NBA peak

Chapter 798 Tatum's Growth

Chapter 798 Tatum's Growth
Considering that Xiao Hua has only been on stage for two months, he almost made the NBA dirty.

Moreover, Xiao Hua is still a criminal suspect under trial, and it is basically impossible to continue to serve as the league president of the NBA.

How could Xiao Hua continue to serve as the president of the NBA.

Isn't this temporary meeting held just to remove Xiao Hua?
After the process is completed, it is the voting session.

This time, the voting session took only 5 minutes, and all members gave their answers.

Compared with the open and secret struggles of the congressmen in the last meeting, the votes of the congressmen are more like a real team working together.

There is no need to quarrel at all, everyone gave a unified opinion.







When Tatum finished counting the votes, he proudly announced the results of everyone's votes to the public.

All the members of the audience, including the unified collection of online and offline data, did not agree with Xiao Hua to continue to serve as the president of the alliance.

This is no longer a vote, but Chi Guoguo's humiliation!

In the long history of human civilization, after citizens have the legal right to vote, Xiao Hua may be the first No.1 to be vetoed by all voters.

The voting ended perfectly, and Xiao Hua's comeback trip lasted only two months before he was kicked out of the league again.

Moreover, this time, after Xiao Hua was impeached, not only was he no longer a member of the NBA executives, but he was also directly reduced to a prisoner, and was unanimously abused by all fans.

Since then, there has been no Xiao Hua in the NBA.

After solving Xiao Hua's street mouse, Jenny Buss of the Lakers couldn't wait to stand up.

"Xiao Hua has stepped down, but the finals are not over yet. The next game will be a life-and-death battle between the Lakers and the Heat. I don't think everyone here wants to host this year's championship ceremony, right?"

Jenny Buss spoke while scanning everyone present.

Xiao Hua became a prisoner, and Tatum's status as vice president has not yet been restored. Felix, the former third in command of the league, also resigned directly from the NBA because of dissatisfaction with Xiao Hua, and entered the NFL.

Now, after the successful impeachment of Xiao Hua, there is no one to choose the position of NBA president.

This is really an incredible thing.

However, since this question was raised in public by Jenny Buss, it means that everyone must have agreed on it before the meeting.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Jenny Buss to recommend the most suitable candidate in her mind.

"I suggest that Matt Tatum be allowed to take charge of the league again. I am convinced by his achievements. Moreover, if Tatum hadn't strategized this time, we might have been plotted by Xiao Hua to succeed!"

As soon as Jenny Buss said a word, she immediately received a lot of voices of support.

But soon, there were also many opposing voices on the scene.

Among them, the opposition's biggest doubt about Tatum is that when Tatum was the acting president, he blindly followed Stern's old practices, acted without innovation, and pulled the NBA back.

Stern's commitment to the concept of globalizing the NBA has indeed brought a lot of benefits to the NBA.

However, as Xiao Hua said when he came back, the times have been advancing, and the NBA cannot remain unchanged. Tatum blindly pursues the retro style. In a short period of time, it can indeed make old fans feel a sense of excitement.

In the hot-blooded basketball of the Stern era, it was too difficult to score and the confrontation was too fierce, especially in the era of the Grizzlies in black and white. Fans simply felt that watching the game was a torture.

But when it comes to Xiao Hua, in order to correct the historical problems left by Stern, Xiao Hua reformed basketball into a body hair defense. He only needs to shoot three-pointers from the outside to win the fast-paced basketball of the championship.

Two styles, two extremes, no matter which one, contemporary fans are unwilling to accept.

Therefore, Tatum must find a more suitable way to make the NBA more suitable for the needs of the new generation of fans, in order to truly lead the NBA to a new life.

The main knot of the opposition is concentrated here.

Everyone present is a shrewd businessman.

They are not fools. If Tatum wants to officially take over the throne of the league president, he must come up with a plan with substantive reform significance!
People who hold opinions for and against opinions are arguing.

Obviously, on this issue, members of parliament began to divide into two factions, each worried about their own ideas.

About two hours passed, and neither side could convince the other.

However, the position of the president of the alliance cannot always be vacant!
The election of the next president is imminent.

Although the representatives of the alliance were dry-mouthed, they were still actively fighting for it, hoping to find a suitable candidate as soon as possible and clean up the mess.

After everyone was exhausted from arguing, Jenny Buss stood up again.

"If you want me to say that both of us have our own opinions, it is better to let Tatum himself come to the stage to speak in person, if he is allowed to take over as the president of the league, what changes he will make."

After all, Jenny Buss is a strong woman who has been ups and downs in the business world for most of her life. Every time she speaks, her timing is just right.

Every time she puts forward her opinion, she can get enough responses from the bosses of other teams.

Many team owners stood up and expressed their support for Jenny.

Full of confidence, Jenny waved modestly and recommended Tatum to speak on stage.

After Tatum was suspended for investigation by Xiao Hua and secretly hid in Chicago, he naturally did not sit idle and do nothing.

He has been reflecting on why he lost to Xiao Hua in the league council.

Insufficient capital is indeed one of the reasons why Tatum lost to Silver.

But Tatum knows in his heart that his vision and advantages are not at the absolute crushing level compared to Xiao Hua.

Because of this, he gave Xiao Hua a chance to fight back.

If he is really good enough, talented, and well-rounded to crush Xiao Hua, then the congressmen are not blind, and they will not be bought by Xiao Hua so easily.

After Tatum came to power, he briefly conducted a self-examination with everyone.

Tatum reviewed his attitude as soon as he came up, which made the congressmen feel very comfortable.

If a person still knows how to find the reason from himself, it means that this person has not reached the limit of what an individual can achieve.

Tatum reviewed his recent reforms. Although he will get the support of some old fans and make the NBA's ratings explode in a short period of time, in the long run, it will easily increase the risk of player injury and hurt the interests of team owners.

Moreover, blindly pursuing Stern's old path may not be the best direction for basketball in the new era.

When Tatum was able to realize this, the bosses who opposed him were already interested in hearing Tatum continue.

(End of this chapter)

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