Chapter 16 Karma Taj’s Friendship

Wang was about to say something when he suddenly heard Dr. Strange say: "The structure of this interference spell is not complicated, but it will take several days to unravel. I think what we lack most now is time."

Immediately afterwards, he looked at Bai Ye, "Bai Ye, although I don't know why you were looking for that book, I believe there must be an important reason for it. I'm sorry I couldn't help you."

"And I must thank you for saving the king's life. He is my best friend, so please accept this."

He stretched out his palm, and the magic energy in his hand condensed again, gradually forming a golden pendant.The pendant is round, with four intertwined golden curves on it, which is the symbol of Karma Taj.

This standard white night looked very familiar, and he remembered that this thing had appeared in Doctor Strange's movies, such as the round skylight of the Holy of Holies.

"Don't underestimate it. It not only means that you have helped the Supreme Mage and gained the friendship of Kama Taj, but it can also store various spells into it. Now there is an invisible fire and an Astral projection.”

Then, with a push of Doctor Strange's palm, the pendant floated towards White Night.

"Thank you, I won't be polite."

Bai Ye took the pendant with a smile and hung it around his neck. A warm feeling instantly flowed through his body. He instantly understood how to use this thing.

This thing is almost a fool-like magic weapon, without any magic foundation, just like a remote control panel with only one button, and it also has the ability of identity verification, which can only be used by the recipient.

There are many treasures like this that can be used without magic, such as the bone sword of Agamotto, which can regenerate the wounded, and the hand of Vishandi, which can travel through outer space when worn.

To be honest, this was really a surprise. When he rescued the king, he simply wanted to have one more companion on the road, one more safety guarantee, and he had nothing else to ask for.

I just didn’t expect that Doctor Strange just happened to come to repay his kindness like a fox. It’s really a good man with good rewards. Congratulations, congratulations.

Under Wanda's strange eyes, Bai Ye managed to hold back the smile that was about to spread to the corner of her mouth, "Ahem, by the way, doctor, I seem to have heard what Wang said about how to do it just now?"

The spirit body frowned slightly, and sighed softly:

"Two or ten minutes ago, I went to the S.H.I.E.L.D.'s aerospace carrier to investigate, and their scientists were helpless against this virus. If technology doesn't work, what about magic?"

"So, I'm going to cast a spell in the sky to see if I can cure the zombie virus."

After Bai Ye pondered for a moment, he suddenly said: "Doctor, I understand your determination, but I'm afraid this crisis cannot be solved with a spell."

Doctor Strange's expression became complicated after hearing Bai Ye's words.He sighed deeply, then smiled bitterly: "You are right, but I have no choice but to try it."

Bai Ye nodded and said nothing, but thought again in his heart.

The solution Stephen Strange came up with was not hopeless, but absolutely impossible.

There are three most famous zombies in the Marvel universe, namely the voodoo, the ogre virus in the Punisher vs. Marvel universe, and the hunger virus that Bai Ye and the others are currently facing.

S.H.I.E.L.D. also has its own mysterious consultants, such as Dr. Voodoo, who is not much less proficient in magic than Dr. Strange. If he can't solve it, then Strange will naturally have no way to solve it.

In fact, there is an antidote to the hunger virus, but in this 2149 universe, since the superheroes were wiped out at the beginning of the story, naturally no one has developed an antidote.

Only after about a few decades in this universe did someone in the 616 main universe create an antidote.

But then the cucumber dish was cold to this universe.

Seeing Bai Ye's silence and disbelief, Doctor Strange shook his head helplessly. Just like what he said, he had no choice but to gamble on his luck.

"Okay, I think you don't plan to stay in this sanctuary forever, do you? The restriction outside the door has been broken by the druid master, and those zombies will find it soon."

"That's right, we are planning to take refuge on the S.H.I.E.L.D.'s aerospace carrier first, and then make plans." Bai Ye replied, and then he looked at Wang who was staring at the bookshelf and asked:

"King? Come with us too. You heard what the doctor said. The Holy of Holies is no longer safe."

Before Wang could reply, Doctor Strange snapped up and said, "It's exactly what I want, Wang. You follow them to the space carrier. This is an order from the Supreme Sorcerer."

Immediately afterwards, he, who was almost transparent, began to gradually dissipate in the wind, and the effect of the astral projection was canceled by himself.

"Well, it's up to you, Supreme Master."

Wang sighed helplessly.

Bai Ye approached the king and said softly: "Wang, I know this is a difficult choice for you, but the Holy of Holies is no longer safe, we must leave here."

Wang Mo remained silent, his eyes flashing with inner struggles and conflicts.

His loyalty and sense of belonging to the Holy of Holies runs deep, but he also understands his responsibility and mission as a servant of the Sorcerer Supreme.He finally breathed a sigh of relief and said with a wry smile:

"Well, since the supreme mage has this order, I can't disobey it. I will follow you to the space carrier."

Doctor Strange's words sounded again, as if whispering softly in the wind: "You made a wise choice, king."

Wang nodded.He was ready to leave the Holy of Holies, even though he was full of reluctance and helplessness in his heart.

"So where should we go next? Do you have a way to get to the space carrier?"

In the comic universe, there is no such convenient ring portal as in MCU.

There are some other alternatives, but they often require some preparation before use.

Bai Ye nodded, "A Kun-type fighter is on its way to pick us up, let's go, time is running out."

A few people packed up their mood and walked out of the Holy of Holies, ignoring the broken head of the druid master at the door, they turned into an alley.

The alley was curved and narrow, and they walked closely together, looking around vigilantly, ready to deal with possible dangers at any time.Although there were fewer and fewer battle sounds in the city, this eerie silence made them feel inexplicably depressed.

However, they did not encounter any zombie attacks during the ten-minute journey, only occasionally hearing distant roars and the sound of wind on the deserted streets.

"We're almost there, and the scheduled meeting point is the next two turns."

Several people finally came to a basketball court. There was a huge Quinjet fighter parked on the basketball court. Its fuselage shone with metallic luster and exuded a powerful aura.There are some zombie corpses scattered on the surrounding ground.

Judging from the clothing, it seems that only ordinary people were infected.

Next to the fighter plane, several soldiers with guns stood alertly. When they saw Bai Ye and his party approaching, they immediately waved to them.These soldiers wore rugged combat garb and carried themselves with vigilance.

Bai Ye and the others hurriedly approached the soldiers, and one of them, who looked like the captain, came forward with sharp eyes.

"Welcome to come!" The man said in a serious tone. "Are you that White Night? We have received an order from the director to safely send you to the Aerospace Carrier. Time is running out, we have to take off as soon as possible."

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