USSR 1991

Page 85

Just after the 29th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union was held, Yanayev immediately interviewed the Moscow Institute of Electronic and Computer Research. He used such actions to prove that Yanayev gave strong support to the center of information technology.

In the summer of 1990, the Soviet computer network was put into operation, the core of which was located at the Kurchatov Nuclear Power Research Institute in Moscow. On August 1990, 8, a connection was established between a Soviet computer and a computer at the University of Helsinki, Finland.On September 28 of the same year, the Soviet Computer Program Control Cooperative registered the top-level domain name for the Soviet Union. At the end of 9, the Soviet computer network, which had connected more than 19 organizations, established a connection with the European LAN.

As early as 1989, the MC1504 personal portable computer, the predecessor of the notebook computer, appeared. Therefore, although the Soviet Union's computer development level was limited by its own strength, it would never be very backward.What Yanayev has to do is to use government policies and financial support to narrow the existing gap little by little until it is equal.However, Yanayev was not an IT guy with a computer major before time travel, so he couldn't use cheats to make you an astonishing WINDOWS95 operating system in advance.It can only provide a roughly correct direction, so that researchers can avoid some detours.

Tarokov, as the director of the Moscow Electronics and Computer Research Institute, was always agitated when he heard that General Secretary Yanayev was coming to visit the institute. I am afraid that even he himself did not expect that Yanayev would be so interested in computers. I have a strong interest in it, and according to the speech about the 29th Congress that I saw on the news yesterday, it is very likely that it will lead to a spring full of flowers in the future.

When Tarokov was about to give a lengthy introduction to Yanayev, Yanayev asked briefly, "When will our computers be available to the general public at home? In other words In other words, when will it be able to enter the homes of the vast majority of people.”

At present, computers are still relatively advanced things.

"Even according to the current development trend, I'm afraid it will take five or six years. When computer technology becomes more and more perfect, its production cost will gradually decrease. By then, the increasingly perfect network system will be able to connect the whole country , and even computers all over the world are connected.”

"Now our personal computers, such as MC1504 and Onyx-4 personal computers, have gradually entered the families of the general public. I believe that we will be able to let the vast majority of people enjoy the fun of using personal computers in the near future."

Yanayev nodded calmly, which didn't make much sense to him from the future, but what Yanayev was most curious about was another thing, "Can you develop games?"

Well?A big question mark suddenly popped up in Tarokov's heart. He thought Yanayev would ask about the gap between our processor, our chip, our system and the West, but Yanayev asked directly. The question of not playing cards according to the rules, how about our entertainment games?

"There are indeed entertainment games, I think, such as "Rabbit Run", "Secret of the Sea", "Happy Chef" and "Sky Shooting Range". These games are aimed at children. , Of course, no one in this era can realize that there is a huge market for games.

Of course, these games sound as awkward as toys for a three-year-old in Yanayev's mind. He might as well choose to play Tetris, which was produced in 1984. At least it is an enduring entertainment game.

"The game I'm talking about is a more large-scale game, not this kind of small-scale game." Yanayev thought for a while, and tried to state it in a simple voice, "For example, a large-scale strategy In the game, we can create armored vehicles, aircraft and other units to attack virtual enemy buildings, and the same armored units, yes, this is the game.”

This time it was Tarokov's turn to shake his head regretfully, "Our current computer system can't do the scene requested by the general secretary. Such a game requires a lot of complex logic operations, which cannot be completed by simple programming. And we computer systems can’t do that yet.”

Yanayev nodded approvingly, "Yes, Comrade Tarokov, in fact, it can be seen from a small aspect to measure a country's computer development level, although many people may disdain this in terms of games. , but it is undeniable that games will also become a sunrise industry in the development of electronic computers in the future.”

Speaking of this, Yanayev suddenly remembered that the current southern socialist allies are still defining this thing as electronic spiritual opium.Of course, Yanayev doesn't know whether it is good or bad to bring his personal emotions into the future development of computer games. What if they develop a game like "Stalin vs. Martian" that is so bad that it has no margin? Maybe all the R&D personnel will be sent to see Stalin in a fit of rage!

"Actually, I just mentioned it casually, and I ask Comrade Tarokov not to take it to heart." Yanayev chatted with him as they walked in the laboratory, "Now the central government plans to vigorously support the high-tech industry, especially It’s about computers, so you don’t have to worry about research funding as before, we will give you the best treatment.”

Tarokov nodded excitedly when he heard this sentence. After waiting for so long, he just waited for Yanayev to say this sentence, "We will definitely not disappoint the general secretary's expectations for our research."

"And you can carry out research with confidence, and there will never be tragedies similar to the ternary electronic computer." Yanayev said that due to political reasons, the ternary system was urgently stopped because it was not available. With financial support from superiors, this scientific research project was shelved indefinitely.This also became a pity for computer enthusiasts later. If the ternary system continues to develop, will it become a new electronic computer faction different from the binary system?

And Yanayev's reduction of administrative intervention in scientific research is also to allow the computer industry to have a spring full of flowers.

"By the way, have you thought about the name of the strategic game that General Secretary Yanayev mentioned?" Tarokov told Yanayev intentionally or unintentionally, since Yanayev said the so-called strategic game , His curiosity is getting stronger and stronger.

"The name." Yanayev thought for a while and said, "I was thinking about calling it "Red Alert: Rise of the Soviets."

Chapter 1: The Massacre

On the border of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Delventa, a town where Bosnian Serbs gather.

The continuous artillery fire in the past few months has turned this city into a sinking ruin. The people hurriedly walked through the broken arms of the building rubble, looking for food to satisfy their hunger.NATO's economic blockade and military siege have deprived residents of their last hope of survival.As for the food airdropped by American transport planes, they were often plundered by those militia organizations and became rations for the army.

Not only that, these civilians still live in the shadows. The Serbian Tigers, White Eagles and other militia organizations that are not subject to formal restrictions even use small-caliber sports rifles with sniper scopes to shoot Croatian children who go to the river to fetch water. happy.As long as the gunshots sounded, a child would fall forever by the river, with a small bucket rolling down beside him, and a pool of blood seeping into the depths of the soil.

No one dared to rescue him, because the sniper's scope was still searching for prey by the river, and even his mother could only hide in the distance, covering her mouth and crying bitterly, watching the child's body being torn and gnawed by wild dogs Food.In a country in turmoil, it is always the innocent civilians who suffer.

This is not just a civil war for one country, but a war for everyone.

The war magnified the dark side of human nature, and the surviving survivors began to stand the moral test every day, whether to rescue those unfortunate people, or to loot the food, medicine or bullets of innocent survivors.Some people abandoned their conscience in order to survive, and some fell under the gun for a morsel of food.War is a continuation of political cruelty, and those who have not experienced those dark times will never know the preciousness of peace.

Delventa is far more unfortunate than other cities, because it is a city repeatedly contested by the Croatian army and the Bosnian Serbs. It is often the vicious Serbs who just came here today, and the Croats fought over it the next day. .The difference is that Croatia will loot all the rations of Serbian residents, while the Serbian army pretends not to see it.

It had been five days since the Croats had occupied Delventa, longer than ever before.And the Serbian residents are thinking that Delventa will not change hands repeatedly this time. To be honest, they don't care which army occupied the city. They just want to live, live well, and let this damn war end soon.

It's just that at this time, surviving has become an unattainable luxury.

It was a rare day when there were no gunshots and gunshots. Those Serbian residents quietly poked their heads out of the ruins. They walked anxiously on the street, looking for all the food that could satisfy their hunger in the ruins and dilapidated shops.Even if it is a can that has passed its shelf life, or a small box of compressed biscuits.

When the poor residents were looking for food, the sudden sound of gunfire made them instantly alert. They looked up and saw a man with a gun robbing another person's package, and then shot him on the street.The local residents seemed to be used to this situation, they just shook their heads silently, watched the man slowly dying in despair, and then continued to find the food they wanted to find in the ruins.The war has made them numb, and keeping themselves alive is the only hope.

Just when they secretly rejoiced that they could fill their stomachs today, two army-green trucks rushed over. The residents thought that the Croatian army was coming to loot them again, and fled in panic.However, the army that came out of nowhere forced their footsteps to be heard with rifles.

When these people calmed down, they discovered that these troops were all Serbs.The Serbian residents secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that the food in their hands today can be preserved.

But they were wrong, everything is not so simple.A leading officer came out from behind the soldiers. He glanced at these disheveled Serbian residents, and asked in a somewhat unfriendly tone, "Are you all Serbians?"

Of course, this is purely superfluous nonsense, but the people still nodded vigorously under the threat of gunpoint, and they would not be able to live without recognizing the identity of Serbs.No matter what kind of armed force it is, the way of executing civilians is simple and rude, and there will be no muddle in the slightest.

"How many of you are gathered here?" The officer continued to ask. After waiting for a while, no one answered. He became a little impatient, so he took out his pistol and pointed it at the head of one of them, pressing him, "I repeat, you guys here How many people? If you don't answer, I will let you die."

"Three, oh no, 42 people." The threatened person almost closed his eyes and gritted his teeth, fearing that he would be shot dead if he was too late.

"Very good." The officer nodded in satisfaction. He turned around and gave the order to the soldiers around him to slaughter the group of compatriots.He said almost cold-bloodedly, "Kill them all, don't leave a single one alive."

All of a sudden, there were gunshots and flames, and the people standing in front of the guns fell down like harvested wheat fields. Blood splashed together with the pierced cans. Fiery, poured over the ruins.And the officer who ordered the massacre without emotion was smoking a cigarette and smiling slightly.When no one could stand up, he asked the soldiers to search every corpse carefully, fired a few more shots, and after confirming that everyone was dead, the officer let the soldiers get on the truck and leave.

There will be no patrolling Croatian troops here today. The bribed Croatian military personnel will turn a blind eye to this massacre. Dao ordered to slaughter his own people.

"There is nothing to be pitiful about. They are all victims of the war. Moreover, the death of these people can give the Bosnian Serbs a chance to increase bargaining chips at the negotiating table. Why not do it." When the adjutant around him asked why When he was about to do this, Kavilaf said casually.

He threw the cigarette that was almost burnt out of the window, and continued to say to himself, "The sewage will be poured on the Croatian army, and then we will be able to portray a group of evil army thugs. This is why the superiors explicitly prohibit regular The reason why the army waged war against civilians without being attacked. We not only want to crush them completely militarily, but even occupy the commanding heights of criticism morally. War is dirty, as long as it can be won, the means are fundamental It's not important, you know?"

Chapter 181

The Delventa massacre was like a bombshell that detonated the political situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina.Those soldiers who knew the cause and effect were ordered to keep silent, and those war reporters who tried to discover the truth were secretly executed in the mass graves of Delvent Tower.The massacre suddenly seemed to be a major focus of public criticism of the Croatian army.

When Yanayev saw this newspaper, he immediately understood what was going on. Karadzic's method of using framing to put his political opponents in an immoral situation was not too clever, but the way this matter was handled It is really clean and neat without leaving any evidence. Now all countries, including the United Nations, are targeting the Croats, pushing the Croatian armed groups into an indisputable situation.

However, Yanayev still dialed Karadzic's number through the Kremlin's secret outside line. When the other party dared to answer the phone, he asked a little rudely, "Karadzic, why did you make a decision at this critical moment?" Once this kind of thing is known, it will have a great impact on us at the negotiating table, and you Karadzic will have only one choice at that time, to send it to the International Political Court and accept a jury trial."

"I don't know what you are talking about, President Yanayev. If I did something wrong, please correct me and thank you for your contribution to the Bosnian Serb army." Karadzic asked him with a suspicious tone.Karadzic is an old fox, and this kind of secret incident is basically only known by God.

Seeing that the other party was so short-sighted and still defending himself, Yanayev suddenly lost his temper. He reminded Karadzic, "Karadzic, don't play with fire, I don't have time to help you clean up. Also, If you want to continue to gain the upper hand in the international public opinion, it is best to clean up this matter thoroughly and not leave a trace. If you can, you can also disgust the Americans because of this matter."

"Everything is fine, the Serbian army is advancing very smoothly, there is no problem." Karadzic made a pun.

After hanging up the phone, Yanayev dialed another number, and he said to Surkov in the shortest sentence, "Come to my office, now, yes."

Putting down a bunch of work at hand and running to Yanayev's office, Surkov didn't understand what the moody general secretary wanted to do.Yanayev threw the headlines of the recent massacre of Serbs at Surkov and said, "Did you know about it?"

Surkov, who has always been sensitive to international politics, glanced at the title and knew what Yanayev wanted to ask, "I know, the Delventa massacre, an inhumane killing that has been made public so far. .It was reported by a Serbian reporter who went deep into the war zone and shocked the world."

"This massacre seems to have brought the Croatian army into a situation of humanitarian condemnation." Surkov analyzed, "Although there have been sporadic killings of Croatian and Muslims by Serbian militias in the past few months, there have been no News about massacres by the Serbian regular army."

Having said that, Surkov looked up at Yanayev, who just nodded with a smile, signaling him to continue talking.

Seeing Yanayev's expression, Surkov quickly understood what was going on, and he became more determined in his analysis, and continued, "I'm afraid the Serbian army did not implement retaliation for some reason. , and blamed all the dirty actions on the head of the militia. However, the Croatian leadership obviously cannot control the indignant Croatian army. That's why such a horrific massacre appeared and was exposed."

"The only problem is that the previous killings of civilians were almost sporadic, but why did such a large-scale problem break out this time?" This is the only thing Surkov doesn't understand.

"I'm afraid this massacre may not be the masterpiece of the Croatian army. After all, the Bosnian Serb army still condemns the enemy on the moral high ground." Karadzic can be regarded as an old fox. The support of society, so their only means of expulsing Croats and Serbs was massacres.Now that the Serbs have the backing of the Soviet Union, no matter what they do, they have to care about the feelings of the international community.

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