My name is Shen Zhengliang, nicknamed Zhuangzhuang.

But I am not strong at all. I have been very thin and small since I was a child, and I often get sick easily.

Every time I get sick, my parents are very nervous, especially my mother. She can't sleep all night long and stays by my bedside.

When will my fever subside and when will she dare to rest?

Sometimes when her father sees her like this, he wants to stay by her side, but her mother, who is usually very talkative, refuses to do so no matter what.

I got a serious illness when I was 5 years old. No matter how I went to the hospital, I couldn't see anything good. My mother was so worried that she cried.

She stopped talking about business and stopped making money. The most common thing she did every day was to hold my hand and wipe away my tears.

She would give me a sweet water to drink, and I would feel better after drinking it, but it still didn't help.

My father used connections to find the best doctor in Beijing, and my mother spent a lot of money to have him come over.

The doctor was really good, and my condition improved under his treatment.

Slowly my condition stabilized, and after a month or two, I finally recovered.

From then on, my mother took care of me even more carefully.

Grandma Yufen does nothing and stays with me every day.

She plays with me and tells me stories, and also teaches me some knowledge.

Under their careful care, my physical condition barely returned to that of a normal person before elementary school, but I was still weaker than the average person.

When I first entered elementary school, I came into contact with many people. Although my learning ability was very strong, I was always susceptible to various infectious diseases.

In my memory, there are dozens of diseases that can be named.

Every time there was an infectious disease in school, I would be the first to get infected.

Even though I was far away from them, I didn’t even know how I got infected.

Chickenpox, measles, mumps, any disease that can be named, there is no disease that I cannot get.

For my frail and sickly constitution, I myself accepted it.

I also want to be as healthy as my brother, but my body just doesn’t live up to expectations!

When I was 10 years old, at my mother's suggestion, I finally followed my father and brother to go running outside every morning.

My physical fitness is very poor. I can’t even run a few steps without getting tired and out of breath.

My father never dislikes me, and my brother always encourages me.

With their help, he started to run out of breath when running 200 meters, and later he was able to run 400 meters in one breath.

I saw my progress and was very happy.

I have been exercising like this for a year, and my body is getting better and better.

When I was 11 years old, the sadness in my mother's eyes suddenly disappeared.

She had a lot more smiles on her face, and her eyes looked at me much more lovingly than before.

Although my health is very poor, my academic performance has always been very good.

Since the first grade of elementary school, I have been the primary school bully in the gang.

Even though I fished for three days and dried nets for two days due to physical reasons, I still could not shake my position as the number one in my grade.

Sometimes when my uncle comes back from the capital, he can't help but praise me, saying that I look very much like him before.

My uncle is so good, of course I want to be like him.

My uncle will also teach me some learning methods to keep me firmly in the first place.

I am so happy to have such a good uncle!

My aunt's academic performance was also very good, and she was admitted to the university where her uncle was.

During the Chinese New Year, my family gathered together, and they all said that they would personally deliver it to me when I went to Beijing to go to school.

I responded sweetly, but I was thinking in my heart.

I am still so young, I have just entered junior high school, and it will be many years before I go to college.

But from that moment on, I already had a goal in mind.

What my uncle and aunt can do, I can do too!

In the past, my health was too poor to allow me to travel far. Now that my health has recovered, I can travel around the world as big as it is.

During my three years in junior high school, I concentrated on studying, but I still insisted on the habit of running every morning.

I can't let my body become my shortcoming, let alone collapse like this.

Studying in junior high school is not a problem for me. The only thing I worry about is my brother who doesn't like to study.

My mother was afraid that he would not be able to pass the high school entrance examination, so she secretly took me and whispered that she hoped that I would help my brother with his homework.

My mother is so good to me that I can't bear to refuse her request.

I can only drag my brother to do his homework every day, and when I see him stop, I will find an excuse to talk to him about the topic.

Every time my brother understands it, he will say, who doesn’t know it’s so easy?

Obviously he doesn't know, but he still wants to show off.

As long as he is willing to learn, I will not expose him. Who calls him my twin brother?

When he was a child, he could give me breast milk to drink, and when he grew up, I could also give him tutoring lessons.

I heard from my mother that he didn't want to drink breast milk. I don't know if he disliked her lack of milk, or he just wanted to give it to me.

No matter what the reason was, it was my brother who gave me the resistance, otherwise I would never have survived safely until now.

I successfully passed the high school entrance exam, and my brother also passed the exam with a low score.

He looked indifferent, but he couldn't be happier.

My brother has been like this since he was a child. What he likes most is pretending.

I rubbed my sore forehead, but I didn't expose him after all.

When I entered high school, my study tasks suddenly became heavier, but my brother was still as unhurried as ever.

At this time, my mother hoped that my brother could also go to college.

Well, who makes us the academic masters?My brother is also a smart man, so let me tutor him!

I can't help my mother in business or my father as an official, but I can help their children with their homework.

Suddenly I felt that I, who had been doing almost nothing except studying well since I was a child, also played a decisive role in this family.

snort!You don’t care much about the child after you have it, and you have to take care of it for you. How can this family survive without me?

I pouted my little mouth, feeling proud in my heart.

Not only did I take over my brother’s tutoring, but I also invited my two younger sisters to join him.

Dad has such excellent genes, how could there be a stupid person in our family?

The younger sisters are good-looking and smart, but their poor academic performance is a disgrace to their older brothers!

After a few more years of hard work, I successfully entered the university where my uncle and aunt attended.

My brother's grades have improved rapidly, but there is still a gap between him and this university.

But it didn't matter, the other college he went to was also very good.

I am going to college, and there is no one to help my two younger sisters with their homework.

When I left, I looked worried, and my mother stretched out her hand to smooth out the wrinkles on my forehead.

"Why do you worry so much like an old man at such a young age?"

Mom's hands were very warm, and she smiled when she spoke, looking so gentle.

"Mom, I've given you a lot of trouble because of my health since I was little. I can't do much to help you, that's all..."

I felt a little depressed when I said this, and my mother took my hand and spoke softly.

"You have done very well. Thank you for helping my mother take care of their studies over the years so that they can have a good future in the future."

"You are my mother's best helper and a noble person in their lives. The two sisters are proud to have a brother like you!"

What I did was approved by my mother, and I threw myself into her arms and shed tears of emotion.

My parents are really very good, my brothers and sisters are also very good, and other relatives are also very good. I really love them!

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