The daily life of the bandits in the Tang Dynasty

The daily life of the bandits in the Tang Dynasty


232 Chapters Completed Status


Chu Yang transmigrated to the owner of a bandit village in Datang, the whole village was so poor that the bandits

Skinny, almost starved to death,

At the critical moment, Chu Yang awakened the 'Niu Zhuan System'. This system is very humane and can be used for bragging.

Experience, you can easily receive rewards,

"Congratulations to the host, the system has been upgraded to level 1, please receive the opening gift pack."

"Congratulations to the host, the system level has been upgraded to level 2, the dungeon task is started, and the dungeon task is upgraded

Easier and more rewarding! "


The system asked him to go to Chang'an City to rob big households, but he was blown away by Li Er's ass, he held a grudge, and started the game

It gave Li Er a brainstorm


The Turks are calling,

Li Er: Chu Yang, see if you can do me a favor.

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