Hogwarts, was gnawed at the beginning

Chapter 95: Gathering in the Underground Classroom

"I regret it, you're right."

After the four entered the venue, they sat down carefully on a stool. Hermione pressed tightly against Soul's arm, as if this could keep her warm.

The underground classroom is large, but still very crowded, because there are already hundreds of milky white, translucent figures here at this time. The tables and chairs originally in the center of the classroom have been moved to both sides and covered with velvet black tablecloths. , ghosts wandered around the crowded dance floor.

Thirty musical saws made a terrible and trembling sound.

"It was an eye-opener."

The scene of hundreds of ghosts waltzing to scary music was absolutely shocking. Sur sighed, his breath forming a conspicuous white mist in front of him.

The temperature here is very low, even the trolls know that the ghosts bring their own air conditioning.

Harry rubbed his hands tremblingly and made a suggestion.

"Shall we take a look around?" He was so cold that he wanted to take a walk to warm his feet.

"Be careful not to pass through anyone's body." Ron shuddered, "You don't want to experience that feeling."

They walked slowly around the dance floor, passing a group of sullen nuns and a ragged man in chains.

Sur also saw the fat monk, the symbol of their academy, who was smiling and chatting happily with a knight with half an arrow stuck in his forehead.

Most of the ghosts remained the same as they were before death, and the various strange ways of death made Sur even more surprised.

The one dressed in black looked like he had been burned to death, and the shirtless man must have been hanged, because there were many dense scars on his body.

"Oh, shit." Hermione suddenly hugged Soul's arm tightly, buried her head on Soul's shoulder, and said dullly, "Come on, I don't want to talk to Crying Myrtle."

By the way, why did I forget Myrtle!

Soul felt a picture suddenly flashing through his mind, but before he had time to think about it, Hermione pulled him past the ghost named Myrtle, who was floating blankly.

"Who?" Harry asked as he moved away from Myrtle and into another pile of ghosts.

"She's in a toilet in the girls' bathroom on the second floor." Hermione looked around and found that Myrtle was no longer in sight, then she spoke out.

"Stay in the toilet?"

"Yes. That toilet breaks down all year round because Myrtle keeps throwing tantrums. Many people know about it. She always cries and says that you all look down on me. In fact, no one has ever said that..." Hermione mumbled, "When you go to the toilet, she will suddenly appear in front of you and scream at you. It's really scary--"

"Look there." Ron suddenly raised his hand and pointed in a direction.

There was a long table at the other end of the underground classroom. It was the same as the one in the auditorium. It was also covered with a black velvet curtain, and the pale dinner plate was particularly conspicuous on it.

There is food there.

This was good news, and Harry hoped there would be some warm pumpkin juice to drink from to warm himself up.

But Suer's words made them hesitate.

"Go and have a look." Suer said, "Seeing is believing..."

So, the four of them stepped forward, and then stopped a distance away, holding their noses in horror. Sur had no expression on his face, because he had long known that ghost food was not good.

The smell was so bad that Hermione swore she would never come to a ghost meeting again.

On a beautiful white plate, there were dark, charcoal-colored cakes, and a large amount of food that could barely be seen as meat-stuffed lamb tripe, but there were densely packed white, moving little things on it. It's maggots!

"Ugh..." Hermione couldn't help but retched.

The only food that looked edible was a gray cake in the shape of a tombstone, with something unknown written in silver on it---

"Congratulations to Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington on his [-]th death anniversary"

"Dead on August 1492, 10"

At this time, a fat ghost floated towards the table. He came to the table, sunk his lower body into the curtain, opened his mouth wide, and walked through a plate of stinky maha in front of the four people. Fish plate.

"Can you taste it like this?" Harry couldn't help but ask as the unknown fat ghost passed by.

"Living people?" Fat Ghost glanced at them, and then said sadly, "Absolutely, it tastes pretty good."

Then it floats away.

"Actually, only some ghosts can taste." Sur said. "In order to make the taste stronger, they will deliberately let the food rot..."

"Stop talking, I feel sick." Ron's face turned purple. He pinched his nose hard and couldn't breathe.

"Let's go." Hermione also looked ugly, holding Soul's forearm and whispering.

So the four of them turned around and walked in the opposite direction. When passing by a group of ghosts chatting together, there was a commotion, and the ghosts gave way to a path.

The four of them also leaned to the side. Sur's arm accidentally passed through a ghost that was dodging in the same direction as him. A stinging chill spread from his arm to his whole body.

"Oh, sorry." Soul apologized to the ghost.

"It doesn't matter." The ghost said sadly, "Are you students at Hogwarts?"

"Yes, sir." Soul responded, rubbing the goosebumps on his arms.

"This is really strange." The ghost started talking about sex and said to the four of them, "I also wanted to come to Hogwarts to go to school, but unfortunately my home is too far away from here and I didn't have this opportunity."

"That's a shame." Suer expressed regret.

At this time, a fat female ghost floated towards the wall next to the four of them, closely followed by a short ghost wearing a clown costume, Peeves.

"It's Myrtle." Hermione grabbed Soul's arm again and hid behind him.

Myrtle was not interested in the four of them. She cried loudly and walked through the wall and left the underground classroom. Peeves chased after it, hitting Myrtle with peanuts covered with black mold spots, screaming. shouted angrily,

"Full of acne! Full of acne!"

"Oh, my God." Hermione looked up, sympathetic to Myrtle.

Ron squatted on the ground and twisted a peanut, thoughtfully.

Nearly headless Nick floats up from the group of ghosts.

"Did you enjoy it?" he asked everyone.

"Oh, not bad," Harry responded, obviously lying.

"The numbers are satisfactory," Nick said proudly. "The Wailing Widow came all the way from Kent... Oh, how are you? Sir Macon."

"Not bad, Sir Nicholas." The ghost chatting with Soul put his hand on his chest and gave Nick a noble salute.

"Thank you so much for having me, and may you live forever."

"Haha." Nick returned the gift happily, "I remember it's going to be your 300th anniversary soon, and I'm very happy to be able to attend your party then."

"Of course, of course, I'll invite you."

Listening to the inhuman conversation between the two ghosts, Su Er felt a little embarrassed.

However, this seems to be something that the ghost is accustomed to.

After the two ghosts chatted for a while, Nick said to Suer and the others, "Oh... it's almost time for my speech. I'd better remind the band that you can do whatever you want."

"Okay." The four nodded.

Waiting for Nick's figure to pass through the crowd, Hermione whispered to Soul and the others, "Let's wait for Nearly Headless Nick to finish speaking and then return to the auditorium."

"Great, I've wanted to leave for a long time," Ron muttered, "I can't take it anymore."

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