USSR 1991

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Of course, the best way is to package yourself as a patriotic hero fighting for national unity and national independence, and then denigrate the other party as a despicable and dirty villain.

"We will launch a propaganda campaign to describe the Croatian army supported by the United States as a brutal and inhumane army." Surkov smiled knowingly, "I think the United States should also have a headache by then, and he can choose to pretend to be deaf and dumb. But the member organizations of the United Nations will definitely investigate and intervene. What's more, NATO is worried that it can't find an entry point for the situation in Yugoslavia after experiencing the lesson of the Serbian bombing. The more chaotic this game is, the better. Only in this way can we achieve our interests maximization."

Although it is now a situation where the United States and the Soviet Union are pitting the European Union, the two countries still have to be on guard against each other.What Yanayev has to do is to protect his own interests while adding obstacles to the United States.

Moscow newspapers, which have always been fast in publicity, issued a statement on this incident. They described the Croatian army as a terrible mob.

"The Delventa massacre was just an appetizer for them, and we have reason to believe that this group of thugs will do even more terrible things in the future." "We hope that all parties will unite to restrain the brutal behavior of the Croatian army and save Those poor children!" The sad tone in the article won the support of many people who don't know the truth.

When Yanayev saw the news report, he almost believed the situation described in the newspaper.What's more, the report was accompanied by photos of massacres taken by war reporters in Bosnia and Herzegovina over the past few months, some of them were Croats, some were of Serbs, but all these photos were placed on the reports of Serbs, It means to be misleading.

Sure enough, as I said before, the truth of the news depends on which part the interest group the reporter represents wants you to know.

This also made Yanayev more firm in the importance of maintaining the news censorship system. Once people with ulterior motives have mastered the media's public opinion weapon, their practice of turning black and white for their own interests is likely to become a battering ram to subvert a country's regime .

Chapter 182 Gaddafi's Death

Reports of the Delventa massacre took a sharp turn, from condemning the brutal actions of the Croatian army to accusing the United States of supporting a mob group.Those anti-American countries are still eager to condemn the United States as the source of world turmoil, a sinful and evil empire.

There will always be such a scene in the national society. Europe and the United States get together and desperately accuse the Soviet Union of being an evil empire. They are the embodiment of freedom and justice.The third world countries accuse Europe and the United States of squeezing their own rights and interests. These money empires are trying to start the era of capital colonization, and they are the countries that should be punished the most.Of course, there are always some exceptions. For example, a certain North African country that is losing its partners is thinking about whether it should make new strategic partners.

The Toyota War in 1987 caused great losses to the Libyan army.According to statistics, Libya lost one-tenth of its troops, 7500 soldiers died, and military installations worth 15 billion yuan were destroyed or captured.And France's firm anti-Libyan attitude in this war also made Gaddafi realize that he must improve bad relations with the West and the United States.

The bombing of a Berlin discotheque in 1986, which killed two U.S. soldiers, sparked a U.S. retaliatory attack on Libya that killed 40 people. In 1988, the Lockerbie air disaster caused by Libya led to more than ten years of UN economic sanctions.Beginning in the 1990s, Libya faced isolation in the international community, its economy deteriorated, and it faced Islamic turmoil at home.

And just a few years after the end of the Toyota War, Chadian President Habré visited Washington, and the United States provided him with $3200 million worth of aid, including surface-to-air missiles.Obviously, this is targeting Libya.

So Gaddafi intends to actively seek to improve relations with European countries, and he wanted to break relations with European and Western countries earlier, but the decision he made was a bit stupid, that is, to please Europe, on the issue of Chechnya in the Soviet Union I talked a few more words.

"The people of Chechnya resisted the Soviet Union for their own independence. This is a correct and great act. On the contrary, the war launched by the Soviet Union is just like Serbia's invasion of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is nothing more than hindering the establishment of a state in the Islamic world."

Gaddafi's words were like a needle provoking Yanayev's heart. The Soviet Foreign Minister Shevardnadze immediately retorted, accusing Gaddafi of being an internal political problem of the Soviet Union. People like you support and implement terrorism countries are not qualified to discuss the internal affairs of the Soviet Union.

However, Gaddafi, who danced the happiest, obviously did not realize Yanayev's pair of homicidal eyes sharpening knives. At this time, Gaddafi was still trying to develop his own nuclear weapons. good thing.Because the last South African who dared to do this, the grass on his grave grew more than two meters high.

Yanayev hopes to use the hands of the Western world to completely eradicate this number one enemy who threatens the interests of the five gangsters.Although the Soviet Union needs a political dictator to safeguard its strategic interests around the world, even if Yanayev included Saddam in his list of considerations, he would not consider Gaddafi, a capricious mad dog, into his long-term development of strategic interests.

So just after Gaddafi uttered ridiculous slogans such as resisting the tyranny of the Soviet Union and long live the Croatian people, the Soviet Union quietly started military trade with Chad. It is well known that Chad is a poor country and they do not have enough financial resources. To pay high military expenses, you must know that the Toyota pickup trucks during the Toyota War were all aided by foreign countries.

At that time, Chad was controlled by General Idriss Deby. After he overthrew the rule of Habré, he began to try to ease the relationship with the opposition. There is a figure active in Africa and the Middle East who obviously does not want the civil war in Chad to end. In this way, he and the interest groups behind him continued to provide arms to the opposition, and the condition for payment was Chad's oil resources.

The Soviet oil group behind Victor is like an octopus full of tentacles, infiltrating its sphere of strength into any country with oil. The two major oil companies in the United States, Exxon and Chevron, have long been eyeing Chad. In view of the prospect of oil resources, they also formed an oil development group with the ambitious Petronas to participate in the oil development project of Chad.It's just that the relationship suffering from the civil war has not acted.

However, the Soviet oil group is an economic aggression force that is not afraid of death. As a multinational group that has been active in the Middle East and Africa for a long time, they themselves have a private armed force. Although they call themselves a security company, they have it. The war power that crushed small African countries.

Victor and the ghost general proposed to exchange oil for missile defense grids, build tanks and armored units, and help the Chadian government build a small and capable air force to deal with the threat of Libya-backed rebels in the south.

General Deby naturally agreed with what Victor said, because recently he found that the opposition's attack was obviously much more violent than before. Although he proposed to establish a multi-party system and form a coalition government, he was rejected by the opposition. Rejected.Their purpose is to establish a new Chadian government.

It is naturally impossible for General Deby to know that just two weeks ago, Victor signed a contract with the rebels in Chad. It is also a treaty on arms transactions. Over 2000 used Kalashnikov rifles from Chad's rebels.Anyway, after the disarmament, the Soviet Union had too many guns in its stockpile to run out, which was just used to make favors or give charcoal in a timely manner.

Those blood diamonds and black gold turned into foreign exchange, which flowed continuously into the foreign currency savings of the Soviet Union.

"Thank you very much for everything you have done. The people of Chad will never forget the help from the Soviet Union." Deby shook hands with Victor and said excitedly.The other party just nodded with a smile, so he would not tell General Deby that members of the opposition had said the same thing a few days ago.

"You're welcome." Victor replied, "Both the Soviet Union and Chad have a common enemy. Supporting you to fight against it is the best choice for the Soviet government."

Deby rolled his eyes, and then said with a smile, "That's right, let's fight our enemies together, and toast the friendship between the Soviet Union and the people of Chad."

As the anti-Soviet vanguard, Gaddafi will find that his life does not seem to be so smooth.

Chapter 183

In addition to the arms trade with Chad, the Soviet Union also proposed a policy against Gaddafi, which means that the Soviet Union will verbally support any behavior that is beneficial to Gaddafi.This is also one of the methods Moscow uses to kill people with a knife.Because Yanayev's most taboo is Gaddafi's nuclear weapons research.Any small country's research on nuclear weapons is a terrible act of rebellion in the eyes of Wuchang.

Gaddafi's son, Saif Gaddafi, was once one of the main secret agents of Libya's nuclear weapons manufacturing. He spent huge sums of money to buy technical solutions for manufacturing nuclear weapons from Pakistani scientists, and at the same time purchased uranium raw materials through some Asian countries such as Malaysia. , buy centrifuges through South Africa, then buy the rest of the parts in Dubai, and ship them to Libya.Of course, the Americans may not have fully grasped the information about this plan so far, and what the Soviet Union has to do is to use KGB agents to disclose this information through Western reporters intentionally or unintentionally.

Then something happened that caused an uproar in the international public opinion. A report used detailed data and examples to analyze the nuclear weapons research facilities that Libya was secretly conducting at this time.However, this report, which is mixed with a lot of half-truths and half-false analysis, is enough to cause everyone's shock and panic.The most intriguing thing is that this report first came from the Soviet Union and China, and the cooperation behind the two countries has also become intriguing.

China has always been worried about the incident that Gaddafi leaked Pakistan's Chinese nuclear manual at the UN General Assembly, so it tried every means to get back to Libya.Since you are secretly manufacturing nuclear weapons, then I will spread your nuclear weapons manufacturing. I can't do anything to you, but it doesn't mean that France, Britain and the United States will not sit idly by.

Libya is actually secretly researching nuclear weapons, but the United States turns a blind eye to this!In terms of maintaining world peace, the United States will not fight, and the Soviet Union is the main force in the world's anti-nuclear weapon proliferation!

So this time the CIA took the blame once again. Although they were aware of Libya's actions, they did not dare to announce the news rashly without evidence.Moreover, they could only barely confirm half of the information given by the Soviet Union. Is the other half of the plausible information true or false?

What made the CIA even more panicky was the KGB's intelligence gathering capabilities. Gaddafi had only been provoking the Soviet Union for three days, but the KGB's foreign intelligence agency actually discovered such a deep secret. This can only explain one problem. An informant from the Soviet Union, and the status of this informant will not be much lower than that of Gaddafi.But Yanayev will not tell them, after 2011 these have become Gaddafi's open secrets, but in the 90s, every word spoken in the newspapers was desperately eager for the secret department of Gaddafi's nuclear weapons research secret information.

So Britain finally found a secret weapon to restrain Gaddafi. British officials sought the help of the pro-Western Gaddafi's second son, Saif, and established a relationship with the Libyan hero.The request made by Western officials is very straightforward, that is, they will not consider improving relations with Libya unless Gaddafi gives up the right to possess nuclear weapons.

At the same time, the Soviet Union also began to instigate public opinion and propaganda, playing slogans such as only nuclear weapons can guarantee the security of a country, and incidentally satirized President de Klerk of South Africa who destroyed his nuclear device in July last year.

The Soviet Union's fanning the flames naturally aroused the vigilance of the free world. Any fool could see that the Soviet Union was alluding to Libya, but the more the Soviet Union said so, the more anxious the West wanted Libya to give up its nuclear weapons.

"Our demands have been made, the economic sanctions and the military embargo will not stop unless you can persuade your father to abandon the construction of nuclear weapons." John Major and Gaddafi's son Seif in London meeting.

"Abandoning nuclear weapons is not something that can be achieved in a day or two, Prime Minister Major." In the face of the British Prime Minister's inquiry, Gaddafi only pretended to talk about him. Of course he knows the importance of seeking to improve relations with the West, so nuclear weapons are also unacceptable. One of the evaded questions.

"But my father, you know his character, trying to persuade him to give up nuclear weapons is a long-term ideological work." Saif defended in a low voice.

"But you helped your father smuggle parts of nuclear facilities around the world, don't forget that." Major replied with a sneer, "Information from MI[-] shows that your father is the largest nuclear facility in the world Smugglers, but you use your liberal identity to join the ranks of arms smuggling, if you continue to be stubborn, do you think NATO will let you go?"

"I will try to persuade my father to give up nuclear weapons." Faced with the aggressiveness of the United Kingdom, Saif has almost no choice.Because the final decision is in the hands of Western Europe, if Gaddafi does not give up nuclear weapons research, the West has hundreds of ways to sanction Libya.

This was originally an unequal war of attrition. North Korea built nuclear facilities because it knew how important its own strategic position was to the two major powers. In the case of maintaining the long-term division of the Korean peninsula, no matter how the Kim family jumped Da, the countries next to it will choose appropriate tolerance, because once North Korea is reunified, the geopolitical situation in Northeast China will become extremely bad.

But Libya is different. He has no reliable allies in the international community.At the beginning, he was ambitious to lead the Arab world and dominate Africa, but offended Britain, the United States, China and France. In order to improve relations with the West, even the Soviet Union was offended. It can be said that he is truly besieged on all sides now.

Major nodded, "Very well, if your father is willing to give up nuclear weapons and negotiate with us, I will introduce you to Washington. As long as the United States is willing to let the past go, then the military blockade and economic sanctions on Libya will be lifted. From time to time, European countries will also improve their relations with you.”

The United Kingdom also has its own small calculations in its mind, because the European continent has always coveted Libya for a long time, but it has no choice but to meet a capricious lunatic like Gaddafi, and this time, it can be seen that Prime Minister Major intends to cater to Washington first. Bypassing the old European countries of France and Germany, directly sacrifice the fat of Libya to the loyal follower of the United States.

After all, doing so is in line with the true nature of Britain's European shit-stirring sticks for hundreds of years.

Chapter 184 Ivan the Great Is Enough to Destroy Chechnya

Yanayev unexpectedly received a call from Kadyrov Jr. from Chechnya. During the call, he discussed and looked forward to the future development of Chechnya with Yanayev. Tab had died on the Georgian border, and in the end it was all dust.The remaining Chechen armed forces also went to the last leader, and the Chechen issue that had plagued the Soviet Union for nearly half a year finally ushered in a once and for all opportunity.

Kadyrov Jr. expressed his heartfelt thanks to Yanayev for maintaining the unity of Chechnya and fighting terrorists on the phone. There is also a think tank behind the husband to help him make suggestions.Yanayev said calmly that if the Chechnya regime and other ownership issues are to be resolved, welcome to Moscow for negotiations.

Yanayev is not a character who can be bullied. Kadyrov Jr. is quick and thunderous, and he will not be the opponent of the old foxes in the Moscow Kremlin who have lived for most of their lives.However, Kadyrov Jr. agreed, saying that he would visit Moscow today to discuss the stability of Chechnya and the ruling status of the Sufi faction.

A few days later, the Kremlin welcomed a former enemy, now an ally.The appearance of Kadyrov Jr. also raised Moscow's security level to the highest level. After all, no one knows whether those illegal armed personnel will stare at their biggest enemy in a dark corner.

"Welcome to Moscow, little Kadyrov." Yanayev was obviously a little surprised when he saw the young man with a slightly immature face in front of him. No matter how he looked at him, he didn't look like he could suppress all opposition with an iron fist. successor.

"Hello, General Secretary Yanayev." Little Kadyrov greeted Yanayev politely. Behind him was a man with deep eyes and no smile, Yanayev who had done enough intelligence work Still recognized who this person was at first glance.Old Kadyrov's assistant, Ahmadov.The man who is known as the think tank of the Kadyrov family.

Now Yanayev finally knows where Kadyrov Jr. has the courage to go to Moscow alone for negotiations.And he didn't expect that Ahmadov would actually be on the side of Kadyrov Jr., not on the side of the veterans of the army.

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