Chapter 17 Peter

Bai Ye nodded to express his thanks, and turned around to gesture to Wang and Wanda next to him, motioning them to follow.Accompanied by the vigilance of the soldiers, several people quickly approached the fighter plane.

The gangway of the fighter plane lowered slowly, there was a rumbling sound, and the cabin door opened.

At the critical moment when Bai Ye and others were about to board the Quinjet, a sudden shout pierced the air, freezing everyone's movements in place. "etc!"

The visitor was swaying with spider silk, and there was a vague spider pattern on the chest of the blue and red tights, with broken lines and peeling colors.

As soon as the figure landed, he was pointed at by several guns. He quickly removed his mask and showed his true face to prove that he was not a zombie.

This young brown-haired young man who looks a bit immature is the New Yorker's good neighbor Spider-Man.

"This is a Quinjet fighter, right? I know you're going to an aerospace carrier. Please, take Aunt May and Mary Jane with you!"

Spider-Man's words were full of pleading and anxiety. He no longer cared about his secret identity, but only hoped to bring Aunt May and Mary Jane out of this city that was falling into death.

His costume still bears traces of the battle, with some scratches and scorch marks highlighting the intensity of the battle he's been through.

And Bai Ye frowned imperceptibly, he noticed a small wound on Spiderman's shoulder, it didn't look like it was scratched by a bullet or an iron sheet.

Several soldiers held their guns tightly, unmoved by the pleas of this good neighbor in New York City.They pointed their guns at Spider-Man coldly, issuing a warning.

"Back off immediately, or we will open fire!" One of the soldiers shouted sternly, his tone full of threats.

They were not swayed by Spiderman's appeal, because they received an order to only take Bai Ye and Kuaiyin and others on the plane. Obviously, the Spider-Man in front of them is not a fellow of Bai Ye.

"Listen to me, there are a lot of empty seats on this plane, we just need to bring two more people!"

Peter continued to plead, his voice becoming more anxious.But the soldiers still had cold faces, ready to fire at all times.The sound of the gun being loaded echoed in the air, and the scene became extremely tense.

At this tense moment, Bai Ye stepped forward and asked calmly with a smile: "What about Aunt Mei and Mary Jane? Where are they?"

Following his movements, the surrounding soldiers looked at each other and lowered their guns.

After Spider-Man heard Bai Ye's question, his eyes flashed with hope and he shouted excitedly: "Okay, great! They are in my apartment, not too far from here, give me 15 minutes, no! 10 minutes , I can bring them here!”

As soon as he finished speaking, before everyone could react, he immediately turned around and shot a spider thread towards the distance without hesitation.

Bai Ye looked at the cobweb head that was gradually going away, and said with a hint of helplessness in his eyes: "Let's go, get on the plane."

Wang frowned and couldn't help but ask: "What about Spider-Man and his family? We can't just watch."

Wang and Peter had collaborated on several missions, and they had even left each other's mobile phone numbers, so they could barely be called friends. It was too cruel for him to give Peter hope and then destroy him like this.

Bai Ye was silent for a moment, and then slowly replied: "Spider-Man may have been infected. As for his family, they'd better pray that he transforms into a zombie before he gets home."

Why didn't he want to save another person along the way?

It's just that Peter was still bitten on the shoulder by the American colonel who was infected as a zombie like in the original plot, and was unfortunately infected.

If it is as slow as ten minutes, or as fast as the next second, Spider-Man, who used to be a friendly neighbor in New York City, will turn into a monster that has lost all benevolence and morality and only knows flesh and blood.

And this city will only be devoured by those zombies in a few days, and no one will save Peter's family now or in the future.

When Wang heard Bai Ye's answer, he remained silent.

After several people stepped onto the Kun-type fighter plane, the roar of the engine filled the ears, and the fuselage of the fighter plane vibrated slightly.Bai Ye and his friends found seats in the cabin of the fighter plane, fastened their seat belts, and prepared to take off.

As the fighter plane slowly left the ground and rose into the air, they could see that the city below was getting smaller and smaller, and there were ruins and flames everywhere they could see.

Sitting on the seat, Bai Ye lowered his eyes.

He can't gamble, how will Peter react when he hears that he will turn into a zombie, it would be better if he just kills by neck, but what if he doesn't?

If Peter had a nervous breakdown on the spot, whether he attacked everyone or begged him to send his family over before the transformation, it would only lead to worse consequences.

When a drowning person touches the last straw, he will never ask gentlemanly whether that straw can bear his own weight.

Bai Ye sighed, not to mention that he was just another person who fell into the water.

If you want to blame, blame this world that is about to fall into the abyss.

"Oh, Peter, come on, buddy, hold on, we'll be home soon." He muttered to himself, his voice revealing extreme exhaustion.

Despite the excruciating pain from the wound, Spider-Man remained unwavering.He thought about the smiles of his family and their safety and happiness.This became his motivation and allowed him to endure physical pain and fatigue.

In the gaps between tall buildings, he continuously shoots spider webs and moves quickly.Every stretch of spider silk brings him one step closer to his family, and also ignites the last bit of hope in his heart.

almost home.

Dangling spider webs approaching his home, when he was getting closer and closer to home, the anxiety in his heart reached its peak, he directly smashed the window glass, and rolled into the room.

The sound of him breaking the glass alerted Aunt May and Mary Jane inside the house.They turned to the direction of the sound in horror. After witnessing the appearance of Spider-Man, their panic instantly turned into worry.

"Oh God! Peter, are you okay? Look at the injury on your shoulder. What kind of animal bit it!" Aunt May immediately walked towards Spider-Man and looked at him with concern.Mary Jane joined in, their eyes filled with worry and concern.

Spider-Man responded to the two with a faint smile, and he could feel Aunt May and Mary Jane caring for him.Despite his tattered and grime-covered costume, at this moment they held each other tightly, comforting each other.

"I'm fine, Aunt May, Mary Jane, hurry up, let's get out of here quickly," Spiderman's voice was full of firmness and determination.

Aunt Mei touched the wound on Peter's shoulder distressedly, and she hurriedly said, "I'll get some hydrogen peroxide to treat the wound for you!" Then, she walked into the room quickly.

Mary Jane stared at Peter, worry written all over her face.She asked softly, "What happened, Peter? Why did you get hurt?"

Peter sighed, his brow furrowed.He said: "I don't know either, Mary Jane. I tried to approach the colonel, hoping to find out what was going on, but they attacked me out of the blue."

"I was forced to fight them, and was pursued for a while. Then I came back as fast as I could. To be honest, I probably don't know as much as you do."

"Okay, hurry up and call Aunt Mei out. Ugh—"

He suddenly felt a sharp discomfort, and something began to churn in his stomach. The sandwich he had eaten for lunch suddenly became very disgusting in his memory.

His skin began to sweat, and he seemed to be enveloped in a searing burning sensation. His body twisted painfully, as if something was burning inside him, and hunger spread rapidly.

After struggling in vain for a moment, Peter finally let out a shrill howl: "I'm starving to death!"

"Peter? What's the matter with you?"

Mary Jane, who was walking towards the room, heard the movement and turned her head. In the next second, a bloody mouth bit her neck fiercely, and blood spurted out.

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