With the joint efforts of the players, the base already has a very powerful fleet, it's time for the players to go back and avenge their shame!

Update content: After the update, it will enter a state of war. Players need to reach the rendezvous point located 7 light-years away from the Platonic civilization within 3 days, and launch an attack on the Platonic civilization on the eighth day.

Combat rewards: This time, we still use the calculation based on the total damage of the players' ships as before. Of course, considering the defensive ships, we specially added the damage value, which means that players can Get corresponding merit point rewards.

(Reminder: The Pola civilization may have known that players will go back to trouble them, so it is very possible that various emergencies may occur, players should be careful!)

Players got excited when they saw this update announcement after going offline.

I am the Emperor of the Liver: Have you read the official website update!I'm so numb, I thought the incident last time would be forgotten, but I never thought that the authorities would give us a chance to avenge our revenge!

Feng Ducheng: This is very unusual. After all, the official game must also start from the player's enjoyment!

Really new: For this update, I can only say that it is beautifully done!Made thinks about being beaten last time and feels aggrieved.

Aiolis: Yes!I can still vividly remember the scene where my poor little Fugui was set on fire by dozens of ships opposite me last time.

You just went to the bowl! : Hey, brothers, let's make a plan in advance for this war.

Security Brigade: The people upstairs must have drunk too much!Make a hammer plan!As far as our current strength and novice monsters are concerned, just be reckless!

With the light and shadow: Our current warships are so powerful and we still need to make a plan?Grind directly!

Drink more hot water: labor and management still don't believe that our elite fleet will scald those roasted chickens to death!

Zhenxin: Don’t talk so much, just do it!

I am the Emperor of the Liver: Yes!Fuck it!I will buy a steel battle armor when it goes online tomorrow. If the spaceship explodes, labor and capital will directly go to the battle armor and continue to fight!

Paradise: That armor with 5000 points?Although powerful, I feel that the price is not high.

Little donkey: I'm afraid you are not a tough guy!What is the use of armor?Equivalent to a life!If the spaceship explodes, you will not immediately become space junk, and it still has certain combat and self-protection capabilities!

Paradise: So here comes the question, if the spaceship explodes during the battle and you take the armor and escape the battlefield, then how do you go back?Steel warships don't have the ability to jump.

Little Donkey: You are really stupid!You don't know how to call for help on the combat channel!

Heaven:. . . .

. . . . . .

In this way, the day came to an end amidst the communication voices of many players.

As soon as the update was completed the next day, the players couldn't wait to go online.

Considering the situation of the last battle, some players also bought quantum reconnaissance planes and arranged them out.

Then the players also began to look for their own teammates, because the ships in each player's hands are different, and they need different ships to cooperate to form a reasonable fleet.

The players in this battle have also discussed a small team as a unit.

Among them, the Alliance of the Other Side of the Cloud and the Northern Star Legion form a main fleet that is mainly responsible for the frontal battlefield.

The other players participated in the form of a small team, mainly responsible for fighting guerrillas.

As for the reason why players do this, it is because they want to make everyone happy.

After all, if you all join the main formation, although your combat power will definitely increase, it won't be fun.

And there are still many players who are worried about not being able to eat meat!

After all, the main formation is a formation with strong expulsion, how much meat can you eat with it?

So after discussing with everyone, it was decided to fight in a small team.

The next step is to prepare for the battle.

First of all, because of the use of nano-repair robots in Gem Defense, many players who have Gem Defense will fill up all the nano-robot spare bins in advance.

After the players got everything ready, they started to march towards the assembly point.

The time of sailing is boring, so during this period of time, the remaining players except those who are offline have turned on the live broadcast to watch the live broadcast to pass the time.

Chapter 96 Grape has a new discovery

"Hello, everyone! I am your old friend Putao Patriarch. Today, as usual, I and the girl space station will bring you a live broadcast of space wandering."

As he spoke, the Grape Ancestor turned the camera to a blue planet in front of him.

"My friends, you can see that this planet is completely surrounded by sea water, and according to the data sent by the probe, it has given birth to life."

Jiangnan: True or not?Anchor, hurry up and let's go down and have a look!

Umbrella: What about anchor Moji, hurry up!

"Brothers, don't worry, I'll drive down right away!" He said, driving the spaceship and starting to fly towards the blue planet.

"For the family, Wanshui Qianshan always please give me some rewards!" At this time, the beautiful girl space station consciously stood up and began to ask for rewards.

Otto Fish: Give Jill a reward!Whores make me happy!

Invincible Unlucky Star: Hurry up, anchor, can you f**king sail so slowly?

Umbrella: Yes!Speed ​​up!Who sees you sailing? We want to see what's on this planet.

Hearing the urging of the water friends, Old Ancestor Putao stood up from the driver's seat and took over the microphone of the beautiful girl space station.

"Families, the speed of the spacecraft is now 2 kilometers per second, and it is very fast."

After hearing his words, the water friends in the live broadcast quit.

Black Heart: God damn 2000 meters is fast!

Li Meng: Although the anchors are not smart, we are not stupid either. Who are you fooling?

At this moment, the beautiful girl space station stood up again and put on a look of crying to everyone.

"Dear family members, you don't know that our spaceship industry has run out of oil for too long, so the speed is very slow."

"So I hope that all the big guys can reward the anchor with a barrel of oil to speed up the spaceship!"

Everyone fell silent after hearing her words.

Good guy!

I call it a good guy!God damn spaceship burns oil!What a speed up!

At this moment, the newcomer who thought he was ignorant and ignorant spent two days of hard work in his liver and clicked on a small oil barrel gift.

A full hundred points. . . .

When seeing this, the eyes of the grape ancestor suddenly lit up.

"Thank you Houhou for sending me a barrel of oil! Dear family members, put Houhou 666 on the public screen!"

Cui Can: Let me go, someone will give you a gift, indeed you are real 6666

Little Donkey: Now the way these two anchors ask for gifts is getting more and more expensive.

Liu Xiao: I have to say it smells like that.

"Big brothers! My little brother, I have been sailing for so long, and I haven't given you any work for so long in the live broadcast. Today I will leave my words here and reward enough 2000 points to send the spaceship directly into the sea!"

Hearing this, everyone became excited.

At this time, the friend who had contacted before started to do it.

Jiangnan: This product is good!Come, brothers, let's get together and take a look at the spaceship Zha Mengzi today.

As he spoke, he rewarded a barrel of oil.

With his driving, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room quickly rose.

Some reward a few points, and some reward dozens of points.

Mao Meowchong: Enough rewards from the anchor, you have to keep your word!

Grape Ancestor: "Don't worry, I said I'll show you guys a live broadcast right away!"

Just at this moment another drag came.

Ling Xiao: Host, wait!You can't enter the sea at this speed!I give out a barrel of oil to accelerate the spaceship!

Grape Ancestor: "Thank you Ling Xiao for speeding up. Brothers, let's talk here today. From now on, I will increase the speed by a thousand per second for a barrel of oil. As long as everyone dares to reward me, I will dare to speed up!"

The water friends in the live broadcast room were excited when they heard this.

Deep Space: Come Come Come!I accelerate the spaceship by two thousand!

I speed up two thousand!

I speed up a thousand!

I speed up five hundred!

Hold the grass!This spaceship went straight through the atmosphere and shot into sparks!I'm coming for five hundred!

I am Nima!Are you still human?This f*cking ship is already displaying a collision warning!I'm coming for a thousand.

. . . . .

Seeing this scene, Grape Ancestor had already been prepared, and directly opened the spaceship shield.

The next moment the spaceship crashed into the sea at an extremely fast speed.

With a loud noise from the sea, the tranquility on this planet was broken.

The huge impact energy spreads from the spacecraft to the surroundings, instantly forming a huge tsunami with a height of about several hundred meters, which is about to spread in all directions.

Of course, the ancestor of Putao deliberately adjusted the observation angle of the drone to the sea surface.

Fat Dazhuang: 666 is full of effects!

Black Heart: The anchor is really brave. You can hit it whenever you say it. I'm really not afraid of breaking your spaceship.

Looking at the rewards of this live broadcast and the complaints of the water friends, the ancestor of Putao couldn't help but sigh with emotion. Sure enough, I can learn something by watching the live broadcast while paddling at work.

Doesn't this mean that you can directly earn tens of thousands of points with a live broadcast? Isn't this more fragrant than mining?

Although it is annoying that the points that can be distributed to him are pitifully small.

"It's numb! How angry! But no matter how small a mosquito is, it's still meat. When I earn points, I can buy an exploration ship of my own. Then, won't a lot of points come?"

Just thinking about it makes me a little excited.

At this moment, the movement of the water friends in the live broadcast caught his attention.

Monkey Monkey: I am Nima!Look at the ruins!remains!

Unheard of Kyushu: This guy found the ruins again, I am so outrageous!

"Remains?" Looking at the barrage of water friends, he was a little confused.

Suddenly he was shocked when he saw the impact from the vision drone.

Not far from the spaceship at this moment is a modern submarine city.

Although the city has been covered by coral reefs at this moment, the high-rise buildings in the city can be vaguely seen.

The entire city is surrounded by a huge ring, while the interior is filled with skyscrapers. The city square not far away has been occupied by coral reefs and has become a paradise for fish.

Seeing this scene, Grape Ancestor felt a little unbelievable.

"My luck is so good?" He pointed to himself and murmured.

Just seeing it for the first time: I don't believe it!all fake!

As before: posing!Definitely a pose!The anchor must be prepared in advance!

Security Brigade: It's definitely a fake, it must be a fake posing!

The Return of the Great Sage: Fake!

Security Captain: It must be fake!Unless the host privately chats with me and sends me the coordinates,

Orion: Upstairs you are a toad, you are ugly, but you are beautiful.

. . . .

Although he doesn't know what kind of situation is here, the instinct of the grape ancestor tells him that this place is not simple.

The previous experience of selling points at a low price made Patriarch Bodhi decide that this time he must explore this planet with his own hands!

Then redeem points.

Because he and Yuntian had already negotiated to sell the alliance merits he had obtained to them at a price of 9000 per cent.

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