USSR 1991

Page 63

A few hours later, Yanayev came to the confinement room of the Severomorsk Fleet Headquarters. The narrow and dark corridor was dark and dark. The gloomy and damp floor made Yanayev shrink his neck. This kind of place is simply Like a dark cell used by the KGB to interrogate prisoners.

And Gromov accompanied Yanayev all the way to the confinement room of Remus. No one dared to stop him half a step on the way, but the eyes of the soldiers guarding the confinement room were a bit complicated, because Yanayev had just arrived. In the first few minutes, Chernavin's interrogators also came to interrogate Remus in the brig.

Before reaching the door, Yanayev heard an uncomfortable threatening line.

"Comrade Remus, if you continue to be so stubborn, you will be retired early or transferred to another office department. Believe me, I also know that you love your career very much, but you don't want to be overwhelmed by this matter." Be treated unfairly. As long as you obediently sign this document, everything is negotiable."

Yanayev glanced at Gromov beside him, who just smiled awkwardly, spread his hands and said in a low voice, "This is none of my business, Your Excellency. The interrogators are from Chernavin's side. "

Yanayev, who was like a mirror, knew what was going on at once. He nodded and signaled Gromov to keep quiet, and he walked in with Gromov.

"If I don't say to let Captain Remus retire, whoever dares to retire him will throw him into the prison of Vorkuta. I will do what I say." Behind Seryosha, who was still interrogating Remus, came suddenly. With a bone-cold voice, he turned his head and saw a tall man standing behind him. Xie Liaosha, who happened to be in the direction of the backlight, couldn't see his face clearly.

"What kind of attitude are you talking to me? Do you know who I am? I advise you to go aside and don't meddle too much." Xie Liaosha asked angrily. Few people dare to talk to him like this.He also didn't notice that Gromov, who was standing aside, was signaling him to shut up with his eyes.

He didn't show cowardice, and Xie Liaosha, who suddenly realized that something was wrong, took a step back, and only opened his mouth in surprise when he really saw the face of the person in front of him clearly.

At the same time he took a step back, Yanayev also just took a step forward, standing condescendingly in front of Serryozha on the last step, and said in a steady tone, "As the leader of the Soviet Union, is it enough?" qualifications?"

Chapter 133 We Shouldn't Forget the Heroes

Seryozha instantly understood that the person in front of him turned out to be the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. Under Yanayev's majestic gaze, Seryozha, who was usually defiant, felt frightened. He opened his mouth, not knowing What should be said.But Yanayev would not give him time to think, and said directly to Gromov beside him, "General Grolov, remember what I said before, I don't want to see scum and moths in the army , so I hope you know what to do next."

Gromov, who chose to stand on Yanayev's side, nodded decisively. He walked up to Seryozha and said, "You know what to do, Comrade Seryozha. You should do it yourself, and don't worry about it." Put me in a difficult position. From today onwards, you will be dismissed from your post and suspended to wait for your decision. This time, even your immediate superior will not be able to help you."

Gromov estimated that he pronounced the words "superior boss" very emphatically, in order to let Yanayev next to him know that there was a mastermind behind Seryozha, and he fell into the pit of Commander-in-Chief Chernavin once.However, Yanayev had no expression on his face, and just silently remembered everything in his heart.

Seeing Seryosha standing still, Yanayev frowned and said impatiently, "Please step aside, comrade. Don't stand in front of the hero, you are not qualified to do so."

Gromov, who wanted to please Yanayev, quickly winked at the people around him, and the guards around him quickly came over understandingly, grabbed Seryozha's arm and pulled it out. Seryozha, who came back to his senses, Grabbing Gromov's sleeve, he shouted, "You can't do this to me, General Gromov. I have served the navy, I have shed blood for the navy, let me go, I want to see Cherna Commander Wen!"

Gromov shook his hand away in disgust, and let Seryosha be dragged down by the guards, leaving a series of sharp mourning echoes in the corridor, which was chilling to hear.

Gromov tactfully withdrew, leaving only Yanayev and Remus in the small and dark confinement room.Remus, who hadn't had a good night's sleep for several days, raised his head, looked at the man in front of him, and said with some self-deprecation, "Is it because I haven't had a good rest these days? Why do I see the shadow of the general secretary?"

"You read that right, Comrade Remus, I am General Secretary Yanayev, and I am here to pick you up." Yanayev sighed and said slowly. He stretched out his hand in front of Remus, attempting to He pulls up.The other party just waved his hand, raised his head, and looked at Yanayev with a pair of bloodshot eyes.

"I just want to know one thing. I safeguarded the interests of the motherland. Did I do something wrong?" Remus, who was righteous even under the coercion and lure of Sergey Sha, had an expression full of humiliation and sadness at this moment.

"No, those who protect the interests of the motherland are never wrong." Looking at Remus, who was supposed to be a hero of the Soviet Union, now desolate like a prisoner, Yanayev suddenly felt distressed for no reason.

"That's good, that's good." Remus asked, "Can I resume my job now? I still want to continue to defend the frontiers of the motherland in the sea."

"Comrade Remus, of course you can be reinstated." Yanayev said, "Not only will you be reinstated, but you will also be treated as a hero. Our motherland is not great because it created a huge war that the West fears We are not machines, but there are unsung heroes like you. As long as you are still there, our ideals and our struggles will not fail."

"Okay, General Secretary Yanayev, I believe you." At this moment, Remus, who had been silent for a long time, smiled for the first time. He also stretched out his hand to hold Yanayev's right hand, and stood up .

Seeing Remus finally, Yanayev finally breathed a sigh of relief. He looked around the gloomy environment and said, "This kind of prison is only suitable for the enemies of the Soviet Union. A true hero like you should be rewarded with flowers and applause." To be greeted. Not to stay here and be forgotten."

Two hours later, a radiant Remus appeared in the awarding auditorium of the Severomorsk headquarters. Standing on the podium, Remus received the Alexander Nevsky Medal from Yanayev in an extraordinary way.It is used to praise his bravery and decisiveness in the Arctic Ocean crisis, and his flexible command of battles that severely damaged American ships.

When Remus presented the award, there was intense applause from the audience. This is the first time that the North Sea Fleet has won such a significant medal award in the past ten years.So much so that Remus, who has always been calm and calm, still trembled with excitement when facing the sudden honor.

No one would have thought that he, who was still a prisoner one minute, would become a hero of the Soviet Union in the next second.

"I am very grateful to General Secretary Yanayev." Remus was a little excited and incoherent when he delivered his speech, "Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Similarly, I don't think I did anything wrong. Submarines are the unshirkable responsibility of every captain! If I had to choose again, I would still crash into it without hesitation, even if I was imprisoned in a confinement room or retired early, I would definitely not regret it!"

As soon as Remus finished speaking, Yanayev, who was sitting by the side, got up and applauded first. Seeing that the general secretary had set an example, the people in the audience stood up and gave the same warm applause.When Remus retreated, Yanayev stood on the podium and gave a speech, just like the convention in the system, but Yanayev's speech was far better than those bureaucrats who didn't stick their fingers in the mud Some.

"Captain Remus handled the Arctic crisis very well this time. He told the Americans with real actions that this is our sea area, and the territory is sacred and inviolable. Today, I also want to give K-246 the The new codename for the La-class nuclear submarine, Hunt the Mayflower."

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar. They didn't expect the general secretary to give such a provocative name.

And what Yanayev thought was that since the movie Hunting Red October was released in the United States the year before last, he didn't mind taking advantage of this crisis to give the submarine a new name and feel proud.

Yanayev continued, his tone was soothing and eloquent, "Comrades here, I have heard this sentence before, the evaluation of the greatness of a country does not lie in how tough his words are, his attitude How resolute. It depends on whether it has had heroes. A country without heroes is sad, and a country that forgets heroes is shameful. Do you know the price of a country's dignity? Thousands of people like Comrade Remus In exchange for the sacrifice of tens of thousands of people. Why did the Soviet Union become so powerful after the war and became a country surrounded and hated by the Western world? It was because our soldiers, the great Red Army, did not choose to abandon the motherland at the moment of greatest danger. "

Infected by his own emotions, Yanayev's eyes also turned red when he said this. He looked around the silent crowd in the audience and continued, "When you shout slogans, everything is for the Soviets, for the revolution, and for us. Great victory, when defending the dignity of the motherland, please, like Comrade Remus, use actual actions to prove it, not an empty slogan or despicable practices that are false.

"Our comrades' thinking has been shaken and deviated. They enjoy the benefits provided by the people and the hard work of their fathers, but they do not fulfill their obligations to serve the people. They also seem to be at ease and try to use so-called free thinking to suppress Those people who are fighting for the motherland. I just want to advise them here, the Soviet will never forgive those who betray the people, and you will be punished.” This paragraph is used by Yanayev to warn Chernavin and others Liberal officers of the navy, if you choose to take refuge in the opposite side, then we will never forgive the traitor.

"I hope all comrades can remember this sentence, the motherland will eventually choose those who are loyal to the motherland! The motherland will eventually remember those who are dedicated to the motherland!"

As soon as the last sonorous and passionate words fell, there was thunderous applause from the audience.All excited, excited, unwilling, angry, and resentful eyes gathered on Yanayev at this moment, and they did not move away for a long time.

Chapter 134 A great country can only complete it

Yanayev's speech at the Northern Fleet Headquarters was regarded as a precursor to the great purge of the navy. Although he did not name him, everyone knew that it was aimed at the commander-in-chief of the Chernavin Navy who framed Captain Remus. All high-level.After the news leaked, those guys who hadn't boarded the thief ship began to secretly draw a line with the members of the free faction of the navy, and some officers who had already boarded the thief ship were thinking about how to jump off the ship.Yanayev's mere words caused a crisis in the internal group of these people.

They were all afraid that after a week, the guys from the disciplinary committee would appear inexplicably in the offices of some unlucky people, and tell those poor people to come with them with gloomy faces.Then?Then I never saw them come back, as if they disappeared out of thin air.For a while, the ruthless style and high efficiency of the disciplinary committee made those corrupt bureaucrats in the army tremble.

Everything is as Yanayev said, he absolutely does not allow moths and scum to appear in the army, all those who violate the Soviet will and betray the people will be thrown to Vorkuta to dig coal, without exception.

It’s just that Yanayev didn’t go directly to the Soviet Navy Headquarters in St. Petersburg to settle accounts, but went to Ukraine’s Black Sea Shipyard first.There is no special plan, he just went to see how far the unfinished Varyag has been built on a whim.

It is also thanks to Yanayev’s change of the historical timeline that the Varyag project, which should have been stopped this year, may continue, and Makarov, the director of the Black Sea Shipyard who presided over the overall construction of Varyag, does not need to Standing in front of the unfinished all day long, muttering to me to take another look at it.

And this time Yanayev's sudden visit also caught Kravchuk off guard. Because of the turbulent situation, Wu Kelian has no recent projects worthy of being investigated.But Yanayev was more concise, saying that he had no interest in anything other than going to the Black Sea Shipyard.

Hearing that Yanayev was going to the Black Sea Shipyard, Kravchuk was relieved. It seems that Yanayev's goal is the unfinished Varyag, not the problem of corruption and bribery in the joining countries. Army resources are Yanayev's top priority.

Accompanied by Kravchuk, Yanayev visited the Nikolaev Shipyard, which has a [-]-ton crane and is the only aircraft carrier assembly plant in the Soviet Union.In January last year, the Kuznetsov, which was launched from here, has already started its official service in the Northern Fleet, while the unfinished Varyag and Ulyanovsk are still under the military budget of the Soviet Union. Continuing to build.

The hull of the Varyag was docked at the port of the Nikolaev Shipyard. Unlike the treatment of the wind and rain after the disintegration, the Varyag at this time was under the leadership of the director of the Nikolaev Shipyard. Karloff's careful treatment is like taking care of his own children.

Yanayev rejected Kravchuk's accompanying visit and chose a simple visit.Accompanied by the entourage, I visited the shipyard where Varyag was being built in full swing.The numerous cranes and the dizzying variety of heavy industry machine tools made Yanayev feel for the first time what is called a real heavy industry developed country.

"Director Makarov will lead us aboard the Varyag every day, and go through places that may have hidden dangers and must be under supervision at all times. The road is called 'Makarov Avenue', which expresses the praise of Makarov's meticulous and rigorous attitude and loyalty to the national mission." A workshop director who supervised the workers' operations on site introduced to Yanayev , Everyone at the Nikolayev Shipyard mentioned their factory director with sincere admiration in their hearts.

At this time, Makarov was still inspecting work on the ship. Yanayev was embarrassed to disturb him, so he had to stand quietly in the shadow of the Varyag, a huge ship, admiring the sights that only industrially developed countries can build. out of War Machine.When this aircraft carrier actually begins to serve, it is also the time to issue a statement challenging the sea power to the United States.

"Sea power is sacred, challenging sea power is evil, and the end of challenging sea power is tragic." This sentence that he had seen in "Empire Sea Power" suddenly popped up in Yanayev's mind, and then he smiled and said to himself He said to himself, "Consciousness of sea power? The enlightenment it gives us is that our red flags will be planted all over the world's four oceans, so that everyone will know that we not only have a huge torrent of steel, but also an equally terrifying giant wave of steel."

However, the ideal is full, and the reality is skinny. The follow-up funding of the Varyag and Ulyanovsk is still a headache. After all, there are too many places where the Soviet Union needs money. The conflict experienced in Chechnya almost exhausted the small coffers of gray income of the Soviet government.

When Director Makarov got off Varyag, someone ran over and told him that the General Secretary was waiting for him at the pier below.Makarov straightened his clothes in a hurry, and hurriedly ran towards Yanayev.When he walked in front of Yanayev, Makarov was already out of breath. Yanayev supported Makarov, who was nearly 60 years old, and said, "Please Slow down, Factory Director Makarov. Don't rush to see me, completing the construction of the Varyag is your top priority."

"No, General Secretary Yanayev." Makarov said out of breath, "I want to ask another question, when will the follow-up funds for the Varyag be ready. Our construction task has been due to The problem of funding is slowing down day by day.”

Yanayev's face was difficult, not because he didn't want to complete the task of building Varyag, but under the policy of Minister of Economy Ryzhkov that focused on economic construction, even if it was the vast majority of gray income from arms transactions They are all used to support the construction of light industry, coupled with the discontinuation of many military projects in the Soviet Union, it is reasonable for the construction of Varyag and Ulyanovsk to gradually slow down.

"Comrade Makarov, I hope you can understand the difficulties of the country." Yanayev sighed and revealed the truth to him, "It's not that we don't want to speed up the construction of the two aircraft carriers, but that the state's finances The past two years have really been stretched. The military expenditure of a Chechen war is no less than the construction of two aircraft carriers in one or two phases, so I hope you can bear with it. I am also trying to find ways to raise funds to complete this project. project."

Seeing Yanayev confiding the truth to Makarov, the director of Makarov did not continue to persist. He said worriedly, "This aircraft carrier is a feat that I have devoted most of my life to. I I also don't want him to die in my hands."

"Believe me, Comrade Makarov, I will not let your hard work go to waste." Yanayev recalled the director Makarov who went to visit the Varyag in history in all weathers.

After the disintegration of the Soviet Union in history, the Ukrainian government broke up in negotiations with the Russian aircraft carrier because it was unable to continue to build Varyag.At that time, Makarov had to visit the last work he hadn't finished every day, muttering to let me look at it again.

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