk about this topic anymore and opened the door of the room: "Xiao Han, it seems that you know nothing about the transfer."

"I don't know anything. I bought a ticket on the way back from following the suspect. I wasn't even allowed to go back to the unit to pack my luggage. The chief of staff didn't even let me call the team leader or instructor. If he hadn't said something was wrong. I can contact you, but I don’t even dare to contact you.”

Ding Haijun handed over a bottle of mineral water, took out a cigarette and sat across from him: "You should know why Chen Youming insisted on transferring you back."

Han Xin took the water and said nonchalantly: "It seems that the Mangjing Brigade received news that there is a fish that slipped through the net hiding outside the country. He threatened to retaliate against me and offered a reward of one million for my life."

"That's it. I am responsible for transferring you back to your hometown. But your chief of staff told me on the phone that you seemed to have some ideas about this transfer..."

"I have an idea, political commissar. Although we were not in the same unit when we were in the army, you must know something about the situation of our investigation team. If we say that drug dealers threatened revenge, then there are many people in our team who were threatened by drug dealers. But the fact is It was too late for us to hide from those drug dealers, so we only dared to talk behind our backs."

Han Xin unscrewed the lid and took a sip of water, then continued: "Anyway, we have encountered this kind of thing so often that we have become accustomed to it. Even when we drink, we joke that my head is more expensive than yours, so you must drink this cup." . If as long as someone is threatened with revenge by a drug dealer, the person threatened with revenge will be transferred, then there will be no one in our team, and the investigation team should be abolished long ago."

"It sounds reasonable. He is worthy of being a soldier of the reconnaissance team."

"But the chief of staff didn't think so. He insisted on transferring me back. No matter how I explained or how I begged, it was useless."

Ding Haijun pondered: "So as Chen Youming's official position has grown, he has become less courageous, timid and fearful, and has become less and less responsible?"

Han Xin hurriedly put down the water: "Political Commissar, I didn't say that the Chief of Staff was timid and fearful, let alone that the Chief of Staff was irresponsible."

"So there's something wrong with my understanding?"

"Political Commissar, don't be ridiculous. The Chief of Staff cares about me very much. He has cared about me since he was the captain of the reconnaissance team. If it weren't for his encouragement and support, I would definitely not take the self-examination. If he hadn't fought hard with the detachment, I would It is also impossible to be selected as a law enforcement sergeant, as he is still in a key position."

Han Xin thought about it and said with an embarrassed face: "In the final analysis, I still take advantage of you. If it weren't for the political commissar and your fellow countryman relationship, the chief of staff would not have treated me differently back then."

Ding Haijun put down his cell phone: "I thought you didn't know. It seems like you have some conscience."

"Political Commissar, I know the Chief of Staff is doing it for my own good, but..."

"Stop it."

Ding Haijun waved his hand and said with emotion: "Xiao Han, although I changed my career the second year after you joined the army and never contacted you after you came back, and you haven't contacted me either, but I have always paid close attention to you. After all, everyone There are only a few Binjiang fellows in the detachment, and you are the only one who can be assigned to the detachment office."

"Political Commissar, it's not that I don't want to contact you. I didn't know your contact information at first, but later I found out and you are on mission every three days. I don't dare to make random calls..."

This explanation is really unconvincing. Thinking that people really cared about and cared for her back then, Han Xin couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

"You're gone. Even if you can get in touch, I can't help you. Besides, you're doing a great job in the investigation team, so you don't need help from others."

Ding Haijun smiled and changed the topic: "Xiao Han, I know your family situation, I know that you really regard the leaders and comrades of the investigation team as relatives, and you really regard the investigation team as your home. I just want you to leave that place. It is indeed cruel for you to return to an empty hometown with a big family full of warmth and sense of achievement.

But people have to grow up eventually. You are already twenty-six, and you will be twenty-seven after the New Year. You cannot always treat yourself as a child. Next, you have to find a girlfriend, get married and have children. You can’t always have enough food for one person and keep the whole family hungry. "

Han Xin really didn't understand this transfer. She raised her head and said, "Political commissar, we are transferring now."

"I know, do you want to say that after the transformation, you will become an official police officer, and you can find girlfriends at the station, marry and have children at the station? But have you ever thought about how many drug dealers you have arrested and how many drug dealers you have participated in over the years? Drug addict?"

Ding Haijun lit up his cigarette and asked again: "Have you ever thought about whether your wife and children will be frightened by you if you start a family at the station, and will you have to live a life of fear? If you meet on the road, Can’t we all recognize each other? Can’t our children call you daddy when they see you?”

This must be admitted, Han Xin was speechless.

Ding Haijun knocked the ashes from his cigarette and continued: "The reason why you were able to join the investigation team back then was not just because you could drive, nor just because you were smart. It was also not because Chen Youming looked after me. It was because you could both drive. , smart, and a new person with a new face. It can be said that being familiar is a prerequisite!

But time flies so fast. In the blink of an eye, you have been working in the investigation team for six years. During this period, how many drug dealers and addicts have seen you, and how many drug dealers and addicts would recognize you when you go out? "

Thinking of how three months ago, the entire operation was almost ruined because she was recognized by a drug addict, Han Xin suddenly reacted:

"Political Commissar, are you saying that even if I haven't been threatened with revenge by drug dealers, I will still be transferred from the investigation team?"

"It seems that you are a fan of the authorities. As a smart person like you, you should have thought of it a long time ago."

"Political Commissar, I was wrong. I should have been transferred from the investigation team. I should not have been resistant."

"It's good to know."

Ding Haijun reached out and patted his arm: "Actually, your chief of staff is trying to transfer you back at this time, not only for your personal safety, but also for the work of the investigation team."

Han Xin asked puzzledly: "What else does the chief of staff have to consider?"

"Although he usually has a straight face and likes to curse, he actually values ​​love and justice. He feels that he owes you something and wants to take this opportunity to make up for it."

"How could the chief of staff owe me? He cares so much about me. I owe him almost everything."

"It seems that you are also a person who values ​​love and justice."

Ding Haijun nodded slightly and said slowly: "You may have known about this a long time ago. You have done well in the investigation team in the past few years. You have been awarded second-class merit once, third-class merit once, several commendations, and even saved a life. Your captain's life.

These achievements are all in the eyes of your superiors. They wanted to recommend you to the military academy twice, but you were on task both times and couldn't change even if you wanted to. These two precious opportunities could only be given to others. "

Han Xin thought to herself what she thought it was, and couldn't help laughing: "I heard later that I don't really care whether I can go to military academy or not."

"You have enough to eat and the whole family is not hungry. You are the youngest in the reconnaissance team. Everyone treats you as a younger brother. In today's terms, you are the 'team favorite'. Going to military school may not be as good for you as staying in the reconnaissance team." Zi Zi, of course you don't care. But the two captains including Chen Youming cannot care. Leaders who don't consider their subordinates are not good leaders. They must consider you."

"Political Commissar, actually the Chief of Staff and Captain Li really don't need to go to such trouble..."

"Hear me out."

Ding Haijun glared at him and continued: "Fortunately, you kid is very lucky. Although you missed two opportunities to be recommended to the military academy, you caught up with the transformation of border defense, put on the police uniform through recruitment, and finally settled your status as a cadre. Everything We can only follow the latest policies and cannot make them special, otherwise it will not be called one size fits all.

And now there is a drug trafficker offering a reward of one million for your life outside the country. Your chief of staff and captain not only want to protect your safety, but also feel that this is an opportunity, so they apply to your superiors to transfer you and help you fight with your superiors. Some benefits that cannot be obtained by staying in the detachment. "


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