My brother and I are twins. I have been healthier and stronger than my brother since I was a child.

I heard from my grandma that I was very naughty when I was a child, and even made a big joke at the first birthday party.

To this day, my family still laughs at me from time to time about what happened at that time.

My mother said that I was excellent and that she really liked me.

But I know that in her heart, my brother is more important than me.

My mother always looks at my brother with sad eyes, as if she is worried that he will not grow up.

Although my brother is thinner and shorter than me, he has a very flexible mind.

Dad said he had a photographic memory, just like when he was a child.

After hearing this, I quietly stuck out my tongue. Why did my father praise his brother when he also praised himself?

When I was less than two years old, my parents gave me two lovely little sisters.

My little sister is cute and cute, sweet and soft. When I saw it, I wanted to rush forward and take a bite.

That's what I thought, and I did.

In exchange for a meal of stir-fried meat with my father's belt, my sister smells really good. I like them so much.

After my mother gave birth to my sister, she became very busy, but fortunately there were many people willing to take care of us.

First it was Grandma Xiaoxiu, then Grandma Yufen, and later Grandma Cuimei also applied for early retirement.

The family hired two other aunts to take care of the four children and five of them. One looked after each other, and the other was responsible for cooking and housework.

Our family is becoming more and more lively, but everyone gets along better and better.

I used to fight with my brother all the time, but after I got my sister, I didn’t want to deal with him anymore.

I watched my sister grow up little by little, and I grew up with her.

Soon I reached the age of elementary school. I heard from my aunt that it was very happy to go to school, so I went there with the mentality of giving it a try.

As a result, I found that I was not happy at all. I had to carry such a heavy schoolbag to school every day and sit upright to listen to lectures.

The teacher lectured very well, but I was too tired from sitting.

I didn't want to go to school. I told my dad and I got a spanking.

Woohoo, I want to complain to my mother!

My mother sympathized with me at first, but then she stopped talking when she heard the reason why I was beaten.

Not only did she not speak, I heard her teeth grinding.

She would do this every time she wanted to spank me. I didn't dare to complain, so I ran away with a scream.

Since then, my father has taken me to exercise every morning.

Poor me at such a young age, running, doing push-ups, and doing toad jumps all make me very tired every day.

Dad said, if you don’t go to school, just exercise at home every day.

After being trained by my father for a few days, I thought about it and still felt comfortable going to school.

After coming to school, all my problems were cured.

I sit upright in class, listen to lectures more and more seriously, and do my homework more and more neatly.

My parents finally had smiles on their faces. I touched my buttocks and smiled secretly in my heart. It was great. I didn’t have to be beaten at last!

The only regret is that my father still has to take me for a run every morning.

I said unconvinced, "Why does my brother never have to run?"

"Because you are too fat and it's time to lose weight!"

I stood on the scale and pondered, "Am I fat? I am 125cm tall and 60 pounds really fat?"

For this reason, I asked a few classmates and found that they were not even 110cm tall and weighed only over 30 kilograms.

Well, I'm really fat!

Running is really tiring for fat people, but my dad keeps insisting and there’s nothing I can do.

After running with my father for three years, I have grown taller and thinner, and my body is stronger than before.

When I was in fourth grade, my younger brother joined in because my mother said he was too thin.

Dad listens to mom the most. Once mom opens her mouth, the younger brother will definitely not be able to escape.

He resignedly followed us for a run every day, while my mother stood at the door every day, looking at us uneasily.

Life at home is getting better and better. I wonder what my mother is worried about?

Until we turned 11 years old, I saw my mother plopped down on the sofa and breathed a sigh of relief.

I also heard her murmuring to herself, "I'm finally 11 years old, I finally survived 10 years old!"

boil?Why boil?

I've always been a bit confused. Isn't my family's life obviously very good?

My father is a high-ranking official, my mother makes money, and even my uncle and aunt are top academics.

What has mom been worried about in the past 10 years?

I finally graduated from elementary school and became a glorious junior high school student.

Looking at my sister who is still in elementary school now, I will proudly think that you two little ones will never outgrow me!

I have good genes in my family, so I never find it difficult to study.

My younger brother is smarter than me. I am in the upper reaches of the class, and he is directly the top student in the grade.

Another uncle with such amazing talents!

It's because they are so good that they make me look dull.

I also wanted to study hard, but they ran too fast and I couldn't catch up with them anyway.

Although I am not very good at studying, my mother loves me very much.

Ever since we turned 11, my mother has looked at my brother and me no differently.

She treats us all equally, and sometimes she is especially nice to me.

I always feel like she feels a little guilty towards me?

Is it because you didn’t breastfeed me when you were a child, so you regret it now?

But why do I have to breastfeed?

I have been drinking milk powder, but my body is stronger than a calf.

I almost never got sick until I was a teenager. Even if I had some minor illnesses or pains, my mother would give me sweet water to drink.

The water was very clear and sweet, and my throat didn't hurt at all after drinking it.

If I have a fever, if I drink some of that water, the fever will go away immediately.

Unlike his younger brother, a minor illness almost cost him half his life.

My mother tried her best to cure him, and sometimes I was afraid that he would just die.

Fortunately, my mother gave her breast milk to my brother when he was a child. Otherwise, with his body, I'm afraid he won't live to be 10 years old.

My younger brother actually often gives in to me for this matter.

He also felt guilty about me. Actually, for me, what is the difference between drinking breast milk or drinking formula?

I drink milk powder without any trouble, and I still grow taller and stronger.

My younger brother drinks breast milk, which not only enhances his immunity, but sometimes he doesn't even eat enough.

Mom is very strong in other aspects, but when it comes to milk, it’s really hard to describe!

When I took the high school entrance examination, my younger brother got in first place, and I was only among the last.

There are more and more subjects in high school, and students are getting busier and busier with their studies.

When it came to dividing arts and sciences, I kicked out the liberal arts subjects that I was not good at, and my grades immediately went up. I wonder who would dare to call me a scumbag in the future!

My life is getting better and better, and my academic performance is getting better and better. I can see the relief in my parents' eyes.

When I didn't study well, they didn't hate me and hit me. When I studied well, they appreciated and encouraged me.

Being born into such a family and having such good parents is the greatest blessing in my life!

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