USSR 1991

Page 62

In order to promote the positive image of the Soviet Union in the international arena, according to Yanayev's instructions, all officers and soldiers received the best treatment at the naval base in Murmansk. There was no cruel imprisonment or 24-hour torture by KGB agents. Endless beef, sturgeon, and endless vodka.

A navy sailor put his arms around the neck of a Soviet soldier and said drunkenly, "Thank God, if my child is not still in California, I really want to come here and enjoy life. Well, the bad thing is that it is colder. I I'm starting to miss the sunshine in California."

The Soviet soldier replied, "There are no class distinctions among the people, my comrade. If you wish, you are welcome in the Soviet Union. The Russian people welcome their loyal friends with vodka."

"Hahahaha, your English is really good, soldier. When I go back, I must tell everyone that the Soviet Union is a friendly country, not the evil empire that the United States promotes. Long live the friendship, cheers." The navy sailor raised his hand drunkenly. The cup said to the other unconscious sailors who were also drinking.

The accompanying Soviet officers just stood aside and watched all this with a sneer in their hearts. These sailors were just pawns used to promote the positive image of the Soviet Union.Class friendship?Don't be joking comrades, unless one day the North American continent is full of red flags, let's talk about the story of class friendship.

When the sailors were celebrating happily, only Captain Jones and Remus of the Baton Rouge were having a drink and chatting in the same room, or fighting against each other.

"I admit that you are indeed superior to me technically, Captain Remus." Jones raised a glass of wine and gently bumped the glass in Remus's hand, there was a sense of sympathy between the two, "But we Always the enemy and the adversary, and the fact that the Baton Rouge is in your hands will not be concealed for long, unless you keep me locked up, or make our crew disappear completely."

"We have never seized your country's submarines. They have sunk in the wrecked waters." Remus took a sip of his red wine and replied calmly, "Of course we won't take action against you, Captain Jones. Are you Guests of the Soviet Union, not enemies, let the politicians deal with those troublesome things, and be a pawn with peace of mind, isn’t it good?”

Jones was taken aback for a moment, his resentful expression flashed, and soon calmed down again.He said with a smile, "Captain Remus is really scheming."

"Each, each other." Remus also said with a smile.

A few days later, the American officers and soldiers left the country where they had been intoxicated for several days, boarded a plane and returned to the United States.They reluctantly looked at the snowy country for the last time, and then returned to the world of liberalism.

Almost at the same time as they got off the plane, they were treated by countless spotlights from reporters outside the airport. The US government personnel were waiting for them and welcomed the heroes home with smiles.

Bush is not going to let the Democrats continue bashing the Republicans in the newspapers.The Bush administration later changed its strategy. Since it could no longer suppress this incident, it might as well portray this group of people as heroes of the United States against evil and tyranny, and shift its attention to the problems of the Soviet Union itself.Anyway, it's not that the United States has never done this kind of stealing.

Suddenly, such as "The Soviets abused our soldiers in the cruelest way!" ", "Those People Might Be Into the New Gulag", "Hold On, Boy.The country and mother have not given up on you! " and other tragic and provocative reports covered up the initial inaction of the Bush administration to conceal the incident.Sure enough, the people's attention was attracted by these headlines, and they gradually forgot about the expiration of the previous government.

For the U.S. government, they don't need to restrict public opinion. Guiding and controlling public opinion is their best means.Just like a classic saying "American politics is a group of elites leading the pigs of the whole country".

It's just that everything turned around because of a small accident.

When a reporter from a pro-Republican newspaper asked a soldier if he had been inhumanely mistreated in the Soviet Union, the sailor, who hadn't noticed his captain's eyes, said at the top of his voice, "Abused? Thank God, that was the worst experience in my life." Good time. Delicious vodka, delicious beef and fresh sturgeon. I really suggest that you should visit the Soviet Union, it is not an evil empire on the other side of the Pacific."

"Are you saying that you have been treated well, not a tortured hero as advertised by our government?" The reporter was slightly taken aback, realizing that this was a good opportunity to dig out news, and quickly continued to ask.

What could be more valuable news than the discovery that the government is deceiving the public?

"Yes, a world where everyone is truly equal." The soldier became excited as he spoke, and he continued to break the news to the reporter, "There is no human rights, that's just a one-sided claim from the West. We were treated well there. They didn't mistreat us, we were doing well in Murmansk. No wonder why our former workers envied the Soviet Union, because there was no such thing as unemployment!"

As soon as this remark was made, there was an uproar around, and the faces of the US government officials became extremely ugly. Seeing this, the companions around hurriedly stopped the unrestrained navy soldier, pulled him back into the team, and warned him not to talk nonsense. .The soldier waved his hand innocently, "What I said is the truth."

The navy's move aroused the curiosity of the reporters even more. They all rushed forward and pointed their microphones at the soldier, wanting to continue to ask how the matter was going to be, but they were blocked by government personnel.

"They need a little time to face the public, please calm down." Facing the dissatisfaction of reporters, a US government official came forward to explain, but his explanation was more like an excuse to add fuel to the fire.Reporters have said that the government is lying and deceiving them, and the American people need to know the truth!

A few days later, newspapers supporting the Democratic Party received photos sent from nowhere. Navy sailors celebrating with Soviet soldiers smiled happily at the camera. Two camp soldiers who had been hostile for decades shook hands for the first time. The scene of sex is no less surprising than seeing German and French soldiers celebrate the New Year together during the First World War.

The lies of the Bush administration were also self-defeating because of this little accident.

What followed was overwhelming accusations from the media. Democratic newspapers accused the Bush administration of covering up the truth in an attempt to create a crisis of confidence, while those originally neutral newspapers also began to accuse the Bush administration of not spending their own soldiers, and had reached their own ulterior political secrets. .

"They are ordinary soldiers, they are someone's son, they are the father of a certain child, they are not commodities that your politicians consume the public! We strongly protest the government's concealment of the truth!" The New York Daily launched a severe protest to the Bush administration.

At this time, the approval ratings of Bush and the Republican Party really fell to the bottom, and those photos sent from Moscow became the last straw that crushed the Republican Party.

With the presidential election as the tombstone, Moscow dug a hole and the Democratic Party buried it. This carefully planned internal and external cooperation made Bush's last effort to restore the government's image go to waste. When everyone in society is celebrating the return of soldiers, only Bush is in the office Li was sad.The current situation is obvious, and the presidential election four months later will completely miss him.

"Damn the Soviet Union! Damn Yanayev! I will make you pay!"

On this day, there was a chilling roar of anger in the White House.

Chapter 132 Rectify the traitor

Unlike the American sailors who were treated as heroes after returning home, Captain Remus was suspended for investigation by the internal department after the turmoil was over. , so that the Navy needs to spend an expensive maintenance fee.

The lights in the interrogation room were very dim, and the guys in the internal department all revealed a gloomy atmosphere like these dim lights. When Captain Remus came over from the Political Department, he asked if he felt sorry for what he had done. When regretting, Remus shook his head, expressing that he did not regret it.

"This is the waters of the Soviet Union. I absolutely do not allow American ships to collect our intelligence here. Once found, they will immediately fight back." Remus' reply is still plausible. He is a person who has experienced the peak of the confrontation between the US and the Soviet Union in the 80s and [-]s. , What kind of storm has never been seen.

"But don't forget, Captain Remus. You are a soldier, and all actions of soldiers must obey the orders of their superiors. Do you know how much damage your private actions have caused to national property?" The man sitting in the middle pushed He took a look at his glasses, and his face was gloomy like ice that would never melt for thousands of years.

"You said it was government property?" Remus sneered, and asked mockingly, "Then let me ask you, no matter how precious the army's property is, how important is the dignity of the country?"

"Captain Remus, don't change the subject." The interrogator Xie Liaosha was obviously impatient, he pointed at Remus' head with a pencil, and said, "I'll ask you again, you won't regret it later Your original behavior. As long as you admit it, you can get out of the confinement room, and if you don’t admit it, you will continue to stay in the confinement room until you admit it wrong.”

"I'm sorry, I don't regret it." Remus' answer was forceful, even the dim light in the interrogation room couldn't hide the firm and bright light in his eyes.

Faced with Remus' refusal to obey, Xie Liaosha became a little annoyed. He pointed at Remus' nose and said fiercely, "Then you can continue to stay in the confinement room! I don't think you want to come out either. Already!"

After sending Remus back to the confinement room, Seryosha returned to his office.There, his immediate boss, Chernawin who just came to the Northern Fleet for inspection, was waiting for his news.

Chernavin was sitting on his seat, playing with the Order of the Red Star in his hands. He didn't even bother to raise his head to look at the other party, and asked directly, "How is it? Comrade Remus still refuses to admit his mistakes?"

Xie Liaosha shook his head, and said with regret on his face, "He firmly believes that what he did is correct, and we also feel very embarrassed about it. Give us a little time, as long as his psychological defense has completely collapsed, we can Forcing him to admit his mistake. As long as he admits his mistake, the government will be ashamed to do any praise, sir, and your goal has been achieved."

"Hmph." Chernavin was obviously dissatisfied with the interrogator's reply, "I don't care if he is a Soviet hero with a lot of medals, or the best captain of the North Sea Fleet. In short, this matter must force him to admit his mistake. No matter what method is used, you know?"

Chernavin held his chin, slowly thinking about the next plan, making small moves within the navy, and contradicting Yanayev's policy is the only thing he can do now.Chernavin hated Yanayev's rise to power and reforms because he had ruined his years of hard work.

Let Comrade Yeltsin take over the state power, and he successfully became a member of the new interest group, before August last year, it seemed to be a certainty.It's just that all of this disappeared with Yeltsin's death.

"I see." Seriyasha replied in a low voice. He respectfully sent Chernavin away all the way. Thinking about it, being a loyal servant of the commander-in-chief of the navy is really not an easy task.

The incident of Remus's confinement somehow also reached Yanayev's ears. Unlike the navy's cautious attitude, Yanayev was a little annoyed. It was also because of the prudence of the Soviet Union that he gave up a great opportunity to promote his army's image. He did not expect that when faced with such a great publicity opportunity again, the navy would choose such an incredible and strange way of handling Remus in confinement.

As a think tank, Surkov reminded him that it is obvious that the cohesion of our navy is not as good as that of the army and air force that are firmly in our hands. If Yanayev leaves it alone, hehe, I am afraid that the wild horse will run away next. situation.

It was also Surkov's words that made Yanayev finally free up his hands to rectify the high-level navy who had no time to pay attention to before.He doesn't mind a political purge either. Those who can't see the current situation should retire, and those who are in the wrong team should apologize to Lenin.

Yanayev is like death, he came here and left hell.

Yanayev, who had always been prejudiced against the navy, finally made up his mind this time to rectify the high-level navy.He rejected the previous economic project inspection and flew directly to the Northern Fleet base in Murmansk. First, he taught the arrogant navy a lesson. Second, he warned those who had an ambiguous attitude with Chernavin. They better make one thing clear, the one who pays you is my Soviet leader Yanayev, not Chernavin.

Felix Nikolaevich Gromov, the commander-in-chief of the Northern Fleet, immediately received the news that Yanayev was going to visit the naval base. He temporarily organized a guard of honor to welcome the president. Yanayev's expression on getting off the plane was not as friendly and friendly as he had imagined, as if he had come to ask a teacher for a crime.

General Gromov secretly touched the sweat on his forehead, thinking that this was not a good thing.Yanayev's reputation as a "butcher" has long been known to the army, and military personnel who have seen the dazzling appointments and dismissals of the top army are all worried about Yanayev's coming.Especially after the military personnel who were on the side of the liberals met in court, they disappeared without a trace in the end.

"Comrade Gromov, I am really flattered by your ostentation." Yanayev said with deep meaning. At this time, the Severomorsk Fleet Headquarters was still in a cold winter with a temperature of around minus 7 degrees. Yanayev would let out a burst of white gas without saying a word.

"But if you treat Comrade Remus's ostentation as solemnly as I do, I don't think I need to come to this place again." Yanayev sighed deliberately and said meaningfully.

Of course Gromov knew what Yanayev said. He nodded quickly and said, "Well, President Yanayev, I will release Remus from the confinement room immediately, you What do you think?"

"It's just released?" Yanayev raised his eyebrows, and said in a strange way, "Is it true that our country just ignores a hero when it's treated?"

"Then what should I do? President Yanayev." Gromov was about to cry when faced with Yanayev's pressing accusations.He can be regarded as a man of his age, and he doesn't want to be sent to Vorkuta Prison to dig coal.

Yanayev leaned forward and said in a low voice, "I know about the shitty affair between you and Chernavin. If you still want to retire safely, you'd better listen to my orders..."

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