The Transfiguration professor at Hogwarts is always up for business

0092 The biggest bowl of urine, the worst beating

In front of Harry, this was the first time Petunia spoke of her sister without sarcasm and criticism.

Then he was surprised to find that his aunt's eye circles were red, and this was not the first time that his aunt showed such an expression when she mentioned his mother.

In the past, Harry always thought that her eyes were red from anger, but now he found that it didn't seem to be the case.

Vernon got up suddenly, took out a bottle of sherry from the cabinet, poured it for himself and his wife, and then poured half a glass for Harry.

"No, no, he is not yet of age." Seeing this, Petunia wanted to snatch the wine glass.

"This is at home, and Harry's already turned five, isn't he?" Vernon insisted, handing Harry the cup, "and I think Harry might need this to calm his nerves today. Besides, starting to understand A family man is entitled to a glass of sherry after dinner."

After Harry finished his glass, Vernon said again: "Of course, it's the first drink today, so it's only half a glass at most."

Speaking of Vernon toasting, the three of them took a small sip together.

What he took out was a bottle of sweet sherry, which was less than 20 degrees. Harry felt that the wine was not as spicy as imagined, but had a fresh and sweet fragrance.

After letting out a sigh of relief, Harry suddenly turned his head. He seemed to have seen a familiar figure just now, but he didn't find anything when he looked out the window.


Then I stopped paying too much attention as soon as my mind turned, and the upcoming conversation is more important now.

Uncle Vernon was sitting opposite, with his right elbow resting on the table, half holding a goblet in his hand, with a complicated expression on his face.

Aunt Petunia was sitting beside her, her thin upper body seemed to have lost her strength, leaning on her husband's broad shoulders, her red eye circles seemed to reveal the hostess's sad mood.

The aftertaste of the sherry wine was still lingering on the tip of his tongue. After just a sip, Harry was already slightly drunk. He didn't know if it was his first time drinking alcohol or for other reasons.

Or maybe, it was because it was the first time he sat so formally across from his aunt and uncle, talking about more serious issues than Christmas presents and pocket money like an adult.

The growth that can be perceived can sometimes make the youthful and ignorant boys overwhelmed.

After drinking the first sip of wine, the three of them sat there without speaking or even making unnecessary movements. Even the little mouse who was poking around behind the sofa seemed to sense the solemn atmosphere and tiptoed towards the kitchen.

In the end, as the head of the family, it was Mr. Dursley who broke the silence first.

"Well, well, I know some words are hard to say, but to be honest, Harry, I was in favor of sending you to an orphanage in the first place."

At this point Dursley paused for a moment, as if organizing his words, and then continued without waiting for anyone else to answer.

"When you appeared at the door, well, it was about the same size." The fat uncle pointed out a basket size, "But you know, Dali was about the same size at that time."

"Your aunt, and I, didn't have as much income as they do now, and it was difficult for us to afford two children, already know Lily and Potter...right?"

Harry nodded, feeling a little sad in his heart. He knew what his uncle meant. On that day, in Godric's Hollow, his parents bravely resisted the Dark Lord and died protecting him.

"I was very afraid that things would involve us, Darley. I wanted to send you away, but Petunia..." Dursley stopped talking and looked at his wife, Petunia couldn't stand upright. trembling.

Suddenly, the body leaning on her husband's shoulders straightened up, the woman stood up and stumbled around the table, hugged the thin boy into her arms, and let out a cry.

"You, you are my sister's only child. We almost lost contact when we grew up. She didn't leave any photos or messages. After her parents passed away, there was only you, and only you can prove that Lily existed."

Hearing his aunt's cry from the bottom of his heart, Harry's stiff body suddenly became soft. He crossed his arms and patted his aunt's back. For a while, both of them were choked up and speechless.

"In the end your aunt convinced me, and you stayed, but you have become Petunia's heart disease since then." Vernon took over the conversation, his deep voice seemed to represent that the past was not happy.

"She used to scream and run to your bedroom, take you out of the crib, and hide you in various hidden corners. I had to take her to the doctor for this, but the diagnosis was nothing but anxiety. "

"She still hides you from time to time, we all know that there is one..." Uncle Vernon seemed to have done a lot of psychological construction, and then spit out words that he would never say before.

"...Wizard, that's what you call yourselves, right. Fortunately, since you came to this house, that evil wizard has never been here."


Harry thought to himself, he didn't expect that this name, which made many wizards fearful, would bring such great fear to his uncle and aunt.

This made him full of resentment towards himself, and even more guilty towards the two people in front of him.

"You know, Petunia can't tell the truth to the psychiatrist, otherwise people will think she is crazy. Later I suggested that she tell it in a story-telling way, saying it was a repeated dream."

"Petunia tried it, and the effect is remarkable. But it's not that the psychiatrist is so clever, he just told your aunt a joke." Vernon rubbed the beard on his face, and seemed to be concerned about the problem that had been entangled with them for half a year. Such a child's play has been resolved, and I feel a little speechless.

"He said, then hide him in the cupboard, where the big men don't go after a child."

For a moment, Harry's expression was kind of brilliant, so is that why I've been sleeping in the cupboard for ten years?

Thinking back to my first thoughts of dissatisfaction with my uncle and aunt, I had to let myself sleep in a cupboard in the stairwell full of spiders when there was an empty bedroom.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be his own protection at first.

What he didn't expect was that it was Dali and him who slept in the cupboard at first, but before they could remember anything, cousin "Balloon" blew himself up at a very fast speed, which made Bowl The closet was a bit cramped for him.

In addition, nothing happened for more than a year, and Penny's mood was no longer so nervous, so Dali moved back to the bedroom.

"Harry, do you remember what you were like when you were a child?" Petunia also slowed down at this moment, stroking Harry's hair and asked.

Hearing his aunt's question, Harry almost shoved himself into the crevice of the floor in embarrassment.

How could you not know?At that time, I was resentful, and I always used various ways that I thought were hidden to make trouble for the family, or encouraged Dali to fight with other children, especially the older children, and secretly cut off the flower stems planted by my uncle, and put them in the bowl. piss inside...

Well, this is really hard to forget, even if I think of the beating now, my memory is still fresh.

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