When Song Wuya didn't know how to relieve the embarrassment, he didn't want Situ Wen to suddenly barge in, pointing at Song Wuya's nose and accusing him.

This was originally a rebuke to Song Wuya, but after hearing this, Song Wuya was not only not angry at all, but was very happy.

"Ah! Wen'er, you're here. Uncle and I were angry with me just now. Please help me persuade him."

At this time, Song Wuya could be said to have shown his brazen skills.He was not such a person in the original world, but after transmigrating into this dandy, he became like this.

"Bah! I don't care about you! I should let my uncle kick you out of the court!" Although Situ Wen didn't hate Song Wuya deeply, but she was teased by him yesterday, and the sea of ​​anger in her heart did not disappear!

"Nonsense! What kind of decent is this? Is this courtroom a place for you to flirt? Why don't you hurry up and get back!"

Situ Wen's sudden appearance made Situ Yi look annoyed, and restrained himself a little, but he looked at these two juniors so disrespectful, without any appearance.

Being scolded by her uncle like this, Situ Wen suddenly showed a shy look on her face, she gave Song Wuya a blank look, and looked up at what Situ Yi wanted to say, but in the end she didn't say it, so she had to step aside.

But Song Wuya didn't move at all. Seeing this, Situ Yi was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, thinking that his dignified parents and officials still couldn't handle a junior.If it wasn't for the sake of his dead brother, he would have thrown this kid out a long time ago.

"You kid, what are you still doing here? This case has nothing to do with you, if you don't push it down, don't blame me for being rude!" Situ Yi is finally about to turn his face, he can't let Song Wuya mess around here .

The common people outside the courtroom were already talking about it, thinking that Song Wuya had just escaped from prison and was still causing trouble here, obviously he was looking for death.

"Lord Situ, please forgive me. This junior just wants to tell you that this case is not as simple as it appears on the surface. The murderer must be someone else, not Bai Zhuo. This junior dares to use his head as a guarantee." Song Wuya He said sharply, the reason why he dared to say that was entirely because of his trust in Bai Zhuo.

"Song Wuya, don't think that if you solved the murder case the day before yesterday, you will be defiant."

Song Wuya's words angered Situ Yi even more, and he sternly reprimanded Song Wuya again.

The two still couldn't get on with each other, no matter what Song Wuya said, Situ Yi couldn't listen to him.Right now, only Song Wuya can relieve Bai Zhuo of the danger he is facing.

Hearing what Situ Yi said, it was obvious that he didn't want Song Wuya to get involved in today's affairs, and he didn't know what that meant.

"My lord, the suspect is brought here." The voice of Bao Baotou came from outside, and then he saw a team of officers escorting four men into the room.

Song Wuya immediately turned his head to look for the sound, Bao Butou was walking in front, followed by a team of yamen servants, the four were brought up before they were put on the torture tools.

"Kneel down!" Bao Qiu shouted, and the four of them immediately fell to their knees in the courtroom.

"My lord! Among these four people, three are the staff of this inn, and the other one is a resident of that courtyard." Bao Butou immediately revealed the identities of the four.

Master Situ raised his head and glanced at the four of them.

The rest of them didn't know each other, but Song Wuya did recognize one of them.It was the waiter who took him to check the inn earlier, it seems that besides Bai Zhuo, these four people were the only suspects.

"Hmph! Song Wuya, just now you pledged your head as a guarantee, so the county will let you be the county magistrate today, and let you interrogate these four suspects."

Seeing the four suspects being brought to court, Situ Yi suddenly changed his mind and even complied with Song Wuya's request just now.Song Wuya was startled when he heard that, and looked up at Situ Yi, but he saw a smile on his face and didn't say anything else.

The common people watching in the courtroom were talking endlessly about Situ Yi's actions.

"Thank you, my lord!" Song Wuya stopped talking, thanked them, and began to observe the four people.

"How long have you lived in the widow's inn?"

Song Wuya avoided the three assistants, and asked about the tenant first.

"Ah! Caomin, I have lived in the inn for half a month, and I usually live in secluded places. I only found out about this when the official sent me to close the inn this morning."

The man immediately replied, Song Wuya didn't look like a commoner in his clothes, but rather a businessman.

"Are you a merchant here?"

With this doubt, Song Wuya asked immediately to confirm his deduction.

Unexpectedly, just as Song Wuya said these words, the man immediately nodded repeatedly: "Young Master, you really have good eyesight! Caomin is indeed a merchant here."

"Then why did you live here for half a month and live in seclusion?"

Since he was a merchant, it was a little wrong for him to live in seclusion.

Asked this, the merchant immediately showed embarrassment, hesitated for a while before responding.

"Cao Min accidentally broke his leg, and it is inconvenient to walk. He just rests on the bed every day. The younger brother can testify to me. It is precisely because of this that the shopkeeper saw that I was in some inconvenience, so he let me live in the backyard. "

Song Wuya frowned and looked at the waiter, who nodded repeatedly, confirming that what he said was true.

"Then why did your leg hurt?"

Facing Song Wuya's questioning again, the tenant showed embarrassment.Just when Song Wuya was about to continue to question, he let go.

"Such things are really insulting to the family! The grassroots came here, and they are upright and strong. After a few days of travel, they finally came to the city. I found Cuixiang Building not far from Widow Yu’s inn. Who knew that I fell off the bed and sprained my leg when I was having sex, so I stayed in Widow Yu’s inn. With the help of my second brother, I asked the doctor , and just rested in the backyard for half a month."

"So that's what happened." Song Wuya nodded thoughtfully, he really remembered that the Cuixiang Tower was not far from Widow Yu's inn.He immediately looked up at Bao Butou: "Bao Butou, I hope you send someone to Cuixiang Tower to ask whether what this person said is true."

"Come on, go to Cuixiang Tower immediately and find out the facts." Bao Butou immediately called the official messenger.

Song Wuya turned around and looked at the other two: "What do you two do for a living in the inn?"

"The two younger ones are the chefs in this inn. They went to the casino yesterday and didn't return overnight. It has nothing to do with this case! I hope you will find out!" A young man among the two said anxiously. fact.

"Mr. Song, I did arrest the two of them in the casino, and at the same time asked the casino what happened. It was indeed as they said." Bao Butou immediately added after what the man said.

In this way, the suspicion of these two people and the suspicion of the tenant can basically be ruled out.The waiter is the most suspicious right now. Song Wuya looked at the waiter intently, but saw the waiter clasping his hands and rubbing each other endlessly, even the hair on his forehead was stuck to his forehead with sweat.

"The murderer is always the first to discover the dead!" Song Wuya suddenly remembered this sentence, which has been circulating in criminal cases for a long time. "Although I don't believe such a statement, it is not without reason."

"Second Brother, when did you close last night?" Song Wuya already had a guess in his mind. He thought about what he saw in the inn this morning, and felt that the waiter was more suspicious. It's getting bigger.

"Small one, the small one was closed after Mr. Bai went upstairs last night." The waiter replied a little hurriedly, and he couldn't keep his breathing steady.

After hearing this, Song Wuya continued to ask: "Then what did you do after closing?"

"The little ones tidy up the store and do some cleaning according to the daily routine."

"Have you ever gone up to the second floor?"

"Ah! I've been there, I've been there. After the little one got on the board last night, after seeing the shopkeeper helping Mr. Bai up to the second floor, he fetched water and sent it to the room."

After hearing the waiter's answer, Song Wuya suddenly sneered: "After you left, you never went up to the second floor? And you never saw the shopkeeper come down?"

"Yes!" The waiter nodded yes.

After this inquiry, Situ Yi who was sitting in the hall stroked his beard and asked with a smile, "Does Mr. Song have an answer?"

"I don't have an answer yet, I just have some guesses. I want to see the widow Yu's body." Song Wuya shook his head. Although he had some guesses, he didn't have any direct evidence. Therefore, it is still necessary to make a judgment at this time. It's too early.

He didn't wait for Situ Yi to speak, and walked aside directly.Pulling back the white cloth, one could see the distorted face of Widow Yu, which looked like she had been greatly frightened before she died.In addition, although her front has been tidied up, her underwear looks very messy.What made Song Wuya even more shocking was that her clothes were covered with large bloodstains, but the wound was the carotid artery in her neck.

Song Wuya carefully inspected Widow Yu's whole body, and found that almost her whole body was covered with blood, even her back, and her palms were also covered with scars.

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