NBA peak

Chapter 799 A New Beginning

Chapter 799 A New Beginning

After reviewing the problem, Tatum proposed a plan that was still immature in his mind.

For example, he will make fouls more expensive to reduce malicious fouls on the basketball court.

He will appropriately reduce the number of regular season games to delay the consumption of athletes.

Even, Tatum thought of a coup, to increase the hard salary cap, to solve the problem of star clustering.

Xiao Hua's attitude towards the grouping of superstars is that it is enough to pay some luxury taxes.

Tatum's policy, however, goes in two directions.

One is to increase the hard salary cap and cancel the luxury tax.

In this way, although the league will lose part of its benefits, the teams in small cities will benefit from it, helping the league get greater benefits in the long run.

Under the premise that the salary standard has an upper limit, even a small city team can get the same treatment as a big city team.

This made many team owners in small cities start to feel a little bit excited and wanted to support Tatum's reforms.

The second way is to reform the existing veteran policy.

The team's team spirit is too strong, precisely because the big-name players who are at their peak, the price of jumping back and forth is too small.

Tatum wanted a slight twist on the veteran policy.

For players who take the initiative to change jobs, the veteran treatment enjoyed by their career tacit understanding is adjusted from 30-35% of the benchmark to 5-15%.

But for players who are loyal to a team in their careers, the basic salary of the veteran clause is increased to 40-50%.

Such a new and veteran clause is actually to allow players to make a choice.

Whether to choose to win the championship in a team at the peak and give up the huge guarantee at the end of his career, or to be able to be at the end of his career, unlike Rose and others who were displaced like Rose and others, and began to swear allegiance to the team that spent a lot of painstaking efforts to train them.

This reform was proposed very cleverly.

As long as there are these two regulations as a basis, players will have to think about their future careers.

Even Tatum can be more ruthless, and under the condition of a hard salary cap, appropriately modify the proportion of veteran contracts, and the two should be carried out together to more flexibly control the gap between the strengths and weaknesses of NBA teams.

After Tatum's speech, there was thunderous applause below.

In just two months, Tatum's vision has actually improved to this level.

The boss who was still questioning Tatum just now, many of them have turned to support Tatum now.

Farewell for three days, and treat each other with admiration.

Tatum has been out of the league for two months, it seems that he has really worked hard.

His speech touched many people.

After Tatum's speech ended, Jenny Buss struck while the iron was hot and directly initiated a vote, asking the lawmakers whether they would support Tatum as the official president of the league.

This time, the MPs had nothing to say.

The candidate for the league president had to choose between Tatum, who was almost expelled from the league, and Felix, who left the NBA and went to the professional football league.

Today, when everyone hears Tatum's speech, they can feel his dedication to the NBA from Tatum's words.

What could be more important than that?

Compared with Silver, who never watches football, always sits in the bar, relies on information brought by assistants, and gives answers to questions as soon as he thinks with his butt, a president like Tatum who takes the lead by example is the leader most needed by the NBA!

The final result of the voting is obvious.

71% of the votes support Tatum to succeed as president.

After so many years of hard work, Tatum finally realized his ambition as he wished!

The next day, the NBA officially announced that Tatum officially became the president of the NBA Trust.

At the same time, the finals between the Lakers and the Heat will soon usher in the final battle of life and death.

After the Heat tie the score, the two sides will have a life-and-death tiebreaker at the Lakers' home court.

After the Heat's fortune teller Riley was taken away by the police for interrogation, the Heat's players became listless like eggplants beaten by frost.

Although the final result of the law will certainly not come to these innocent players.

However, because of Riley's scandal, the Heat's players felt that they could no longer hold their heads up.

Back in Los Angeles, except for training during the day, Ge Feng spent the rest of the time beside Xia Shilan and the children, patiently accompanying them.

After a shooting, Ge Feng is no longer the same Ge Feng as before.

Although this time, Xiao Hua's assassination failed.But he still left an unforgettable shadow in Ge Feng's heart.

However, it was precisely because of this shooting that Ge Feng became more determined.

Ge Feng was even more determined about what he wanted most.

In the past two days, Ge Feng had imagined countless times, if the police showed up later on that day, if a bullet pierced his head, would he regret it because he offended Xiao Hua.

Later, Ge Feng figured out the answer to this question.

He won't regret it.

Even if he did it all over again, Ge Feng would choose to fight Xiao Hua without hesitation.

Kiss, hug, hold high.

After throwing away all distracting thoughts, Ge Feng felt extremely peaceful in his heart.

He enjoyed the time when he and the children were together, because what Ge Feng did was to bring hope to the children, wasn't it?
On June 2022, 6, after about a week's delay from the original schedule, Game 7 of the NBA Finals will be officially held at the Staples Arena in Los Angeles!

The meaning behind this game is very big.

This year's Finals is not only the most ups and downs in NBA history, but also the most unforgettable year in NBA history.

This year, the NBA has experienced so many setbacks that fans who know the truth feel that this year's finals are a bit unreal.

Staples was full of people. After learning that Ge Feng had received so many threats and discrimination in the NBA, the fans suddenly had a wave of respect for Ge Feng. Even the basketball god Jordan had never received a respect.

In the Lakers locker room before the game, the Lakers players are making final preparations.

"Forget the last game, we are the best!"

"It's hard to survive until dawn, we can't fall before dawn no matter what!"


The Lakers players encouraged each other.

Tatum's figure appeared on the scene of the finals. When the director showed Tatum the camera, all the Lakers fans cheered together.

The significance of Tatum to Lakers fans is self-evident. If it weren't for Tatum, the Lakers would not know how many stars they would have lost in the last assassination.

Thanks to Tatum, the police were able to grasp enough evidence of Xiao Hua's foul in the first place, and smash Xiao Hua's conspiracy before the situation deteriorated.

For Lakers fans, Tatum is like a savior.

It was him who saved the Lakers!
(End of this chapter)

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