"Are we really going to do this?" Hastur whispered, almost hissing, for fear of disturbing the silence of the Great Library, even though there were no enemies here. His eyes fell on the rows of collections, and from the countless label cards that Magnus had handwritten, he read the simple joy of the red giant as he searched for treasures.

"Magnus was viciously deceived," Almazbek affirmed.

The ether winding around the scholar's raised hand became more and more intense, gradually describing a powerful force field. The invisible energy distorted the air around the force field, and the light deflected accordingly, like a storm or the prototype of a sharp blade.

"The demon claiming to be his brother seduced him into abandoning the mysteries of the ether, and now it is our turn to enlighten him."

He manipulated the psychic blade and approached the shield Magnus had set up.

Not only are the two powers essentially the same fragments of the original creator, but the specific techniques for using energy also come from the same source - controlling physical phenomena with will, manipulating objects, tearing enemies apart, or constructing invisible shields or spears.

Magnus and the scholars spent all night discussing what to name the new school that would be born, until someone pointed out that it would be a whirling falcon that hunted foreign enemies in the skies above Prospero and defended Tizca.

Hastal's heart tightened with tension, and he suddenly grabbed Almazbek's arm and interrupted his behavior.

"This is theft," Hastal said. "Magnus won't like it."

"He doesn't even like psychic powers now. Mason walked out from between the bookshelves and came to the two men. "Does Magnus still need our enlightenment? "

"We can't give up," Almazbek said. "Don't stop me, Liangyu. I know he will need it."

"Perhaps we should consider Magnus's words, Falcon," Hastur advised. "He is always right."

Totmus placed his hand on the outer protective shield of the collection, as if he could touch its pulse or mind.

The scholar focused his attention on the well-protected collection, looking at the small brass tube, the precise scales and the colorful decorative feathers without saying a word.

"Do you have any constructive suggestions, Tianxiao?" Almazbek asked.

Thothmus let go: "Magnus has not given up his psychic powers."

There was an uneasy commotion in the air, a mix of gasps, surprise, and the scraping of fabric.

"I see his attempts to remobilize the aether," said Thothmus, "his gestures, his look, his wanderings. I understand Magnus as well as any of you, friends. And I He is a sky owl."

"Perhaps he regretted it." Hastal shook his head. "After he asked us to give up the ether, he thought of the benefits of the ether again."

Thothmus answered quietly, "No, Hastur. That was before he held his conference with us."

His words brought a collective silence, until the sound of breaking glass suddenly broke the silence.

Almazbek broke through the shield, energy fragments scattered into the air, and a pure energy storm poured out. The masters present used their own methods to resist the counterattack.

They later discovered that Magnus may have never meant to hurt anyone when he set up the barrier. The storm rolled through their hair, and at most it only took away a few shaky hair strands. Even if another apprentice came here, he would not be seriously affected. s damage.

As for the alarm when the shield breaks, Mason prevents it from happening.

What is presented to everyone is a fan-shaped exquisite handicraft. The translucent and semi-reflective fixed plane is made of pure crystal. The reflector connected to the indicator is made of colored glaze. The small brass telescope and the handicraft have many irregularities on the surface. The gold and copper hooks that interfere with the readings and the operation of the instrument echo each other. Not only do they not make the color dull because of the metallic color, but they appear mysterious and light.

Almazbek's movements became gentle, completely different from the roughness with which he had just dismantled the shield.

He carefully held up the instrument and let the azure sapphire that served as an eye in the mechanical bird bone at the top reflect in his own eyes.

"The sextant." He said softly, "O vast ocean, this is the sextant that will help us see the truth of the ether."

"If Magnus really opposed our study of the ether, he should destroy it." Thothmus said.

"But not Magnus," Mason said slowly, and Hastel recognized a hint of obsession in Mason's voice. Not only for the sextant itself, but also for the meaning behind the object.

As long as this instrument is used correctly, even a mortal with dusty spiritual eyes can clearly penetrate the looming curtain and see the magnificent and unpredictable etheric ocean.

Many years ago, after Magnus returned to Tizca from the wasteland with the revelations brought by the magnificent stone statue of a giant bird, Tizca temporarily set off a craze for exploring the ruins.

An apprentice brought this fantastic instrument back from the center of a pyramid-shaped temple not far from the stone statue. After Magnus identified it, it was included in the collection of the Great Library.

Unfortunately, the apprentice was unlucky and often encountered misfortunes. He escaped several disasters under Magnus' care, and finally died unexpectedly one day. Otherwise he might have been one of the scholars standing here today - as one of Hastur's favorite disciples.

"So, does anyone here have access to this collection?" Hastal asked, feeling a formal hollowness in his voice.

"We can give it a try." Mason said, staring at the sextant held in Almazbek's hand. "We can always learn. After that, we will show Magnus the mysterious beauty of the vast ocean again." ”

"Are there any crows here?" Mason asked. More scholars came out of various parts of the library, shaking their heads. Today, there is no one idle in the Tizka Great Library.

"It seems that no one can predict the use of the sextant for us." Hastal said. He kind of wanted to get out of here. "Let's put it back."

"Why?" Almazbek asked doubtfully, "We can just make a replica. Now we can leave with the sextant and do our research."

"Or find another Black Crow, forget it Amon. He will definitely turn to Magnus - who?" Mason asked sharply. He heard a vague bird call, and looked around to follow the sound.

A cluster of cold flames burned toward the top where he pointed, igniting the robe of a boy who was quietly overlooking the scene on the upper floor of the library.

Not far from him, a crystal bird retains its motionless innocence in a decorative gold birdcage.

"Get him," Almazbek growled, "it's Magnus, the demon who claims to be his brother!"

Perturabo, who had been reading Tizka's local documents in the library these days, immediately tore off the burning robe and turned around and rushed into the vast bookshelf.

Hastal was distraught and quietly broke away from the group of scholars rushing forward.

Something wasn't right, he thought. Something must be wrong.

A reliable name appeared in his mind. Hastal quietly hid his figure and waited for the other impatient people to leave, then immediately took the opposite action and wanted to leave the library.

He is going to find Amon, who may be the only master present who can see through the chaos.

Hastal walked quickly and quickly out of the depths of the exhibition area as light as a bird.

Above his head, a ball of psychic energy released by other scholars broke the hinges of a psychic chandelier through a series of false refractions.

Hastal immediately used his spiritual power to dodge. He was relieved when the fragments of the broken chandelier quickly penetrated the shield of another crossbow exhibit. The energy wave when the shield broke was incompatible with the energy wave Hastal used to dodge. Psychic forces work together to pull the psionic drive string of the crossbow. The psychic arrow formed automatically and shot out instantly, nailing Hastal's hand to the cabinet.

He exclaimed and was about to use the spiritual power of this school to heal his injured palm. The already fragile crossbow exploded directly after one use, causing a large chain reaction and causing many shields to fluctuate or rupture.

Several exhibits simultaneously erupted with astonishing energy in the chaotic etheric currents. Hastal didn't have time to realize which one he died of.

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