The Ascension Plan of the Ancestral Star of the Shuttles

The Ascension Plan of the Ancestral Star of the Shuttles


437 Chapters Completed Status


Li Fei disappeared mysteriously at home, and his sister, who depended on each other, searched everywhere to no avail.
However, three days later, when his sister decided to report to the official, he suddenly walked out of the bedroom again, dressed in ancient clothes, with a long sword hanging from his waist, long flowing hair, and extraordinary handsomeness.
Li Xiran: "Where have you been these three days?"
Li Fei: "Jianghu."
Li Xiran: "Speak human words."
Li Fei: "I traveled to a martial arts world and spent 30 years in that world."
Li Xiran: "30 years? Isn't it only three days? How do you prove it?"
Violet air appeared on Li Fei's face, raised his hand and slapped, and took a palm print on the wall.
Li Fei: "In three days, you can't practice such deep inner strength."
Li Xiran: "Okay! Next question, why are you able to travel through?"
Li Fei: "There is a system from a higher dimension implanted in my body that allows me to travel through."
Li Xiran: "Why did this system choose you?"
Li Fei: "Because... I'm handsome?"
Li Xiran (angry): "Speak human words."
Li Fei (laughs): "Actually, the system just randomly chose me. It just happened to choose me."
Li Xiran (speechless): "Shit luck, do you know the origin of the system?"
Li Fei: "I know, an almighty who went out from Zuxing hopes that Zuxing can be promoted to a higher dimension, so he created this system."
Li Xiran: "What are the conditions for Zu Xing's ascension?"
Li Fei: "There are a certain number of immortals or warrior gods in the world.


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