Hogwarts founder returns to campus

Chapter 51 The Eve of Halloween

The three emerged from the Pensieve.

"Is that your reason? You decided to keep him because you thought he was different from the Dark Lord... You-Know-Who?" Snape asked.

"It's probably half of the reason." Dumbledore raised his right hand, and the six silk thread imprints on it were brighter than ever. "Since he has made an unbreakable oath, at least he is not an enemy."

"Then what do we need to do?" McGonagall asked, "I now feel that there is a deep generation gap with Salazar."

It was the first time that Snape agreed with McGonagall's idea so much. It was normal to have such a thought that a legendary figure from thousands of years ago suddenly appeared in modern times.

"Since he said that he came to experience campus life, of course he still has to assign the homework that should be assigned, and of course he will be judged if he fails to complete the goals in class." Dumbledore smiled slightly, "If he fails in any way, Of course, points or penalties can be deducted, such as confinement."

"Founder detention?" Snape's cheek muscles twitched as he sneered, "I think he'd be dissatisfied with my Potions class and put me in detention instead."

"Severus, your joke is very good, I like it very much!" Dumbledore praised and laughed out loud.

It's a pity that he was the only one laughing in the principal's room, and Snape and McGonagall looked unhappy.

Sometimes knowing too much is not a good thing.


Cassandra, who made a wish, became even more unscrupulous. According to Hannah, she was only seen during recess and three meals a day.

If there is no astronomy class in the evening, she is almost not in the dormitory.

Not only that, but the snake plague, which is said to be caused by Slytherin, is becoming more and more unscrupulous.

Students in various colleges saw an emerald green snake at night, it suddenly appeared in the corridor, and quickly disappeared on the fourth floor.

In addition, there is another major event, Hogwarts announced the release of restrictions on Quidditch selection.

Now a large number of first-year students are gearing up and preparing to participate in the freshman selection that will start in late October to see if they have the opportunity to join the school team. Even if it is just a substitute, it will become the envy of other students.

But these were all Salazar cared about, and he was bound by an unbreakable oath. Now he didn't need to worry about anything, and he could freely enter and leave his laboratory.

Godric and the others also have their own private space, such as Godric's duel room and Rowena's exclusive study.

Only Helga is the most special, she only opened a separate ice cave in Hufflepuff's lounge.

There was a cabinet in the ice cave, but she never put anything in it.

According to her, with the ice cave outside, this cabinet can have the magic that prevents death, and can infinitely continue the state of the dying person before death.

To put it simply, putting a wizard in this cabinet can save his last breath, and there is hope for a cure in the future.

Hogwarts remodeled the interior of the castle in the eighteenth century, building modern and complex plumbing and bathroom facilities.

This change forced Salazar to go to his laboratory after casting the Disillusionment Curse.

His laboratory access was originally located next to a balcony on the second floor, but after the transformation, the balcony became a women's bathroom.

He didn't want to be found running towards the women's bathroom all day long, so he could only go incognito.

This laboratory is as well preserved as it was a thousand years ago, as if someone has specially maintained it, and every corner here has carefully left charms to ensure that his things will not be damaged due to the passage of time.

The only ones who will help him take care of it are probably his students, but thousands of years have passed, and now his acquaintances are only ghosts of consciousness, and he doesn't recognize his teacher Bins.

This laboratory was specially built by him, and the oil paintings and passwords that came in ensured that no outsiders would disturb his experiments.

Usually Godric's pastime is all kinds of duels. Sometimes after Godric fails in a magic duel, he will pull out his sword and want to have a sword duel.

When Salazar felt annoyed, he would sneak into this laboratory to avoid Godric's stalking.

Various spells are set up in the laboratory, which can help the people in it to concentrate and increase the success rate of the experiment.

Not only that, but the laboratory is also equipped with trigger-type protective spells. In the face of some dangerous experiments that may cause explosions, these protective spells can be used to protect and resist in the first place.

Since Cassandra gave him a broomstick, he naturally had to disassemble the broomstick completely and study the structure inside.

Today's broomsticks can be mass-produced, which means that the technology inside can be copied.

Especially the broomstick he got now is called Comet 180, and the Horton-Cage braking spell inside is a patented braking spell.

So the anti-theft charm on the Comet 180 is more complicated, this is to prevent other broomstick manufacturers from stealing this patented braking charm.

The structure of a modern broom always reminded him of convertible cars in the Muggle world, and the various spells worked in a similar way.

The damping spell corresponds to the sponge on the car seat, the acceleration spell corresponds to the car's engine and gearbox, the ever-improving steering spell corresponds to the car's steering system, and the braking spell to ensure the safety of the broomstick corresponds to the car's brake system.

He not only lamented the innovation of modern wizards on the broomstick, but also lamented that Muggles can actually use technology to create similar means of transportation.

With Halloween approaching, Salazar was able to figure out the entire process of a modern broomstick just by putting in the last bits of finishing touches.

In order to welcome Halloween, Hogwarts has begun to decorate, with small, constantly burning pumpkin ghost faces hanging on the torch handles in the corridors, and decorations that look like bats flying on the ceiling.

Not only that, there are also pumpkins piled up at the gates of various gates, but these pumpkins are huge, and when students pass by, they will suddenly scream and scream in an attempt to scare the passing students.

However, this level of scaring has no effect. On the contrary, it allows the students who have been in the school for two months to better understand the school's Halloween atmosphere.

The eve of Halloween is the most important thing in the celebration banquet. Early in the morning, the whole castle is filled with the smell of roasted pumpkins. The huge pumpkins that used to move occasionally will make strange noises whenever students pass by.

Perhaps it was because of the pumpkin's strange cry that the students became impetuous. As the most popular courses in Charms, the students' response in the class was not enthusiastic.

Cassandra directly chose to skip class in the afternoon, but Flitwick could understand the restlessness before the student festival, so he didn't deduct points for Hufflepuff.

However, according to Hannah, Cassandra skipped class to comfort Hermione who was sad for some reason.

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