
"It turns out that kid still has some merits."

"Turn flower rope."

The swordsmanship teacher, who had just locked up the sword hall, raised his eyebrows and complimented me.

Unfortunately, it didn't work.

Who should I show it to?

Even my mother didn't bother to look at it.

"Parents have children like him"

"It's really sad."

Anyway, if it's his child.

That's really cool.

On the next street, Nobita, who was carrying a wooden sword on his back, moved his eyes slightly and stopped talking completely......


『"You are late again today——"』

『"You, you, you are the worst student in the worst class I have ever taught!!!"』

『"Don’t make any excuses this time, I’m tired of hearing them!!!"』

『"Get out of here!!"』

『"Go to the corridor and stand there all day!!!"』

『In classrooms——』

『Looking at the panting Nobita, Eiichiro Terakuya was furious and pointed out the door!!』

『"You are at the bottom of this exam again!"』

『"Zero points, zero points again, tell me how you avoided all the correct answers!!"』

『"Stretch out your hands!"』

『"Bang bang bang!!"The crisp sound of hitting the palms of my hands resounded throughout the class.』


『"You left me until the last person after school! Stay up for half an hour before leaving!!"』

『When the teacher got off work, he came to Nobita's desk specially』

『Give this poor student severe criticism』

『"The teacher can tell you directly that if you continue like this, you will not be successful when you grow up."』

『Feeling uncomfortable? certainly』

『on the baseball field——』

『"Me, can I join?!"』

『"Nobita? We are not short of people!"Pang Hu dislikes Nobita's poor skills.』

『"That's right, we only need one ball picker!!!"』

『Nobita was kicked out——』

『Walking alone on the street』

『"By the way, let’s go play with Shizuka."』

『What did he think of and decided to go and play with the girl he liked?』

『But just arrived at the door』

『I saw Shizuka pushing open the door and running out with a bouquet of flowers in her hands without looking back.』


『"Sorry, I'm in a hurry!"』

『Shizuka ignored Nobita, and Nobita followed him running.』

『Wait until you come to a corner』

『Just known——』

『Shizuka was bidding farewell to her friend who was going abroad. Yes, there was another boy in front of her.』

『Dekisugi Hideai』

『"From now on, we will always be good friends."Shizuka』


『Shizuka is not just my friend and classmate』

『Nobita recalls』

『at a certain time』

『After school, I was educated by teachers N times and decided to change myself.』

『I saw the scene of these two people walking side by side.』

『"your collar"』

『Shizuka and the excellent Demushan walked together and helped him adjust the collar at the back,"It's done."』

『"Thank you so much"』

『Demushan's cheeks are slightly red』

『"Then, what should I do when checking the calculation?"』

『Shizuka and Izukuro walked side by side and disappeared into the sunset.』

『Izuku is so good, which girl wouldn't like him and want to get closer to him?』

『Nobita is despairing and lost.』

『Return to loneliness』........

Outside the video.

Doraemon plane.

Countless parents have always been dissatisfied with their children, but when they saw this scene.

Compare your own children with Nobita.

Feel it immediately.

My child is so wonderful

"If you are a loser at such a young age, then it will definitely be the same in the future."

"No chance"

"Not good at socializing"

"The teacher doesn't like him, and his classmates don't play with him, tsk tsk"........

Time began to flow faster with BGM, and then, it stopped at a certain time period

【——cowardice, give up】

『"The so-called failure is the mother of success."Doraemon』

『"It doesn't matter, I decided to give up on marrying Shizuka."』

『"Ah, why, do you hate Shizuka?"Doraemon asked quickly』

『"How can it be!"』

『"I like her, I like her very much!!"』

『"Just because Shizuka is here, my life is so meaningful."Nobita sat on the ground』

『"So why should you give up?"』

『"Because I have thought a lot, if Shizuka marries me, she will definitely live a very poor life."Nobita raised his glasses and wiped his tears』

『"And me——"』

『"Before, I would only think of myself selfishly."』

『Nobita raised his head, tried hard to hold back his tears, and sniffed,"But, I really like Shizuka"』

『"It's best if I'm not with her"』

『Nobita began to clean up the messy books that had just been messed up on the floor,"Although it will be very painful to leave Shizuka, yes"』

『"However, if she becomes uncomfortable because of me"』

『"This will be more painful"』

『In a deserted alley, he lifted up Shizuka's skirt and was slapped by her, making Shizuka completely hate herself.』

『"From now on, I will never deal with Nobita again."』

『Shizuka ran away』

『Nobita, who had kept his eyes closed, opened his eyes and sighed."?

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