Hogwarts founder returns to campus

Chapter 52 The Snake and the Rabbit

In the damp bathroom, only the sound of the girl sobbing.

In the toilet cubicle, Hermione was sitting on the toilet seat, her Gryffindor gold and red scarf partly wet, and there were clumps of tear-soaked tissues all over the floor.

Hermione's face didn't have much color, but her eye sockets were red, and there were still tears hanging on her eyelashes.

"Honestly, she's like a nightmare!"

This sentence from Ron after Charms class still appeared in Hermione's mind. This sentence was like the last straw that broke the camel's back, and finally broke her psychological defense.

The exclusion and grievance she had suffered in the past two months all broke out at this moment, and she couldn't let go of it all afternoon.

After a while, there was another soft knock on the compartment door.

It was Cassandra, who had skipped class in the afternoon and brought her some packs of tissues.

Cassandra was the only one who chatted with her all afternoon.

"Is it more comfortable, little Hermione? My grandma said that girls are made of water, and crying makes them feel better, but you've been crying for too long! I feel like my calves are cramping a bit." said Sandra's melodious voice like a lark.

"As long as you don't sing," thought Hermione.

She had also seen Cassandra's singing voice just now, which made her almost want to block her ears with tissues, but she understood that all this was for her own good, and she was still very moved.

"The Halloween dinner is starting! We may not be able to make it to the dinner, do you want to watch me go hungry? I stayed with you all afternoon." Cassandra continued to slap on the compartment door.

Halloween is one of the most important festivals in England, and Hermione has been looking forward to this day for a long time. After all, this is the first Halloween she spent in the wizarding world, which has extraordinary significance.

Maybe I should go out, after all Cassandra is still waiting for me outside...

Hermione was still hesitating. The tissues Cassandra had given her had already been used up. Her tears made her already messy hair stick together in several places, and her image was really bad.

If you didn't forget to bring your wand, you can use the descaling spell to take care of it at this time.

"Oops!" Cassandra suddenly screamed outside the door, "My calf is really cramp! Ah! I'm going to fall!"

Hermione was startled when she heard Cassandra's screams, and hurriedly opened the compartment door, trying to catch Cassandra who might fall.

The moment she opened the door, she was suddenly hugged sideways and pushed back into the compartment.

It was Cassandra, her calf didn't have any cramps at all, and she was as agile as a snake, entwining a weak and helpless little white rabbit.

"You lied to me?" Hermione snorted.

With such a close contact, she could clearly see Cassandra's soft and smooth skin like peeling eggs, and her pair of azure blue eyes like sapphires, which had a different kind of magic power.

Cassandra also has a scent of tuberose, which is said to attract the attention of snakes...

Hermione smelled the scent and began to think wildly.

Cassandra was tall, half a head taller than Hermione.

The two stared at each other for a long time, perhaps because Hermione's eyes became more and more blurred, causing the corners of Cassandra's mouth to curl up, and said with a slight smile, "I got you!"

With this smile, the somewhat charming atmosphere between the two eased, and Hermione also left Cassandra's warm embrace.

Hermione felt that her cheeks were red and hot, and she pursed her lips to cover her front teeth, feeling a little at a loss.

Cassandra smiled slightly: "You don't need to think about it because of what the two boys said. I guess they just said it without thinking about it."

"I'm also doing it for their own good. What's wrong with me? I kept a secret for them, and I didn't tell them where they went..." Hermione suddenly realized something, and quickly covered her mouth.

"I've seen the cutie on the fourth floor, and you're my friend. Principal Dumbledore won't fire you." Cassandra said.

"Cutie?" Hermione became confused again, "Is it the three-headed dog on the fourth floor?"

"Yes! It can listen to me now!" Cassandra raised her head braggingly, "You wait for me on the fourth floor, and I'll find something to eat."

"Why do you want to go there?" Hermione asked, she was still a little worried, after all, she still remembered Dumbledore's words.

"Do you want other students to see you crying? Although you look cute with red eyes now." Cassandra smiled and said, "And you won't be found there! At this time they are all participating Halloween dinner, let’s have a Halloween dinner for ourselves too!”

Hermione touched her eye sockets with her fingers, and it was indeed a little swollen. The subdued little white rabbit could only follow the snake's consciousness and be pulled out of the bathroom.


All the bat decorations arranged a week before Halloween gathered on the ceiling of the auditorium, and they shuttled through the dark clouds on the ceiling, making thin and dense screams.

Huge pumpkin lanterns were piled up in front of the teacher's long table, and the toad choir was singing the exclusive playlist for the Halloween dinner. Their loud voices sang strange tunes, which really fit the theme of Halloween.

"Forget it, Justin! Ron and the others didn't mean it either!"

Ron turned his head and saw that it was Hufflepuff's Ernie and another Hufflepuff student. Because the student was from a Muggle family, he didn't have much impression.

Justin stood behind Harry and Ron, his face was a little nervous, but he was more angry: "You should apologize to Hermione, she stayed in the bathroom on the second floor all afternoon, and Cassandra also Stay with her there all afternoon."

Ron looked a little uncomfortable when he heard Justin's words, his ears were as red as his hair in an instant: "I really didn't mean it, who knew she was actually behind..."

"I'm lucky. Hufflepuff students are more friendly. Even though I still think video games are more fun, Ernie can still be friends with me." Justin said indignantly.

"Of course Wizard Chess is more fun!" Ernie corrected in time.

"I thought you Gryffindors were really like the emblem of the house, a lion of unity and friendship, but I didn't expect that you couldn't tolerate a girl?" Justin continued to sneer.

Both Harry and Ron fell into silence. Looking at the sumptuous dinner in front of them, the two suddenly lost their appetite and felt a little overwhelmed.


The door of the auditorium was slammed open, and Quirrell suddenly rushed into the auditorium disheveled, his big scarf was a little messy, and his face was full of horror.

When everyone watched Quirrell run up to Dumbledore, he finally gasped and said:

"The troll... in the dungeon... thought you should know."

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