Tiandao: Let’s stock up on points slowly. This thing will be closed after two months and you should be able to buy a few ships. However, I don’t recommend buying ruby ​​ions. Just buy jellyfish or expel them.

Game blowout: I think so too. In fact, I feel that my luck is pretty good this time. I got both Nanny Guard and Carrier Guard, and the Escort Ship also got the Nebula type, which can be matched with the Guardian carrier.

It’s just that it takes a total of 64 points for a carrier aircraft and two escort boats, but this escort boat is really strong. Although Nebula is not as strong as the honeycomb I saw before, its output is not low. More than 5000 output and a carrier aircraft It also has more than 6000 outputs, adding up to almost [-].

Umbrella: Don't talk about it, boss, just express your envy!

Ling Xiao: It means that I am also envious, but unfortunately I can't afford it without points!

Game blowout: Everyone, I discussed with our team members to raise funds to buy destroyers, so we want to sell the rubies and jellyfish in our hands. Are you interested?

Galaxy Judgment: @游戏吹减, what price?

Game Blow: Let’s do the math for everyone, and if the original price is 5, if a Ruby Alliance Mall sells for 10, then the price of its own hull should be 5.

We plan to sell Rubies directly for 4. The properties of jellyfish without modification are basically the same as Ruby Ion, so the price should not be much different, so we are going to sell 8.

When they heard the game blowing up their decision, the crowd also became agitated.

The first point is because they know the actual value of these rare ships through the alliance mall.

For those players who spent one or two thousand points to draw, this is simply a blood profit.

For some players who have not drawn, their desire to draw a lottery is greatly stimulated.

In addition, this game blowing up is basically a price reduction. For those players who are not chieftains but have sufficient funds, they have also begun to consider whether to go to the contact to collect some points.

Of course, Chen Gang had thought of this a long time ago, so he also opened the point buying and selling channel on the official website.

Your points can be posted on the official website and then traded, and the official website charges you a 10% handling fee.

Of course, this service fee refers to points, not meters.

All players are used to the operation of the official website. Anyway, the official website of this game is hard to get through with money, and all these hellish operations are done.

They were also speechless about this.

But it’s speechless, but it’s a good thing for those who sell points. After all, they only use lost points and don’t lose money.

Chapter 94 Official Collection Points

Because of the alliance mall, the game blows up and the team members have already entered the state of joint venture to buy ships.

The friends who are lucky enough to draw a ship will sell the ship in a group of three and then share the difference in points. Each person holds 30.00% of the shares.

However, such players generally choose the Guardian model. The main reason is that this ship can be played by three players. One person drives the ship, and the other two drive the escort ship to gain game experience.

Calculated by a joint venture of several people, each person can't give much points on average. It is almost enough to save for ten days and a half months for their current production and their wealth including the points for selling ships.

Of course, some players who want to play alone squat on the official website to scan goods every day, because the game can also be directly connected to the official website, so they change from chatting and watching live broadcasts to scanning goods on the official website trading page after mining every day.

Because of the increase in production, Chen Gang released another two hundred quotas, so the number of players now has reached 800.

With their addition, the total daily income is even greater.

Also because of these players, the price of joining the game currency has also been falling all the way, from the initial point of more than 90 meters to the current price of more than 40 meters.

The price dropped by more than half.

If it weren't for the recent game blowing up that the alliance needs a lot of points to buy ships, the price would probably drop.

Of course, there are principles for these players to buy points. Only when the ratio is lower than or equal to 40, they will accept it. If it is higher, they will choose not to buy it tacitly.

The follow-up reaction caused by the alliance store now also surprised Chen Gang, because some people spend money to collect points when they are in urgent need of points, and those who want to earn rice will work harder to mine and sell points, and many players consider that the future demand may be uncertain will be bigger.

Many Tuntun rats also put all their family belongings in and began to introduce a large number of mining ships.

And Chen Gang himself also introduced a large number of mining ships to supply newcomers to mine.

At present, the total number of mining ships in the entire base is close to 300, of which 200 are Chen Gang's co-chartered ships.

The daily output has also soared to about 80, and the mining ship can produce about 50 per day, and the planetary development can produce about 30.

The main reason is that most of the players with several mining ships have directly mined with AI intelligence, resulting in some mining ships not reaching the theoretical maximum output value.

Players with an output value of 80 per day naturally earn more and more every day, whether it is reality or games.

In reality, many players have also started to change jobs to play games because they make a lot of money in the game.

Looking at the overall situation of the players now, Chen Gang is also very satisfied. With this output, he can be regarded as a little bit self-protective.

But Chen Gang is also very clear that with more and more players, he will face more and more problems.

The first is the source of rice.

Although this thing has no effect on itself, it is very useful to players.

This is a very big problem.

Because the flow of rice in his game is because there are many local tyrants spending money to collect points, but what if the local tyrants stop spending money?

Although there are many micro-krypton players.

But the problem also lies here. You must know that there are a group of players who play in the studio.

It is impossible for them to spend a penny and still make a lot of money in the game. Although such players have made great contributions to Chen Gang, it is different for other people.

Because for other players, they are like Pixiu light in and out.

Other players may sell 1000 points for [-] meters. Maybe one day you will use this meter and buy points.

But the studio player is different, he will not do this, he will only hold Mi Yanyan firmly in his hands.

This is why many games are ruined by studios.

Most of the players trade with each other to promote a virtuous circle, but after the studio players enter, they only sell and do not receive, so there is no flow of funds for them.

Not only is there no flow, they also collect a lot of tickets through game currency every day.

At this time, the players' tickets can only be obtained from their work and then invested in the game. They may still be willing to invest in the beginning, but the investment will decrease after a long time.

In order to ship the studio, it began to lower the price.

It is a good thing for Chen Gang that the proportion of game currency is getting lower and lower, because the output will reach an astonishing proportion.

But what about the players?A game that doesn't come out will retain very few players.

Only when the player not only likes to play games, but also can become a career, then he can play for a long time.

Thinking of this, Chen Gang already had an idea in his mind.

He needs to intervene in this matter.

Officials also want to purchase game currency!

Where does the money come from?Directly hack into the Blue Star network to tamper with data?

Think too much, you!The Bluestar system may be evil, but people are not stupid. When people find that the flow of funds and data is abnormal, why should it be investigated?

So he needs a reasonable and legal way to obtain funds.

Of course, Chen Gang has thought of this method a long time ago. He is familiar with this method by directly entering the Internet industry to make traffic money.

Just use AI to operate it, and you don't need to worry about it.

After finishing this matter, Chen Gang set the reserve price for the purchase of game currency, 20 meters per point.

That is to say, the game company buys points at a price of 20 meters, and it will never be lower than this bottom line.

It is also very simple to operate. . . .

A month later in the chat group...

Lai Wuhen: Brothers, have you checked the official trading website?

Ling Xiao: Look!It’s crazy that the game is officially true and I can’t fix it!

Game Blow: After playing the game for so long, I am the one with the most say!After my speculation, I can basically confirm that this rice has been thrown into the planner's ancestral grave, and I try to find a way to make trouble with it every day.

Han Yu: I agree with this!

Yun Tian: I still don't understand how this game is played. I won't even say that I haven't made any money after operating it for so long. Now it's even more stupid and I want to give money to players!

Magpie Dance Jiangnan: If I hadn't been playing this game, I would have thought I had joined a scam gang.

Lei Longyu: Everyone, if this is really the case, then I can understand, I only need to buy a sufficient number of mine ships, and then I will live comfortably for the rest of my life?

Paradise: Are you thinking too much? How long do you think the official money can be burned with this operating method?

Sauce Man: That's right, I don't believe how long it can last.

Letters: smaller, smaller format!Do you really think the government has no money?During this period of time, the popular video software Yinyin, I looked at the development company, and this is the company.

Nima's not to mention anything else, just how terrifying Yinyin's current influence income is.

Donkey: That’s right, and it also launched a food delivery business called Run Hurry, which is also the official industry of the game, and it’s also very popular these days.

Breast augmentation: Fuck me!I heard you say that this official is so awesome?There are so many industries under his hands!

. . . . .

Indeed, this is what Chen Gang's intelligent AI did.

He directly used the system to transfer a few intelligent robots and went to Blue Star to do things for him.

It's just that the issue of their identities is simple, just tamper with the data, and Chen Gang doesn't worry about being found out about this kind of thing.

With the support of Blue Star Industry, his collection of points is very simple.

Of course, another thing to mention is that the system teleportation can only teleport non-living objects, and the larger the teleportation object, the higher the level of technology, the more points it needs.

For example, it takes 1 points for an intelligent robot to send one.

Chapter 95 Prepare to Plan to Call Back

After solving this problem, Chen Gang naturally has no worries.

And with the launch of the acquisition points function on the official website, it will be a boon for most studio players.

That is to say, no matter how much the points drop, it is impossible to fall below 20 meters, so some of them no longer have any worries.

Buy mineships directly to increase production!

Of course, before that, they need to get over this wave of earning points.

Then they all spontaneously went to the game to blow up the big leagues and talk about entering the game.

Because after entering the major league, they can have meritorious service, and after entering, they can find some people in the league who have merit but no points to exchange points for meritorious service.

In this way, their ship speed will also increase a lot.

Of course, it is not so easy to enter, they need to pay a certain amount of points to the alliance every month.

In this way, because of Chen Gang's operation, the situation of the entire alliance has changed as a whole.

When all this was on the right track, Chen Gang also knew that it was time for revenge.

First of all, it is about 40 light-years away from the location of the Plato civilization.This distance is too close for Chen Gang.

Its escort destroyer fleet is not a slow ship like an industrial ship.

The average jump speed of these ships is 5 AU, which is 2500 times the speed of light. Considering that the jump needs to consume a lot of energy, it should take about two days when the fleet stops to recover energy.

Count the ships in your own fleet now.

The first is the destroyer, 1 normal guard, 10 guard aircraft, and 5 Niu Niu assault ships.

Then there are frigates, 110 ruby-type ships, 80 defensive-type ships, 60 pulse-type ships, and 120 thorn jellyfish ships.

There are a total of 386 warships, and they are all high-priced goods, all of which are elite warships!

Compared with the time when wealth was used to make up the number, the era when ruby ​​was a treasure is undoubtedly much stronger now.

As far as this fleet is concerned, if it encounters the fleet of the original Plato civilization and directly crushes it, it will be over.

After all, they are not ships of the same level. You must know that the gem-based type of a Platonian civilization ship in this fleet can only be regarded as the worst.

"Then it's time for the player to take revenge!"

Immediately after the official start of the update!

Chapter 3: The Flames of Vengeance.

Service stop update: 24H

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