USSR 1991

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Thinking of this, Yanayev asked inexplicably, "Comrade Makarov, if one day the Soviet Union disintegrates and only the Russian Federation or Ukraine remains, can we continue to complete the construction of this aircraft carrier?"

Director Makarov turned his head, looked at Yanayev with an incredible look, shook his head and said, "Don't be kidding, General Secretary Yanayev. I need the Soviet Union, the Party Central Committee, and the country to complete this aircraft carrier. Planning Commission, Military Industry Commission, nine defense industry departments, and [-] supporting manufacturers. And they are all scattered in various republics. If the country disintegrates, it will be impossible to complete this difficult task.”

Makarov's tone became a little excited. Looking at the Varyag's increasingly perfect hull, there was a firm and sacred light in his eyes. He looked at Yanayev, as if introducing his great ideals. serious.

"Only a great nation could have done it."

Chapter 135 Don't forget this is the Soviet

What made Chernavin a little sullen was that Yanayev did not come directly to Leningrad to inquire and confront, but visited the Severomorsk Naval Base and visited Ukraine. factory and returned to Moscow.There is no wind at all, as if they don't care about the dirty things behind the top of the navy.

Just like he erased the existence of Xie Liaosha lightly, no one in the entire Northern Fleet dared to oppose the general secretary's decision.This seriously hurt Chernavin's self-esteem.

The more abnormal Yanayev was and the calmer he became, the more flustered Chernavin was. After all, this crazy leader who never played his cards out of common sense and dared to single-handedly challenge the Western world could do anything.

Sure enough, a few days later, news came from Moscow that was bad news for the navy. Moscow stated that because of the shortage of military expenditures, it planned to forcibly retire an aircraft carrier Kiev from the Northern Fleet Navy in advance and sell it to other countries.This may also become the first active aircraft carrier of the Soviet Union to be sold abroad.

This is a nightmare for Chernavin. He was originally the commander-in-chief of the Navy who came out of the Northern Fleet. Yanayev's approach is equivalent to digging the foundation of Chernavin.He also used a subtle method to warn Chernawin, find out your identity, and you will never end well if you go against me.

Gromov, who had already betrayed Chernavin in the Northern Fleet, also tactfully cooperated with Yanayev's actions, and complained to Chernavin, indicating that the Northern Fleet cannot be reduced, otherwise the aircraft carrier group will have no choice To form enough combat power, although they have the Kuznetsov, they can crush the other three major fleets with the addition of a Kiev class.

The intrigue between the four major fleets of the Soviet Navy is no less than the intrigue in the Kremlin, so facing the abolition of the Northern Fleet in his headquarters, Chernavin also saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart.

No way, Chernavin had no choice but to come to Moscow to meet Comrade Defense Minister Comrade Yazov, hoping that through lobbying Yazov, the high-level executive would change his mind.When Chernavin stepped into the Kremlin, suddenly an ominous premonition welled up in his heart, as if all this was a well-designed trap by someone.

But the matter has come to this point, and Chernavin has no possibility of backing down. If he goes back now, he will be convicted of the navy's contemptuousness.So in any case, he has to save face in front of Yazov and let Yanayev give up his decision to abolish the Kiev.

"Hmph, I still don't believe it. You, the newly appointed Yanayev, can break the foundation of my decades in the navy." After experiencing the chaos of the army in the Gorbachev era, Chernavin has already Grasping the supreme power of the navy, as long as he gives an order, the entire Soviet navy can refuse to implement Yanayev's order.

Of course, this is not a good thing for Yanayev, who wants to seize the power of the three armed forces.

Chernavin, who walks in the corridor of the Kremlin with his hands behind his back, is particularly eye-catching. Decades of pampered life seems to have made him forget one thing. It seems that the navy has been out of Moscow's control and control for a long time, and only he is The central pillar and forward goal of the entire Soviet Navy.

But unfortunately, in front of Yanayev, people with this kind of thinking often don't live long.

"Comrade Chernavin, you are still here." After seeing Chernavin, Minister of Defense Yazov ignored him and said directly, "I still advise you not to go to this matter." Think about it, the central government has decided to sell the Kiev, if you go on like this, be careful that you end up with a mantis in your arms."

"So when will the Varyag be built?" Hearing Yazov's slightly threatening threat, Chernavin was also a little sullen, "As far as I know, the Varyag and the Ulyanovsk After serving, the Northern Fleet will not be given priority. What does this mean? Specifically for our Northern Fleet? The general secretary must come up with a statement, otherwise I will not go anywhere today, just waiting for Moscow to give me a reply."

Yazov shook his head, looked at Chernavin with some pity, and said with a sigh, "I have already advised you, but you are unwilling to accept this opportunity for reconciliation. You should go back, while there is still a chance. "

"What do you mean? The central government has already started to threaten subordinates?" Chernavin sneered, pointing to the medal on his chest, and said forcefully, "I am also a hero of the Soviet Navy. When will one What is the new general secretary who has so much power, and even Comrade Gorbachev shows due respect to the admirals of the navy?"

"Times have changed, Comrade Chernavin. This is no longer the time when Gorbachev allowed you to do anything wrong. Sometimes old antiques that do not conform to the rules of the times will be eliminated. Only those who abide by the rules can stay .” Yazov spread his hands to indicate that he and Chernavin had nothing to say.

"You are old, Yazov." Faced with Yazov's kindness, Chernavin said disdainfully, "became cautious and afraid to resist. The Soviet belongs to the people, not to his general secretary alone .”

As soon as Chernawin finished speaking, the door creaked open behind him, bringing with it the sound of heavy footsteps and a chilling wind that sent chills down the spine.Chernavin turned his head and saw the man he had been obsessed with standing behind him, looking down at him with a more imposing gaze.Behind him, soldiers from the internal affairs department filed in, forming a circle around him.

"Yes, the Soviet does belong to the people, not to the dictator. But he doesn't belong to the traitor either!" Yanayev asked sternly.

When Chernavin turned his head to look at Yazov, the other party was still calm, and even said something like I told you earlier, and the general secretary gave you a chance.It's just that you don't cherish yourself.

"You actually set up a trap to trap me?" Chernavin couldn't believe that the central government would do this, and set up a trap to trap a high-level navy.

"What do you think is now? Or the era when the army broke with Gorbachev after eight or nine years? Wake up, your dream was over eight months ago, and there will be no more army running amok and taking the lead in betraying the country Behavior." Faced with Chernavin's accusation, Yanayev felt a little amused.

This action was proposed by Yanayev. The visit to the Northern Fleet was also to cooperate with those who opposed Chernavin in the navy, and then angered the already defiant leader through the plan to reduce the aircraft carrier, and finally waited for him to leave alone. After reaching the Leningrad base camp, he was taken down without bloodshed.A possible conflict and crisis was avoided.If there is a naval rebellion and surrender to the enemy, Yanayev does not know where to put his face.

At this moment, Chernavin realized the helpless loneliness. His eyes were blinded by pride and arrogance, and he blindly believed that even Moscow could not shake his actual control over the navy.

Yanayev especially admired Chernavin's downcast appearance at this time, and he continued to hit the poor guy in front of him, "By the way, there is one more thing I want to tell you. At the moment you leave, the disciplinary committee member The 'butchers' have also started to go to Leningrad to investigate the officers. The KGB organization has been collecting evidence of your crimes since October last year. A large basket of evidence is enough for all of you to spend the rest of your life digging near the Arctic Circle. coal."

Even Yanayev was a little shocked when the evidence of the navy selling officials and taking bribes was presented in front of Yanayev.The loyal and reliable army has been corrupted to such an extent. It is precisely for this reason that Yanayev is determined to rectify the army and let the Soviet army regain the respect of the people.

Chernavin, whose arms were clamped by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, said angrily, "Yanayev, you are political persecution, I don't accept it!"

"Political persecution?" Yanayev said coldly. "Indeed, in the Western free world, you can use such an excuse to absolve yourself of corruption and breaking the law. Of course, there will be fools who will be trusted. But..."

Yanayev paused for a moment, and said sharply, "You must never forget that this is the Soviet Union, not a capitalist society where money and privileges are paramount. Those who betray the people will be punished, without exception!"

Chapter 136 The Last Empire, The Last Man

The news of Chernavin's arrest was like a heavy bomb that caught off guard and ignited the entire Soviet army. This is the most senior official of the army arrested so far.And when Gromov saw this newspaper, he was also secretly glad that he was on the right team at the most critical moment, so now he can drink coffee safely in the office instead of accepting the party organization in the courtroom. investigation.

He had already heard about how the disciplinary department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs dealt with the traitor Gromov. As long as he recalled those cruel methods, he would panic all over.

"Maybe after Chernavin is dismissed, my position will be improved, hehe." Gromov thought proudly, he is now Yanayev's people, who are not open-eyed guys Dare to target yourself.What's more, Gromov has betrayed the secrets of most officials, making them victims of this political struggle.Now Gromov is stepping on the bones of others, step by step on his way to success.

Just when Gromov put the newspaper on and was about to start his day's work, the door of the office was suddenly knocked open by some strangers, which startled Gromov. He quickly looked up and saw several people dressed in the internal affairs department The guy walked up to Gromov quickly, and said unhurriedly, "I'm sorry Comrade Gromov, please follow us now."

"Go with you?" Gromov smiled and said indifferently, "Stop joking, comrades. Do you know who I am? Dare to touch me and call your leader over!"

Faced with Gromov's arrogant attitude, the staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs still patiently explained, "Of course we know who you are. In fact, this arrest was ordered by President Yanayev himself. Oh yes Yes, he also asked us to pass on a word to you, thank you for the information you provided, but no one can change what I decided to do." After finishing speaking, the inspector of the Ministry of Internal Affairs also made a gesture of invitation, indicating that Gro Mofu himself cooperated obediently and didn't make the situation embarrassing.

Gromov's heart suddenly thumped, he scratched his head and said anxiously, "I don't believe it, I don't believe your nonsense, hell, I'm going to see President Yanayev, don't drag me, I'm on the president's side People, you can't do this to me."

"General Secretary Yanayev said that he has only people who are at his side, and opportunists will always be his enemy." The soldiers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs repeated it again, only this time they directly grabbed Gromov's body. hand, dragging him out of the office.The whole corridor echoed with Gromov's heart-piercing screams when he was taken away.Those who heard the yelling panicked and even shook their hands holding pens.

Poor General Gromov hadn't survived the storm for a few days before he became Yanayev's second-in-command in cracking down on corruption.

A few days later, the news of Gromov's resignation spread throughout the country through the major newspapers of the Soviet government. This time it was not only the army that was shocked, but the entire Soviet Union.Prior to this, it was only when the Iron Leader was attacking political opponents and maintaining stability and unity that he had achieved such a point, and Yanayev was only able to attack the military bureaucracy because of corruption.

With the spirit of breaking a jade into nothing, he opened the knife to the inside of the army that has been stubborn for a long time.The repercussions and resistance Yanayev received are obvious. The thresholds of the offices of Defense Minister Yazov and Field Marshal Varennikov who supported Yanayev were almost broken by their former colleagues and students. They asked for two people Help, put a nice word in front of Yanayev, and don't let yourself be thrown at the damned members of the Disciplinary Committee.

The two of them just expressed their helplessness, and then sent away these friends who came to ask for help. Yanayev had let go of the words before, and no one was seen.Those who have problems will be investigated and punished, and those who have no problems will be promoted.The first deputy commander of the navy, Smiryev, took over Chernavin's position and concurrently served as the chief of the navy's general staff.

Yanayev is not stupid either. Drastic reforms will definitely offend the old interest groups, so he also recruited a group of young men who reunited with him to support the purge.Many of them were beneficiaries of the Great Cleansing, so they supported Yanayev's reforms unreservedly.

In this way, the old bureaucracy was slowly settled. Those who should be assigned were sent to Siberia to dig coal, and those who should be demoted were transferred to idle departments. Only those who actively supported Yanayev's reform and Guys with fairly clean backgrounds are candidates to replace those who are about to die.

So far, Yanayev has finally taken control of the absolute power of the Soviet Union's armed forces, and the situation in the turbulent member countries has gradually calmed down. Except for those Eastern European communist countries that have peacefully evolved, he has regained control The situation is over, and the Soviet Union, which is about to collapse, is back on track with its last breath, although the Soviet Union is still in economic difficulties.But NATO's siege is still airtight, unless the giant red bear crashes down, they will definitely not let it go.

The Soviet Union finally became the last remaining communist country on the continent of Europe.

The red prairie fire that once swept almost the whole of Europe has turned into dots of afterglow, which is embarrassing.

It was late at night, and Yanayev, who was still working at his desk in the cold night, raised his head and rubbed his sore eyes.Temporarily put down the pen in his hand, recalling the various experiences of the past year, he is almost the most wronged general secretary of the Soviet Union. Before that, the bureaucratic class in the whole Western world, including himself, denounced him as a "dictatorship". , tyranny, the brutal tsar of communism!" Without exception, they all hoped that the Soviet Union would die as soon as possible, so that they could get a share of the people's property and become real oligarchs.

Just when these people were about to become oligarchs to rule Russia, Yanayev stood up alone and stopped in front of them, telling them with a weak voice but still as firm as iron, as long as I am still here, you don't want to ruin it. The efforts of our ancestors, our glory and dreams.

They became angry, and they attacked in groups. Even though Yanayev was wounded in the end, he still gritted his teeth, unwilling to let go of the great banner in his hand, unwilling to fall down.

In the end, everyone who laughed at him deserved what he deserved, and the fire that was about to be extinguished was rekindled, under the careful care of a man covered in scars.

The last man in the Soviet Empire, the last fight to defend glory and dreams.In this time and space of rebirth, he has indeed achieved great ideals that are still continuing, and the banner of his father's generation has been handed down, endlessly.Even if he is the last person left, he will continue to walk on this lonely road.

Yanayev lowered his head and continued to work. The thick stack of reports around him gradually became thinner. Yanayev, who worked at his desk all night, raised his head after he finished all the work.

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