But in fact, there were many times when Dursley yelled at Harry, but there were only a handful of times when he did it.

On the contrary, Dali would get hit twice from time to time.

For a moment, Harry didn't know how to answer the conversation, but fortunately, his aunt didn't want him to flatter him, so he continued talking on his own.

"Harry, I grew up with your mother. Lily was always very well-behaved and relied on me very much since she was a child. This made us tired of being together almost every day before the age of 11. We rested together, ate together, went to school together, and played together. Sometimes we also face the little boy's accusation together."

"Although there will be some situations around Lily from time to time, after the incident, we will always tacitly ignore those little accidents."

Speaking of this, the corner of Penny's mouth curled into a nostalgic arc, as if she saw those two carefree girls running freely in the wilderness, stopping to fight with each other from time to time.

"Every time something strange happened around Lily, I would become very irritable, yelling at her, losing my temper with her, Lily thought that I did this out of fear, and every time she forgave me graciously .”

"But I know that fear is not the main reason for my gaffe, but jealousy is. We can only try our best to avoid this topic carefully. Until the summer of that year, the conflict broke out irreconcilably."

Petunia pursed her lips tightly, obviously just a few days before the damned owl came to knock on the glass, she was still jokingly watching her sister panicked on the bed with her underwear, at that time she was still thinking happily, her sister also had The physiological reaction of a normal person is just an ordinary girl.

"When the parents knew that my sister was going to a magic school, they were so happy that they celebrated for Lily almost the whole summer vacation, especially when they bought back those magic textbooks. Dad was stuck in the study every day and refused to come out."

The aunt's speech became faster and faster, and the strength of the arm around Harry became stronger and stronger, making him a little out of breath.

"For the whole summer, I wandered around them like a little transparent, but all the words I heard were Lily! Why! Why!"

Petunia's tone became more and more agitated, and Harry could even see the saliva being sprayed out over the top of his head, which made him feel a little strange.

I just took a sip of the wine, are you in the mood now?


For some reason, Harry remembered the figure he saw just now, but then shook his head, probably because he saw it wrong.

"Obviously I'm the older sister, and I've been the strong one since I was a child, but because of those weird things that have never appeared before, I can only curl up in the corner and watch Lily harvest and take away all the love and love. attention, so I hate magic, loathe, or rather hate."

"I knew then that wizarding schools don't teach normal people, and it proved even more so when Lily brought her boyfriend. What's his name? Oh, yes, James Potter, it's a A man without any manners almost got into a fight with your uncle at the dinner table."

Hearing his aunt slandering his father, Harry was dissatisfied and wanted to refute, but after he opened his mouth, he found himself speechless.

"When we left, Lily cried out sadly, which made me feel very happy. She actually wants to live among those freaks. She deserves the misfortune and crying."

Penny's words became more bitter and mean, but in those hysterical, carefree and crazy tones, a touch of unspeakable regret invaded her pupils, and big drops of tears rolled down, looking like a picture with a misplaced audio. cassette.

"But I really didn't expect that that man looked arrogant and arrogant, but he couldn't protect his own woman. I should have broken them up at that time, so maybe Lily was still alive."

"Why did she die! Why is it her! Why is it my sister!" The emotions that had been suppressed for a long time burst out, and Petunia lay on Harry's body and cried loudly.

The feeling of heartbreak spread in the hall, Harry's thought of defending his father had not been put into action, but was washed away by the surging sadness.

Petunia kept crying, it would be great if her sister was still alive.

"Your aunt thought it was magic that caused all of this, and since then she has hated everything that is abnormal even more." Seeing the two relatives immersed in grief and unable to extricate themselves, Mr. Dursley, who was a little helpless, drank cup after cup. While drinking, he considered himself a articulate person, but he couldn't do anything about the situation in front of him.

Petunia cried for a while, Harry was held by his aunt and couldn't see the dial, but when the aunt changed from howling to choking, the uncle had already opened the cupboard twice, and the sherry in the glass was replaced with whiskey.

"Uh." Dursley hiccupped, but it's a pity he doesn't know how to mix wine, otherwise it might taste better.

"Boy, Petunia originally put a lot of emotion on you, but you..." The belch again made Dursley forget what he was going to say before, too much alcohol had already made his mind a little confused up.

But that's enough, Harry knew that his aunt's heart was broken by his behavior when he was a child.

In the beginning, except for living in the cupboard, I was treated similarly to my cousin, but after making them unhappy, the treatment naturally began to decline.

And this made him even more dissatisfied, and under the vicious circle, he fell into the previous situation.

When his aunt calmed down a bit and quickly ran to the opposite side to grab his uncle's wine glass, Harry stood up and apologized sincerely, and told the two elders about his mental journey.

Although tonight's experience was a bit abrupt for him, it was indeed a huge surprise. Not only did he let go of the burden of the past ten years, but he also gained a lot of family affection after abandoning the Mirror of Erised.

As for the cousin who wasn't there?

Hey, if one kind of snack can't handle him, then come another one. I bought some of every kind of candy in the Bee Duke store.

It seems that the days of summer vacation are much better than I expected.

It's a pity that it's not easy to scare my cousin with magic...

After all, he is only a 12-year-old child, even if he has let go intellectually, he still needs some venting emotionally.

"Hehe." Seeing that everything was going well, Aini, who was hidden by the side, chuckled. It seemed that he had nothing to do. He had to go to Africa tomorrow, so it was time to go back and get a good night's sleep.

In fact, Ernie had been following them since they left platform nine and three quarters.

There was no way, last time he suggested to Harry to ease the relationship with Snape, but the boy almost died on the spot, and his mentality almost collapsed.

This time, he consciously guided Harry to repair his relationship with his uncle and aunt. If he tried to push him up again because of a few words, his high-quality lamb would really be ruined.

But he didn't do much, just let the three of them stop hiding and express their emotions frankly, and made Harry keep his mouth shut for a while when he wanted a head iron.

When you dig a way, the mountain spring becomes clear by itself, without manipulation.

And if the sadness in your heart is difficult to resolve, then throw it into the sea.

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