"My lord, where is Wu Zuo?" Song Wuya took a rough look, he didn't continue to check, but directly looked for Wu Zuo.

After all, after such a murder happened, Wu Zuo would definitely conduct a detailed examination of the corpse and record it in the record. He should be able to judge the situation at that time.

"Pass on Wu Zuo!" Situ Yi didn't talk nonsense, and directly passed on Wu Zuo to the hall.

Not long after, Wu Zuo stood respectfully in the courtroom. Song Wuya pointed at the widow's body, and asked him directly about the detailed autopsy report just done this morning, so as to find out detailed clues from it.

Chapter 19 The Truth Comes Out

?Chapter 19

"Wu Zuo, can you describe your inspection to me?"

"Yes!" Wu Zuo replied, squatting in front of the widow's corpse and said, "When I saw the widow's corpse, her clothes were wide open and there were many scratches on her chest. It was obvious that she had been raped before she died. He was molested, but he had never had intercourse. Moreover, there was a lot of blood on the skin of his chest. His cheek muscles were stiff, which showed that his expression was not peaceful. There was only one wound on his neck, which was caused by blood loss. caused more deaths."

Wu Zuo's answer was almost the same as Song Wuya's judgment.It's just that Song Wuya nodded slightly after listening, but still shook his head: "Is there anything you missed?"

"This... probably not!" Wu Zuo was asked by Song Wuya, he hesitated for a moment, and after carefully examining the widow's body, he gave an unsure answer.

Song Wuya didn't say much, and stepped forward to pick up her wrist: "There were traces of being tied up here, although it is not obvious, but at least it is certain that her hands were tied up during her lifetime. It was just through the clothes to help Her things are not hard ropes, so the marks are not obvious."

"Ah! It's a small negligence!" Seeing this, Wu Zuo hastily bowed his head and admitted his mistake.

But Song Wuya didn't stop there, he pointed to the slightly opened mouth of the widow Yu and said: "The corners of her mouth are blue, and she didn't close it after she died, maybe something was stuffed in her mouth before she died. In addition, her death due to blood loss was not a fatal blow, so after the wound was caused, there must be a chance to call for help when she died. However, the waiter and the tenant did not hear any movement yesterday. Recently, I went to the inn to check and found that the scene of the crime was in a mess, which shows that she couldn't shout and leave the scene before she died."

"This... is yes, the young master's judgment is very accurate." Wu Zuo showed a bitter expression, listening to Song Wuya's judgment, he nodded hurriedly.

However, after saying this, Song Wuya showed doubts on his face.

"It's just that I don't understand one thing. The wound of the deceased is on the carotid artery. With such a big wound, the blood in her body will definitely gushe out, and a lot of blood should be left at the place where she was injured. But at that time, Although it was messy, I didn't see any blood splatters like this."

This is what Song Wuya can't understand, after all, it's unreasonable.

Situ Wen, who was listening on the side, saw Song Wuya frowning and thinking, and snorted softly: "Didn't Wu Zuo just say that she was molested before she died? Maybe she was crushed by the murderer?"

"Hey! That's right!" Situ Wen's words made Song Wuya suddenly enlightened. He turned his head to look at Situ Wen in surprise, and said happily: "Wen'er, you are really my good wife!"

"Bah! Who is the good helper of a disciple like you!" Situ Wen didn't give Song Wuya a good look.

"At the scene, there was no blood on the bed, nor on the wall and table. In other words, the murderer couldn't push Widow Yu down on the bed because Bai Zhuo, who was still drunk, was still lying on the bed. So he had no choice but to tie the widow to the ground, so that the blood sprayed from the wound on the neck spilled all over the ground."

Song Wuya deduced that at this time, the yamen servant who was sent out outside the hall ran back.

"Report! Baobutou, the little one has already gone to Cuixiang Tower, and the old bustard has also been brought here." The yamen servant waved to the outside as he spoke, but saw a middle-aged woman with heavy makeup and a skirt, walking out of the crowd came in.

The old bustard was a messy guy, just entered the courtroom, he threw himself to the ground, crying out loudly.

"My lord! The women are wronged! The women have always done their duty, and have never done anything outrageous! Those girls in our family were all sold to us in Cuixiang Building voluntarily, but none of them were robbed. Come, my lord must be careful!"

When Situ Yi in the courtroom heard this, he frowned immediately, took the gavel in his hand and slapped it hard on the case.

"Bold and cunning woman, dare to disturb the court! Still keep your mouth shut?"

The loud noise from the heavy slap of the gavel scared the old bustard to silence immediately.

Seeing this scene, Song Wuya felt funny in his heart. This old bustard really didn't tell herself, she didn't say what she was doing when she came here, but she directly told about the girls in this brothel. Now it seems that, I'm afraid there is such a thing as extortion.What made Song Wuya even more ridiculous was that the old bustard's acting skills were so clumsy that he cried for a long time without even shedding a single tear.

"This county asks you! Have you seen this person before?" Situ Yi didn't bother to talk nonsense with her, and asked directly pointing at the tenant who was kneeling on the ground.

The tenant hung his head timidly, not daring to raise his head.

The old bustard knocked carefully but still didn't dare to confirm. She shook her head: "My lord, there are a lot of guests coming and going in the Cuixiang Building of the Minnv, so this must not be a regular visitor!"

"Then do you remember that half a month ago, there was a customer who broke his leg in your brothel?" Situ Yi saw that he couldn't ask anything, so he had to change the question.

As soon as the words came out, the old bustard shook his head again and again: "My lord, aren't you going to smash the signboard of our Cuixiang Building? The girls in our Cuixiang Building are beautiful in every country, and every guest who comes here is weak-legged." If you can’t get out of bed, how can you break your leg?”

"Going around in a big circle, with so much nonsense, why don't you just answer that there is no one in this county?" Situ Yi was so angry that he stared at him and said.

The old bustard's answer made Song Wuya dumbfounded. This old bustard is really a good businessman. It's a bit of a waste to make such a living with such a brain. In this court, he didn't forget to give himself the emerald fragrance It's really rare for Lou to advertise.

"I ask you, why are you lying?"

The gavel was shot again, and Situ Yi angrily pointed at the tenant and questioned him.

The old bustard's answer also made Song Wuya suspicious. All the evidence had pointed to the murderer, but he didn't expect to find out that the tenant had lied at this time!

"My lord, please spare me! The younger one, tell the truth, the younger one, tell the truth." The tenant was so frightened that he fell to the ground, begging for mercy repeatedly: "The younger one didn't break his leg in Cuixiang Building, the reason why he didn't tell me To be honest, I was also afraid of being implicated in this murder case. The young one actually saw that the widow was pretty, and peeked at her taking a bath. After being discovered, he stepped into a bucket in the backyard in a panic and broke his leg. But the fact is that I was ashamed to speak out, and I was afraid of having something to do with the death of the widow Yu, so I lied."

"Oh! So it was you that night!"

Just as the tenant finished speaking, the waiter immediately turned and pointed at him and shouted.

Hearing what the waiter said, it has been proved that what the tenant said is not a lie.

"My lord, everything is clear." Song Wuya laughed and said to Situ Yi.

"Oh? It seems that you already know who the murderer is?" Song Wuya's words made Situ Yi startled, and he was immediately overjoyed. "Then tell me, who is the murderer?"

"The murderer is him!" Song Wuya suddenly turned around and pointed at the waiter.

"Ah! It's not me, it's not me!" Seeing Song Wuya pointing his finger at him, the waiter was so frightened that his whole body trembled like chaff.

"Stop making excuses! It should be like this." Song Wuya looked at the waiter with a sneer, and began to tell the story of the case to everyone.

"Last night, after you closed the door, you brought the water up to the second floor, only to find that Bai Zhuo was already drunk, but the widow Yu was still in his room. This widow Yu is quite attractive, but in fact, you have been coveting her for a long time, but you have been waiting for her for a long time. No chance. The widow must also be a flirtatious woman on weekdays, and she must know who the tenant was who peeked at her taking a shower that day."

After Song Wuya's words came to this point, he turned and looked at the tenant beside him. The tenant lowered his head and acquiesced to what Song Wuya said.

"But she didn't expose it, and hooked up with this tenant. Am I right?" Song Wuya asked the tenant again.

The tenant hesitated for a moment, but then said: "Your guess is correct, the widow Yu did find me the next day and re-arranged the room for me. At the same time, she also used this as an excuse to ask me for money The little one didn't want the money to go to waste, and the widow didn't resist, so we..."

"Just now when you came in, you didn't show any injury on your leg. I'm afraid your leg is just an ordinary sprain, and it has already healed. The purpose of continuing to pretend like this is actually just to continue having fun with Widow Yu in the backyard. , and you also want to use this to get rid of the suspicion of the widow's death. Of course, these are not important, what is important is that the shop assistant must know about your affairs."

Song Wuya's voice suddenly raised a bit, and he shouted sharply.He turned to look at the waiter, who bit his lip and nodded.

"So last night, the waiter saw the widow staying in Bai Zhuo's room, so he became suspicious and knew what the widow was going to do. Immediately, he went downstairs to fetch water, and took the opportunity of wiping the floor on the second floor to come again Arriving at the door of Bai Zhuo's room, she saw Widow Yu unbuttoning Bai Zhuo's clothes, intending to use Bai Zhuo's drunkenness to accuse him of stealing money from Bai Zhuo. Xiaoer, who had evil thoughts, rushed into the room directly, and said that he used this as an excuse to accomplish good things with Yu Widow. But Yu Widow naturally shouldn't, after all, she must look down on the status of shop assistant. Most importantly, Yu The reason the widow did this was for money, so she would not agree to Xiaoer. But when she heard Xiaoer's threats to her, she used the excuse of firing him to shut him up and leave him alone. Enraged by the widow's vicious words, and enraged from embarrassment, he intends to commit violence against the widow."

Chapter 20 Bai Zhuo's Innocence

?Chapter 20 Bai Zhuo is innocent

Song Wuya's reasoning came to a halt at this moment. He raised his brows and looked at the waiter kneeling on the ground, and asked sharply: "Now you are not recruiting the truth? Do you want to wait for me to continue talking?"

Facing Song Wuya's pressing questions, the waiter raised his head with a look of panic: "You little one is wronged!"

"Since you are still stubborn, let me reveal the whole process of your crime! I let you say it yourself, it's just to give you a chance to save, if that's the case, then don't blame me." Song Wuya said coldly He continued: "Because the widow is familiar with you, she didn't think that you would do such a crazy thing, so she didn't guard against you. You directly stuffed her mouth with a rag, and then tied her up. And start your atrocities. But the widow resisted fiercely, and the constant struggle made you panic. You were afraid, so you broke the teacup on the table and threatened her with the pieces. But you didn't expect that she was still struggling , and in a panic, you accidentally punctured her carotid artery, causing blood to spurt out."

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