USSR 1991

Page 84

At the beginning of the meeting, Yanayev made an astonishing decision. The CPSU decided to re-evaluate Stalin's historical status in order to correct the unreasonable and biased evaluations made in the meeting before, and to comment on Stalin correctly. Merits and demerits in the history of the Soviet Union, as well as political status.

Everyone knows that in Khrushchev’s secret report on the 20th Congress of the CPSU, Stalin was refuted as a mad butcher and executioner. It was from that moment that the CPSU’s evaluation of the leader became Confusion, without a unified standard will cause confusion of thought.

Yanayev raised this topic at this time, and there is another more important implication, that is, the Soviet Communist Party will not continue to go further and further on the wrong path of Gorbachev's so-called democratic and open political reforms, and they will establish the Soviet Communist Party in the The only legal status in the Soviet Union’s rule, tell those democratic factions trying to fish in troubled waters, no matter how powerful you are, can you beat the steel tracks of tanks?

"There is no doubt that Gorbachev's evaluation of Stalin at the No. 20th Congress of the CPSU was one-sided. He used slander to deny Stalin's correct position in history. In fact, the Stalin he condemned Relying on torture to force confessions from innocent people and executing them in large numbers, the wrong tactics used in World War II; Stalin's responsibility for destroying the relationship between the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia in 1948 and the question of his personality cult, These are errors of exaggeration."

"Great leaders did make some mistakes in history due to personal reasons, but this does not mean that Stalin's achievements can be completely denied. If according to Khrushchev's statement, then he is like the black and white sculpted by Neizweis. Like a tombstone, merits and demerits are equally divided. But Stalin must not deny him as a tyrannical leader just because of some historical mistakes!"

Yanayev's speech completely overturned the conclusive speeches of the first three leaders. Indeed, the long-term smearing of Stalin has caused him to leave an image of a leader without the slightest merit among the people.

"May I ask what Khrushchev took over? It is a superpower whose economic and military strength is enough to shock Europe, but such a country has been ruined by two idiots, Brezhnev and Gorbachev. They kept saying that Stalin was a sinner of the Soviet Union, but what did they leave for the Soviet Union? Another mess! A mess that requires the people of the whole country to pay for what they did!"

Yanayev's imposing speech shocked all the representatives present. His gaze swept over everyone in the conference table, and a powerful majesty oppressed them, making them breathless.No one dared to look up and look at him, as if it was not Yanayev standing in front of them, but Stalin, the steel leader who regained control of the Soviet regime.Yanayev exhaled slowly.

"Don't forget, when Stalin took over the Soviet Union was a riddled and blocked country, and when he left, he left us a remarkably strong republic!"

Chapter 177 What Are You For?

Yanayev's words were like a blockbuster, detonating the silent atmosphere in the Kremlin Great Hall.Especially after reading the last sentence "He has left you a strong motherland", the representatives who couldn't restrain their inner excitement stood up and gave Yanayev warm applause.The originally silent auditorium was instantly overwhelmed by the thunderous commotion.

Of course, some people also looked at Yanayev with disdainful expressions. In their eyes, the so-called re-establishment of Stalin’s important position in Soviet history was nothing more than to win over the political factions in the party who respected Stalin. As well as establishing Yanayev's own leadership in Soviet history.In history, the first thing a newly appointed Soviet chairman convenes a congress of the CPSU is this, isn't it?

However, Yanayev obviously didn't mention anything about establishing his political status. He just showed a gray and white photo on the wall behind him. The political commissar holding a Tokarev pistol was calling his comrades forward. One of the greatest works of the Soviet Union in World War II, "Elyomenko".

"Eremenko, this work was taken in Stalingrad in the summer of 1942. The protagonist in the photo was the instructor of the 4th Company of the 220th Infantry Division of the Soviet Red Army at that time. Not long after this photo was taken, Yeremenko was killed in battle. On the battlefield, he was the only political commissar who charged with the soldiers."

Everyone didn't know what Yanayev wanted to express. They only heard Yanayev pause briefly after finishing this sentence, and then slowly said, "He went to the enemy's machine gun for the motherland, and what you did What is everything for?"

They are all a group of poor people who are fascinated by the money of capitalism.Yanayev sighed secretly.

"In order to enjoy the benefits of the privileged class, such as those special supplies? In order to slowly climb up the system and become an excellent socialist bureaucrat, who can wantonly hollow out the golden veins of the country? In order to reach the pinnacle of power , become an ambitious person who can influence the direction of the whole country with one word. Many of our comrades are no longer doing it for the past. Remember your party status. Everything we do is not for gain, but is always ready to sacrifice for the great motherland! No one even has this awareness, you take off the badge on your chest, because you are not worthy of being called a Communist Party member!"

"The re-establishment of Stalin's leadership is also not about a cult of personality, which I am very opposed to. But I also don't think it is allowed to erase all the achievements of a person because of a black spot. Everyone makes mistakes, I will, you Yes, everyone will."

"So I think that Comrade Stalin did make mistakes, including the personal purge with historical limitations and some strategic mistakes, but we have mistakes, we have to admit them, we have to correct them, we can't hide them, and we can't insist on mistakes. The consequences of insisting on mistakes are terrible. But if there are things that are done right, we must also praise them. We cannot erase all the credit because of his mistakes. A piece of white paper also has black spots, and a piece of ink paper also has cleanliness. The place."

"So I think Stalin should be three points of fault and seven points of credit. While confirming the contribution made by Comrade Stalin in history, we must also bear in mind the mistakes made by Comrade Stalin." Yanayev's speech was almost final, and it was decided Stalin's political position in the history of the Soviet Union from now on.

Next, Yanayev entered the theme of the meeting, about socialist democracy with Soviet characteristics.It is not to give up the ruling status of the CPSU, but to further relax the supervisory rights of other parties on the premise of ensuring the sacrosanct leadership of the CPSU.

The theory put forward by Yanayev is based on a sound and complete supervision mechanism of legal institutions. The judiciary and the administration supervise and balance each other. The reason why the Soviet Union cultivated a huge bureaucratic system is that the Soviet system has absolute privileges. It can unscrupulously embezzle the property of the country without any accusations, and it is almost legalized.

If re-examining Stalin's historical status is just Yanayev's prelude, then this next one is an appetizer, hitting everyone's heads hard.They did not expect that this meeting was not about the end of the CPSU, but about their own end.

Just imagine that no matter what you do, there are a pair of eyes staring at you closely behind your back. If you don't have a guilty conscience, you have ghosts in your heart.In this way, they have to weigh whether the profits they get are worth it for themselves.

Yanayev further improved the judicial system, covering the entire government system with the power of supervision and trial. In short, the current KGB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs are no longer super departments above the institutional framework. Their Behavior is also restricted by the judiciary, of course, only limited to the personnel's own problems. If it is some special operations, Yanayev still chooses to turn a blind eye.

Of course, Yanayev will not let the judiciary dominate. He plans to transfer personnel from the KGB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs to form a new supervision department, which will specifically supervise the inspection team of the judiciary, and the members of the disciplinary committee also have the right to govern the judiciary. In this way, the personnel of the Ministry and the inspection team achieved a state of separation of powers and mutual restraint.

The people will no longer be arrested and interrogated for some inexplicable crimes, and the actions of the KGB will also be carried out in accordance with the basic laws. This is undoubtedly a huge improvement for the people.

This is Yanayev's first real attempt at democratization and legal reform. He wants to eradicate the privileged class in the Soviet Union from the root, and use legal weapons to ensure that the interests of the people will not be damaged by moths with ulterior motives.

On the political line, Yanayev proposed the democratic reform of socialism with Soviet characteristics, indicating that he intends to use a legal method to control the people's mouths. You have the right to talk nonsense, but you need to defend your words and deeds. Responsible.What?You said that spreading and assassinating national leaders is your God-given right?I'm sorry that you have violated Soviet law, please come with us.

And it is precisely because the United States has a sound legal mechanism that no one really dares to do it even if the people are clamoring to oppose the government.Because every word and deed we can find the source of him between the lines of every detail, and then throw him into prison without being able to explain it.

There is a KGB in everyone's heart that restricts their behavior, and this is one of the greatest advantages of American law.

Although this program protected the interests of the vast majority of the people, it harmed the interests of the Soviet privileged class.And it just so happens that more than 29% of the people in the 70.00th Congress of the CPSU have the problem of the privileged class, that is, they care about interests.They have enjoyed a comfortable life for too long, so that when their interests change, it only brings them anger and panic.

People who have eaten sweets are not willing to give the cakes in their hands to those who need them most. Naturally, they cannot let Yanayev pass this program.Just when they were about to object, Yanayev said quietly, "Do you know how long it will take to replace all the cadres in the Soviet Union?"

"One day, it only takes one day." Yanayev warned those guys who were ready to move, "I can even throw all those who vote against it into prison, what? You say I am a dictatorship? That's right, Anyway, if the program is not passed, I am indeed the most powerful person in the entire Soviet Union. I have a steel army of millions of people, but what do you have? Power? Remember, everything in your hands is given to you by the people Yes, they want to take it back, you have no reason to refuse, let alone resist."

Provocative, absolutely provocative.

Yanayev is not afraid of these so-called political factions playing tricks behind his back. He has mastered the control of the army and will never be emptied of tragedy. On the contrary, he would crush these people to death as calmly as he crushed an ant.

"For the benefit of the vast majority of people, it is justifiable to sacrifice a small part of the privileged class." Yanayev rolled his eyes at some pale-faced representatives present, and said slowly, "Some people parasitize the country and suck Too many years of blood, it's time to pay the price."

Chapter 178 The Red Spirit Will Never Die

No.20 The Ninth Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union established three things. First, it established and affirmed Stalin’s historical status, and criticized and corrected those malicious smears of Stalin in the past.Instead, it established socialist democratic politics with Soviet characteristics to replace Gorbachev's so-called humanitarian democratic socialism.All in all, the rectification of ideology can be regarded as an end for the time being.

The third thing, which Yanayev believes is the most important thing, is the Soviet government's "open source" and "throttling" policies. Cutting down includes cutting social welfare and giving up some things that are currently impractical. The actual high-altitude aerospace project, everyone said that the Soviet Union’s arms race and space race dragged down the economy of the Red Republic, but they ignored one point. The Soviet Union had a high livelihood expenditure that was comparable to that of the Western welfare society. In the 70s, the Soviet Union’s oil exports Earning enough foreign exchange can support a country's welfare expenditure, but since the economy began to weaken in the 80s, the Soviet government had to pay high welfare on the one hand, and maintain the country's reasonable operation on the other.

Cutting welfare programs is to put an end to people's laziness and let them return to work to contribute their own value, instead of nestling in their own homes and nibbling on the government's money.Otherwise, no matter how good the economy is, a country can become a Greece.

In terms of "open source", it is to start the comprehensive and balanced development of the primary industry, secondary industry and tertiary industry, especially the development of high-tech industries. Yanayev focuses on this area.Although the Soviet Union has caught up with the wave of the third scientific and technological revolution, with the development of high-tech information technology today, the Soviet Union's military industry development model has become a bit out of date. Go narrower.

Soviet computer technology wasn't standing still, it was just progressing slowly.

Increasing the research and development of transistors is just a measure in Yanayev's reform. Although it is not as good as the United States in terms of high-tech overall, the Soviet Union, which has mastered black technology, successfully developed a light pen touch screen in 1969. The MIR personal computer was only limited to the level and political factors at the time, and many great innovations did not continue, such as the Soviet Union's ternary algorithm.

Science and technology power strategy.When Yanayev put forward this slogan at the meeting, people couldn't help being shocked. The Soviet Union already had the world's attention in heavy industry and technological achievements, so why did it propose the slogan of a technological power.

It is difficult for Yanayev to explain to them how technology will change a person's life in the future ten years later. "The high-tech industry has brought about revolutionary changes in society. For example, the mobile phones we see now can only communicate The function of communication, who knows whether it will process data like a computer in ten or twenty years? And what we have to do is to vigorously promote the development of high-tech industries.”

"The United States has now realized this key point. Whoever masters technology in the future will control the world!"

Perhaps only a few people can understand the true meaning of Yanayev's impassioned speech, but what he wants to do is to take the Soviet Union's technological development to a new level with a future perspective.

This meeting is not full of quarrels and insults in the eighth meeting room of No.20, but everyone is quietly listening to Yanayev's speech alone, those declarations that pierce everyone's hearts, and far-sighted decisions. Let the general secretary put on a veil of mystery.

Their leaders, great leaders, the truth of their slogans and declarations have all become Yanayev's spiritual weapons to win over the representatives.

It seemed that standing in front of them was not an ordinary general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, but... a great god who led the country out of its predicament.

"The general secretary is simply the reincarnation of Ivan the Terrible!" One of the literary representatives was taken aback by the idea that suddenly popped up in his mind, but after thinking about it, Yanayev's actions were indeed the same as those in history. The most famous Tsar Ivan IV and his similarities, even adapted the script slightly based on Ivan IV's life experience.

A great orator, a king who suppressed and massacred the privileged nobles, an invader who conquered the continent of Europe, a leader with vision, and a cruel but benevolent tyrant. —Ivan IV.

He shook his head and dismissed this ridiculous idea, but from time to time, the Soviet tsar written by Solzhenitsyn would appear in his mind, and it seemed that the protagonist in it was slowly overlapping with the image of the emotional orator Together.

When he really came back to his senses, the most deviant and shortest congress in history ended like this. Yanayev explained and planned the future tasks in the most concise summary, as well as the entire country direction.Just as the representatives got up and left the hall one after another, the representatives of the writers saw the gray-haired Yanayev slowly packing up the manuscripts on his seat.

"Perhaps, I can write a biography for the general secretary?" A bold idea jumped out of his mind, and the pores of the writer's body stretched out of excitement at the thought of this.He stood up and walked towards Yanayev, full of curiosity and questions.He wants to understand what kind of secrets this person who changed the direction of Soviet history hides.

This time, the 29th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union came to a successful conclusion amidst applause. Although no one mentioned the leadership of General Secretary Yanayev at the meeting, everyone knew in their hearts at the end that an Asian Nayef is a heavy-duty, stable and powerful leadership group that is rising. Judging from the previous situation, this leadership group is fully capable of bringing the Soviet Union out of its current economic predicament.

When the delegates walked out of the Great Hall, the torrential rain had stopped, and the thick clouds were torn apart by the sun, casting a river of white light on the ground, illuminating the solemn and solemn steps in front of the Kremlin, leading to the A brighter future.

"The future seems to be as bright as this weather." The representative of the Soviet secretary from Belarus showed a gratified smile. He raised his head and looked at the crowd around him. Everyone seemed to be in a good mood under such good weather .The secretary turned his head and looked at the red star on the top of the Kremlin tower, like a burning flame, symbolizing the eternal red spirit.

Chapter 179 Red Alert?

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