Hogwarts, was gnawed at the beginning

Chapter 94 Nick’s Ghost Gathering Invitation

Soul actually didn't want to go to a party where a bunch of ghosts gathered.

This year's Halloween party at the castle is so interesting. It's much more interesting than having an air-conditioned party underground and starving to see a pile of inedible rotten food.

He was looking forward to what Hagrid's pumpkin would look like at the party.

However, Hermione was very interested in the ghost party.

"I bet there aren't many people alive who can say they've been to a party like this - it must have been an amazing experience," she said.

"No, it's not amazing." Soul sighed, trying to make Hermione give up her mind.

"Why would someone celebrate the day of their death?" Ron and Soul agreed. "That sounds weird to me."

But Hermione stared longingly at Soul with her bulingbuling eyes.

"I already promised Nearly Headless Nick..." Harry said sheepishly.

"I really don't understand why some people want to celebrate the day of their death? It sounds very unlucky to me." Ron muttered dissatisfied.

During this period, Soul kept asking Ron about Ginny in a roundabout way, but never found a suitable opportunity to meet Ginny alone.

In the end, he could only choose to give up temporarily.

Malfoy disappeared from everyone's sight for several days. Except during class, he stayed in the lounge. Even his meals were packed back for him by Crabbe and Goyle.

The topics of the young wizards were just like the hot searches on a certain blog. They changed every day. Soon, the Malfoy incident faded away.

The top trending topic became the suspicion that Principal Dumbledore had invited the skeleton dance troupe, which is very famous in the wizarding world, to perform at the castle on the day of the Halloween banquet to entertain everyone.

Halloween arrived as scheduled. Bats were flying among the dense candles and the auditorium was decorated with lights. Soul also saw Hagrid's huge pumpkin as he wished - it was carved into a large pumpkin that could hold three people. lantern.

There was a large blank space in the middle of the auditorium. It seemed that the rumors were true. Dumbledore had indeed invited a performance team to Hogwarts Castle.

"I regret it," Harry said with a grimace.

"Then we won't go?" Ron said happily, "Look, there will be a delicious meal and a performance today."

Soul nodded in agreement.

"Then..." Harry was heartbroken and said hesitantly, "Aren't we going?"

"No." Hermione jumped out with her hands on her hips, "As a wizard, you have to keep your word. You have already promised Nick, so you have to go."

"But, Hermione, think about tonight, pumpkin pie, toffee apples, macarons..." Soule encouraged.

"I heard from the kitchen. There are many dishes tonight that you can't usually eat. I heard they are from France. You know, the Hufflepuff lounge is very close to the kitchen."

Hermione hesitated, and Soul quickly struck while the iron was hot.

"Think about it, we definitely can't eat what the ghosts eat. Some wizards have studied how ghosts solve their own diet. Well... let me think about it..."

Suer was not lying. He had indeed seen this book on ghost research in the library, and the author seemed to have attended a ghost gathering.

"The diet structure of ghosts is completely different from ours. They don't like fragrant and hot food. Instead, they like rotten food, such as dead mice, rotten meat, rotten fruits, cheese covered with green hairs... "

"Stop talking..." Hermione imagined for a moment, with a disgusted expression on her face, "Is this really the case?"

She had not seen that book. The books in the library of Hogwarts Castle could be described as a vast ocean.

Hermione was a little scared, but she couldn't bear to part with this rare and wonderful experience. Of course, this was her own imagination. At least Suer didn't think it was commendable at all from the author's words in the book.

"I won't lie to you, Hermione." Soul said seriously, "If you don't believe it, we can go to Nick's place now."

"But Harry has already agreed to it."

"Then we'll leave Harry there." Soul said without hesitation.

Harry:? ? ?I'm right next to you. Do you think I can't hear you when you're plotting so loudly?

"This..." Hermione glanced at Harry, "Isn't it not good?"

If it's true what Soul said, then leaving Harry alone there... is a bit unnatural...

"You're kidding." Suer chuckled when he saw Harry's face darken, "Nick invited Harry to get blessings, uh... It seems inappropriate to use blessings to celebrate a death anniversary..."

"Anyway, as long as we go there, stay for a while and then come back, Nick won't say anything. Let's go there early. If we come back early, we might still be able to see the show."

Hermione thought this was not a bad idea, the best of both worlds.

So, at six o'clock, the four of them walked straight through the crowded auditorium doorway. At this time, a young wizard had already arrived at the auditorium in advance. As they squeezed through the aisle, they met Neville, who was shyly talking to a little boy next to him. The witch chatted and didn't notice the four Suers.

"Susan? When did Neville and Susan get together?" Soul asked Hermione curiously, because Hermione was always with Hannah, and Susan was Hannah's best friend.

Speaking of which, Susan is still Su Er's cousin, but when they met, they only nodded their heads, and they couldn't be said to be familiar or unfamiliar.

"I don't know either." Hermione shook her head, "Maybe we were familiar with each other when we helped Professor Sprout take care of herbal medicine. Hannah told me that Susan has a good talent in herbal medicine."

Ron urged, "Let's hurry up and try to be back at 07:30."

The auditorium for Nick's death anniversary party is in an underground classroom, and candles have been lit in the aisle leading there, but they are all black, thin candles, completely different from those in the auditorium, and they flicker with gleaming light when burning. It adds a spooky atmosphere to the place.

The perfect location for a ghost movie, Soul secretly said.

Oh, no, they were actually going to a ghost's death anniversary party.

The temperature in the corridor of the underground classroom was much lower than usual, and the cold atmosphere made the four of them wrap up their wizard robes tightly.

At this time, they heard a sound that sounded like a thousand fingernails scraping back and forth on a huge blackboard.

Goosebumps rose up on Ron's body.

"Is this also called music?" he whispered.

At this time, they turned the corner and saw an almost headless Nick in a doorway, draped in a black velvet curtain.

"Welcome, my dear friends." Nick said sadly, "Mr. Potter, Miss Granger, Mr. Weasley, Mr. Bones...I am so happy that you can come."

He took off his hat with black swan feathers, bowed to the four people and invited them in.

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