The second prize winners are—

dong dong dong-

There was no sound in the entire auditorium. Xuejiao seemed to hear countless heartbeats, and she didn't know if it was herself or someone else.

Chu Sheng, Wen You, Chang... One name after another.

The person who got the last question wrong in the seventh middle school is the second prize.

After the second prize is awarded, only Li Lei, Cheng Mingze and Xuejiao are left in the seventh middle school. Now, they either won the first prize, or they won't get the prize!

For the first time, Xuejiao felt that people would be so nervous, either they would go further, or there would be nothing.

Suddenly, a warm hand covered his own.

Xuejiao was stunned.

It's okay, don't be afraid... Cheng Mingze's eyes looked at him, this person looked as warm as jade, and his eyes were extraordinarily soft.

Xuejiao was stunned for a while before she remembered to pull out her hand.

Cheng Mingze didn't say anything, just retracted his hand.

After the second prize has been photographed, the first prize will be awarded.

Finally, to present the first prize of this competition-


Xuejiao's heart beat like thunder.

Yang Zhan, Cheng Mingze, Xu Qingsong, Li Lei... Gu Xuejiao...

Xuejiao's eyes widened, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but rise!

Congratulations Jiaozi! Cheng Mingze turned his head, his voice very happy.

Xuejiao hugged him, and her voice was also very happy: Congratulations too, brother.

A jasmine, a brother.

The relationship between the two was not very friendly, as if there was a feeling of breaking the ice.

The people next to him quickly gave way, Cheng Mingze walked in front, Xue Jiao followed behind him, and walked all the way to the stage.

There were nearly 50 people in the first prize. They shook hands one by one to receive the certificate, and then took a photo together.

Hurry up and line up, look ahead, classmates! The cameraman in front waved.

There are not many girls, Xuejiao squatted in the first row, holding a certificate in her hand.

She was wearing the school uniform of No. 7 Middle School, which was requested by the teacher who led the team, saying that she must reveal the school uniform of No. 7 Middle School on such a day.

Apparently others thought the same, so almost all the students wore school uniforms.

Okay! Don't move, one, two—

Xue Jiao looked down, her eyes slightly moist.

She has come back for a lifetime, living her life more brilliantly, and will be even more brilliant in the future.

She is only one of nearly fifty people. Among them are Cheng Mingze, who has been number one since childhood, the legendary Yang Zhan, and Li Lei, who has been preparing for the competition for many years, and many, many terrible and powerful people.

Xuejiao is just an ordinary one in this group of people.

But it doesn't matter, she is not discouraged at all, the whole life of a person——

recognize the ordinary,

But not to be ordinary.

Xue Jiao's wet eyes shone with bright light, and she looked forward firmly.



A photo is frozen in the camera.


Almost as soon as they won the award, there was news in the staff group of No. 7 Middle School, which was sent by the leading teacher.

Yinfang's son is in the third grade this year and is about to take the senior high school entrance examination. At this time, she is tutoring her son's homework.

Mom, I'll take a break.

What to rest? Do you still have time to rest? Son, my mother told you that learning is a matter of one bang. You must focus on learning and study firmly! Nothing can distract you!

His son rolled his eyes and continued to read lazily.

Yin Fang was suddenly a little ecstatic.

Today is the twenty-sixth day of the twelfth lunar month, and Gu Xuejiao doesn't know how the test is going?

Really, do those time-consuming things?

Mom what did you say?

Yin Fang knocked on his son: I didn't tell you! Mom tells you that your grades are still not top-notch, so study hard and rush up. There is a student in Mom's class who works very hard. He didn't study hard at first, but now he is full of enthusiasm. When I got angry, I got 12 points, and I was ranked first in the grade in one fell swoop!

Mom, how many times have you said that! Her son rolled his eyes again.

Yin Fang continued: But this girl is too stubborn. She didn't study hard during such a long vacation. She ran to participate in the math competition. She can't do it at all. Isn't it time-consuming to participate in that?

Just after she finished speaking, the phone vibrated, and when she took it out, it turned out that many people in the staff group were crazy @ her, and Yin Fang frowned.

What happened?

When I opened it, my eyes widened and my mouth opened into a letter O!

Mom, what's wrong with you? her son worried.

Yin Fang stood up excitedly: She actually won the first prize!!!

I rely on!


After the first prize was awarded, the organizer summed up and encouraged again, and this winter camp is over.

Xuejiao and Cheng Mingze walked out of the auditorium, she took out her mobile phone——

【Lin Zhihua! I won the first prize! ! 】

There will be a quick reply-

【Congratulations! 】

【Should thank you! Thank you! 】

The interface over there has been edited for a long time, but there has been no news coming, Xue Jiao is puzzled.

Lin Zhihua smiled bitterly, Xuejiao

I never really wanted to meet him...

The training center will be closed, so the students have to leave today, and they will all go home, after all, the Chinese New Year is coming soon...

He drove outside the training site several times without telling her.

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