Even without a gun, you subdued a gangster? ? ?

"These barrages are called barrages, right?——"

"Who spoke?!"

"No matter who he is. This is all true. It’s so appropriate."

"I bet you don't have bullets in your gun……"

"Do you dare to bet? ?"

Doraemon's plane.

Many people in the police circle wiped the sweat on their foreheads, and then looked at the guns in their hands, and suddenly felt bad.

They hold real guns every day.

There is no improvement in the detection rate.

Even When dealing with criminals, most of the time they don't dare to approach him and they have to deal with it slowly.

But Daxiong dealt with it properly the first time he encountered it. It was a matter of luck. Can it be done individually?

"Are you making fun of people for being cowardly?"

"Normally, he is small, but at critical moments, he never loses his footing."

The police community was collectively silent.——

"Although Nobita has subdued more powerful ones and seen bigger storms, that was only because he had weapons.……"

"Just like rich people, the more confident they are"

"No weapons this time……"

"Still strong"

"Nobita discovered it in advance. Was the other party bluffing?"

"That can't be 100% confirmed. If you lose this bet, you will die. You will be shot to death.——"

This speaks volumes.

Nobita will not be limited by a gun.

Besides... who would do it for one person.

You are not sure about one of them, it may not be your woman, risking your life?!

But Nobita will.

Did it too.

If you were to judge a pure love warrior, Nobita would definitely be on the list.

In a residential house.

Demushan sighed.

He is really not as good as Nobita in this regard.

Even if you know in advance that the opponent's gun is out of bullets, you still have to hesitate to judge whether the source of the information is accurate.

He won't be as decisive as Nobita at all.

There's no way to fake it.

The temperament of the time.

Shizuka's house

"Is Nobita our savior in the future?"

Jingxiang's mother was stunned.

Is it dangerous to follow Nobita?

No, maybe Nobita is safe by his side...

Needless to say, does a husband who will sacrifice everything for you feel safe? Needless to say,

Shizuka's mother figured it out.

This son-in-law.

She was also very satisfied.

Even at this moment, she felt a little high.

"I need to tell Shizuka that Nobita must visit her home more often in the future."

"There must be a chance."Minamoto Yoshio took off his glasses,"I was wearing them just now, so I'd better call Shinsuke's house to keep in touch."

"It turned out that the line was always busy."

The phone service of Nobita's house is full.

He is not the only one who has thoughts.

The second floor -

Nobita's deeds.

To others, it is charm value + 10.

To Shizuka, it is charm value + 100!!

As for the female classmates around me, seeing Nobita transform from a toad to a golden toad, she felt red-faced, restless and wanted to leave immediately when she thought about what she had just said.


"good boy"

"He is good at picking up girls!"

"It's just too risky."

Guobao Special Attack Plane.

On a grassland.

As one of the three jelly swordsmen, Pineapple Blowing Snow gave a positive comment.

Orange Liuxiang also gave a thumbs up.

Although he did not have fingers

"What is the highest state of shooting? This is"

"No bombs are better than some bombs——!!"

"Also save bullets!!!".........

"Fortunately, this great king has no such enemies."

The plane of Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf.

In the huge Wolf Castle.

Big Big Wolf, who thought he was shooting accurately, also clicked his tongue!!

If he gets the gun, he is a sharpshooter!

If he can't get the gun, he is also a sharpshooter!!

Is there any way for people to survive? - -Oh no, he is not a human, he is a wolf.........

"It’s so cool, Uncle Long!"

"No, that's not cool at all, Jade! These are very dangerous!!"

"Just try it! We are all just kids, so why can’t I do it?——"

"Hey, if it doesn’t work, it won’t work!"

Jackie Chan's Adventures Plane.

Xiaoyu was greedy and wanted to try it, but was immediately rejected by Uncle Long and Dad!!

Only Toru - touched Xiaoyu's head comfortingly.

Xiaoyu crossed his arms across his chest. , snorted, squinted, and turned his head away, but he was thinking of some weird ideas. Because the police station here often uses guns, they are more careful than anyone else, so they even made a special one. Report.

Before holding a gun VS after holding a gun.

Before holding a gun: mischievous, brittle body, low IQ. After holding a gun: 100% hit, quick combos, always going first, all attributes increased, 100% invulnerability. It will be hit, including all gun-type weapons, and it will be included in the attribute bonus even if you make a hand gesture like a pistol or a gun when you get it!


I am looking for the power of thinking.

If I think I have a gun, then I will.

"Before and after holding the gun, they are completely different people."

"It's luck."A police officer said sourly.


Chief Black was very serious,"Even if the other party has a real gun ,"

"He also has the ability to avoid it"

"As flexible as Jackie Chan."

The highest level of firearms.

To be honest, it's not about who can shoot accurately or fast.

Because there are too many people like this.

In special circumstances, what should you do without a gun?

Nobita gave an example!

But it is not recommended to learn it...........

The screen comes to the last item

【God of War·Nobita】

【The fourth art——】.........

The souls of all heavens were stunned.

Come again, how many more things will Nobita have?!

Flower rope, sleeping, shooting - actually think about it.

At the beginning, I mentioned this unintentionally and laid the foundation for it.

But I don’t remember the foreshadowing for the fourth one.

What will it be?.........

In the lens, a new picture appeared.

One tall and one short, two people. one���young man, a child


『The battle between apprentice and master!』

『Miyamoto Musashi vs. Nobita!!』.........

"ha? ?!"


"apprentice? Master? Does Nobita recognize Miyamoto Musashi as his teacher? ?"

"Those scenes before were still uncertain. But Miyamoto Musashi is definitely not from the same era!!"

"Don't ask what's going on——"

"Aren't you curious about this cross-century battle? ?"

"This, there should be no suspense about this, right?"

"Every other line is like a mountain, and his marksmanship is number one. Where can I find the time and energy to practice kendo on the side?"

Doraemon's plane.

The swordsmanship teacher.

And all the swordsmanship disciples, their eyes are all wide open!!

Including the fat tiger in the street next door.

Miyamoto Musashi -

Who doesn't know the famous Miyamoto Musashi? ?

"Defeat Kojiro Sasaki!"

"Create Yuanmingliu, first-rate every day!"

"Killed seventy-six people from the Yoshioka faction alone!"

"More than sixty duels without defeat!"

It's the one that Fat Tiger admires the most, the super master of swordsmanship!!

That was the sword master of the past!!

As for why you are so sure.

The picture is of me?

That's because this Miyamoto Musashi and the ones he collected at home The portrait is exactly the same!

To be precise - it's the same as all the ones in the sword museum!

The temperament in the light curtain can never be painted!

"Nobita also has this resume, becoming a disciple of the Sword Master——"

"No, that doesn’t seem right. It was Miyamoto Musashi who became Nobita’s disciple!!"

"What are you talking about? The sword master worships a child as his disciple! ?"

As the camera zoomed in and gradually unfolded, the entire swordsmanship world was shaken!........

『They started a duel on Iwandrum Island!』

『A duel in a special place, above the bottomless abyss!』

『He had faced off with a sword——』

『Disciple Miyamoto Musashi!』

『The great general of the kobold kingdom!』

『A pirate captain who commands hundreds or even thousands of people!』

『The dragon in the dream!』



『Nobita was evenly matched with the masters time and time again, and again and again at the last moment, the famous sword Denguangwan in his hand lost power.』

『become gray』

『Lightning Pill: Theoretically, it can catch any enemy's moves』

『The disadvantage is that the battery can easily become insufficient.』.........

"Electric pill?!"

"Does such a weapon really exist? See through the opponent's weaknesses and block them?!"

"With this kind of weapon, no wonder"

"This is an artifact!!"

"Let me tell you, it turned out to be an oolong."

"In fact, if you think about it carefully, this electric light pill is not that strong, because it will run out of power and lose its effect. This disadvantage is not small"

"It's suitable for 50/50 and delaying time."

"Is this considered one’s own ability?"

"This is the skill of props."

As soon as this question arose, everyone fell silent.

Because Nobita, who had lost his power, was still fighting!!.........

『But this is often the time』

『On the contrary, it inspired Nobita to overcome the originally difficult situation.���land, narrowing the gap between the two sides』

『Relying on extraordinary courage, courage, and determination』

『leap into the sky』

『The scene is constantly changing, including mountains, waterfalls, rivers, sand, snow, and high-tech warships……』

『"call out!!"』

『Nobita condensed all the swords into one sword』

『A slash across the opponent. Among them

, the clearest scene in the picture is the fierce fight with the sword master Miyamoto Musashi.

『"Master's swordsmanship should be more than this!"』

『"In fact, back then, I wanted to ask Your Highness Shizuka to become my bride!"』

『"You mean the bride?"』

『"I'm not allowed!!"』

『"Nobita, come on!!"』

『Facing Miyamoto Musashi, the energy of the Denguangwan was exhausted, and he was in the same situation.』

『But in the end, a knife flashed across——』

『Get the victory!!』

『Miyamoto Musashi's double swords were completely broken into pieces.——』



『——Great Swordsman Nobita Nobita』.........

Doraemon plane.

Everyone’s mood was like riding a roller coaster!!

The swordsmen who are watching this cross-century battle.

I still want to breathe a sigh of relief.

Seeing that the props have been lost, he becomes even more ferocious.

He picked it up again, and his scalp felt numb like an electric shock!!

No, what about playing with them?

Is this guy Nobita really crazy?!!

Can't Miyamoto Musashi stop him? ?!

Before I had time to think too much - something even more exciting exploded in the light curtain!!..........

PS:Thanks again【13998..】Master, I sent you a reward of two hundred points!

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