Warhammer 40k: Shattered Steel Soul

Chapter 77 Knocking on the door one by one

Morse swallowed his questions several times and let Magnus lead him to introduce the magnificent world in his vision. Wingdings: ♦︎♦︎⬧︎♦︎◆︎⌧︎♦︎♦︎□︎❍︎

The Red Giant chattered to him about the dangerous reefs, unfathomable abyss, and nameless predators of the vast ocean, sometimes emphasizing that it was the Emperor who was leading him to wonders that transcended comprehension. When these words fell into Morse's mind, they only made him surprised when the Emperor's teaching style became gentle.

But when he saw Magnus playing harmoniously with a few things with dark pink smooth skin, goat horns leaking juice, layers of dirt falling out of broken black fingernails, and short pink and blue feathers on the back of their heads, the scene was... When the harmonious Gu Terra children were in the afternoon courtyard of the kindergarten, he couldn't help but ask: "Did you take a shower after returning from the vast ocean?"

Magnus sent away the unknown servant of darkness, his face still showing the pure joy of exploring and gaining new knowledge.

"I clean myself before going to bed and when I get up in the morning, but why do I need to take a shower after returning to the real body?" he asked puzzledly. "Well, is it because we are lying in the deserted city this time?"

"You're so smart," Morse said.

At this time, a group of quarreling demons appeared in pairs and flew past them on a magic disk and a disk full of books and quills. Their deformed hands and feet were directly connected to the huge multi-eyed head, overflowing with filthy atmosphere and disharmony. The noise made Morse grateful for the expressionless expression of his form.

Magnus followed them with his eyes, watching them dive into the depths of the ocean again.

"I call them scribes," he said happily. "They also like secrets and knowledge. Sometimes they can release powerful storms from the accumulated spells. Have you seen them?"

"I've seen it, a long time ago. Show me your record album." Morse said.

The projection of a book appeared on Magnus's waist. He turned it to the corresponding page. Morse extended the curse to the outside of the body and floated the album to his eyes.

Drawn on the papyrus is a pair of fluffy blue creatures that resemble birds, similar in form but not in spirit to the unborn things Morse saw. Someone deliberately blurred their specific appearance, and they can only be seen as brightly colored, smart and clean after being recorded.

"Fortunately, I didn't raise any birds." Morse only glanced at it before returning the album to Magnus. The latter simply turned the thick record book to the blank page at the back, ready to record the morphology and characteristics of new species at any time.

"Because if you raise birds from the real universe, will you now find that they are not as beautiful as the creatures here?" Magnus thought he had made a good joke. After a brief moment that was almost non-existent, the black linen cloth A light laugh came from below.

"If you think you've seen the beautiful subspace creatures, then you haven't studied this place deeply enough." Morse said, "It sounds like you are still well protected after so many years. Human children, staying at home in a small courtyard with small flowers of acanthus and blue lotus floating in the pond, think that this is the dream place defined as paradise in secular dogma.”

"Really, I never thought that it would take such careful care of an individual, but it is true that it is the only one that is in the mood to change an individual's cognition in such a troublesome manner."


"I am no longer interested in your explanations that are full of errors." Morse was rarely so direct.

After drifting along the ether for a long time, he finally confirmed that Magnus could not hear the sarcasm of others as long as the words turned around - perhaps because he had never been sarcastic before. The long-term pursuit and praise made him selectively forget the ability to accept irony.

"Well, Morse, I don't think you should judge me so rashly," Magnus rarely showed obvious displeasure. He grasped the album in his hand like a debater grasping the arguments that helped him win. "In Prospero, my theoretical results are far ahead of any other scholar. Even the emperor will not belittle the achievements I have achieved... It is you who want to see the content of my research. I thought you would like it... …”

"I am telling the truth, Magnus." Morse removed the black linen cloth from his body. "Don't be too arrogant in a hurry. You haven't studied this place in depth yet, and you don't know where to find the real beauty."

The black cloth taken off by Morse floated in the non-material space, losing the restraint of the curse. The linen seemed to have been washed and soaked with fine spices and ointments. A smooth light purple luster shimmered from the center of the black linen cloth, and it was very bright. Quickly, it is like water droplets soaking through silk, drawing delicate circles outwards and seeping into the entire material, bringing back the deep pink and purple color to the essence of the fabric, and its reflection in the form that is within the understandable range of sentient beings is unknown. The feeling is transformed from rough linen to smooth silk with no trace of silk weaving, the light is scattered, and it is as light and soft as nothing.

Magnus looked at this fascinating piece of silk in surprise. In his field of vision, the hazy light blue and the charming purple seemed to be competing for dominance, but also seemed to be intimately integrated with each other.

When the few purples prevailed, his mind immediately swayed like the tip of a candle in the soft wind. When the familiar blue returned, he felt that this piece of cloth was mysterious and dangerous, containing endless secrets and knowledge. .

"Is it beautiful?" A voice came from the transparent golden light, and Magnus found that he had completely forgotten Mors's criticism just now.

He was so itchy that he couldn't help but use words of honor: "Can I take a look?"

"Don't be anxious, scholar." Morse said calmly, "Last time I visited the owner of this weaver, there was some disharmony in the end, and the only items I took away were this half roll of silk. I will take you to her today. I knocked on the door outside the palace to see if I could see one or two thousandths of the beautiful scenery I saw last time from the outside. "

There was a thin, sharp voice that seemed to be noisily trying to dissuade Magnus, but his desire for the beauty Mors spoke of made Magnus easily overcome the voice. He classified it as his own delusion.

"Can't you go in and have a look?" Magnus was eager for knowledge.

Morse confirmed the stability of the spell corresponding to the external reality universe.

If he hadn't been unprepared last time and experienced the battle with the Blood God, he would actually be able to escape from the realm of the Lord of Bliss.

Moreover, this time, in other people's territory, there may be a nasty guy who will have to protect them in order to keep its intended chess pieces.

"If she allows us to go in." Morse said with a smile, throwing out the silk, weaving a curse into a thin thread to pull Magnus, following the silk's will to return to the source of its birth, and quickly descended into the vast ocean. latent.

Time and space have no absolute meaning here. It seems that just for a moment, or maybe a long time later, Morse once again saw the Jinsha Plain where he once set foot. A stranded sailboat was parked on the shore. It was scorched by fire and could not be reused.

Magnus held his breath, his eyes fixed on the thousands of glazed gold and jade in the golden sand, and the greedy souls wandering in the sand plains. He wished he could rush into the Sixth Ring in the next moment and take out the occult measuring instruments on the spot. Start studying energy structures.

The scene in front of him kept changing. Sometimes he saw a deep and strange secret place for collecting treasures, and sometimes it was replaced by a flashy and luxurious wilderness of gold and paper. On rare occasions, some twisted and dark evil shadows swayed from the depths of the golden sands. And passed. Whatever the truth, Magnus couldn't resist it.

He felt that he fully understood why Morse said that he had never seen the true face of the vast ocean.

Magnus reached down, and Morse approached with him.

At this moment, the entire Golden Sand Plain receded by a large piece, and Magnus was stunned for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, the light purple satin flew out of Morse's hand and plunged straight into the depths of the gold coin hill without a trace. Then the entire gorgeous scene quickly faded away, leaving not even an afterimage.

In a daze, he heard an inhuman voice that was neither male nor female grunting angrily. The sound wave turned into a scimitar silver blade and stabbed towards his side.

Morse dodged easily and complained with a smile: "It seems that not only did she not welcome me, but she also insisted on taking away the clothes she gave me."

Magnus stared at the place where the sand plain had appeared in despair, and his mood fell into a deep valley for a moment. His deep regret made him not even want to answer Morse's topic about clothes - the meaning of a transparent and void person wearing a piece of black cloth. Where?

"Don't be sad." Morse comforted softly, "Let's go to the next place and knock on the door. I still have two wonderful places to recommend to you."

He really wanted to see how the Umperator could continue to blind Magnus within the jurisdiction of others.

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