Chapter 558 Ruins

Bai Ye led the soldiers through the dark corridors. Their steps were firm and powerful, and the soles of their boots hit the metal floor, making a crisp echo. The air is filled with the smell of a mixture of engine oil and electronic components. This is a smell unique to laboratories. It is full of unknowns and mystery, and also faintly reveals the power of technology.

The lighting in the laboratory is soft and not dazzling, illuminating every corner just right. Bai Ye's eyes shuttled between complex equipment, his eyes were as sharp as a hawk, not missing any detail. Behind him, the soldiers maintained a neat formation. Their eyes were firm and their expressions were serious, as if they were ready to deal with any emergencies.

Finally, they came to a huge metal door. This door looks like an ordinary door, but Bai Ye knows that there is a secret leading to another world hidden behind it. He turned to look at Dr. Walter beside him. A thin layer of sweat had appeared on the doctor's forehead.

"Walter, how is the progress of the project on the new goal of the portal?" Bai Ye's voice was low and powerful, and every word seemed to be filled with great power.

Dr. Walter wiped the sweat from his forehead and showed a confident smile. "Boss, don't worry, everything is ready." He pointed to the metal door, "This is the portal leading to the new goal. We have conducted many tests to ensure its stability and safety. "

The portal stood quietly in a corner of the laboratory, like a mysterious door leading to another dimension. Its appearance is simple and elegant, with smooth lines, revealing a sense of technology that transcends the times.

The frame of the portal is made of an unknown metal, and its surface shows a deep silvery gray, like stars in the night sky, shining with a mysterious and charming luster. The metal surface seems to contain a kind of flowing energy, which appears and disappears, making people want to reach out and touch it, but they are afraid of breaking the tranquility and harmony.

The center part of the door was a void, as if torn open by invisible force, revealing a deep black hole. The edge of the black hole exudes a faint light, like a black hole in the starry sky, swallowing up all light, but emitting a charming brilliance. This light flickers on and off, as if it has its own rhythm and rhythm, making people feel an inexplicable attraction when staring at it.

When the portal is activated, the entire frame begins to vibrate slightly, emitting a low and powerful roar. This sound is like the breathing of an ancient giant beast, shocking and making people involuntarily feel a sense of awe and expectation. As the sound gradually increased, the black hole in the center of the portal also began to change. It began to expand slowly, as if an invisible force was tearing apart the space, opening a portal to another world.

When the portal is fully opened, the black hole has expanded to a size large enough for a person to pass through. At this time, the light in the black hole reached its peak, so dazzling that it was almost impossible to look directly at it. This light seems to contain endless power and life, which makes people feel a strong shock and awe.

When they all entered the portal, the metal door slowly closed. Dr. Walter stared nervously at the data on the console to ensure the smooth progress of the transmission process. Bai Ye and the soldiers waited quietly, their hearts filled with anticipation and tension.

"Very good, Walter. Your work always makes me satisfied." Bai Ye said, turning to face the soldiers, "Now, we are going to embark on a new journey. I hope you can stay vigilant and be ready to deal with all possibilities What happened.”

This portal is not only a portal to another dimension, but also a perfect combination of technology and magic. Every detail of it is full of the designer's ingenuity and wisdom. Its existence makes people believe that the future world will be more exciting and mysterious.

In short, this portal is a portal full of mystery and charm. Its appearance is simple and elegant, and its sound is shocking and powerful. People can feel a strong attraction when staring and listening. Its existence makes people believe that the future world will be more exciting and mysterious, and people will move forward bravely to explore that unknown world.

And when the portal closed, everything returned to calm. The black hole gradually shrinks, the light gradually dims, and the roar slowly disappears. The portal returned to its original appearance again, quietly waiting for the next activation.

In this process, the portal seems to be a living existence. It can show great power and beauty when needed, and yet appear so low-key and mysterious when calm. Its existence itself is a miracle, filling people with endless reveries and expectations for the unknown world.

Dr. Walter walked over to the console and began entering a series of complex commands. The lights on the console flickered and buzzed. The metal door began to slowly open, revealing a deep black hole. There seems to be endless attraction in the black hole, and people can't help but want to find out.

Bai Ye nodded, a glimmer of satisfaction flashed in his eyes. He walked to the metal door and reached out his hand to gently touch the cold metal surface. He could feel the powerful energy hidden behind the door, a power beyond his understanding, but he knew that this power would open a door to a new world for them.

In the process, the edge of the black hole begins to shine with dazzling light. These lights are like shooting stars across the night sky, bright and short-lived, but unforgettable. The flash of light and the rhythm of the roar echo each other, like a magnificent symphony, which makes people intoxicated.

The soldiers agreed in unison, their voices neat and powerful, full of confidence and determination. Bai Ye nodded with satisfaction. He knew that his soldiers were his most solid backing.

The soldiers lined up neatly and walked towards the portal step by step. Although their steps were heavy, every step was full of determination and courage. Bai Ye walked at the end, his eyes always fixed on the portal, as if he wanted to see through it.

If you carefully observe every corner of the portal, you will find its unique charm. Every texture on the metal frame is clearly visible, and they seem to tell the manufacturing process and magical functions of the portal. The edge of a black hole is like an endless abyss, attracting people to explore its mysteries.

"Boss, the portal is ready." Dr. Walter's voice was trembling, but it was more filled with excitement and anticipation.

However, it is this unknown and danger that makes people more eager to conquer it and explore it. The portal is like a portal where challenges and opportunities coexist, waiting for the brave to arrive.

Standing in front of the portal, people will feel a strong impulse to cross this boundary and explore the unknown world. At the same time, you will also feel an inexplicable awe and fear. After all, it is a completely strange world, full of unknowns and dangers.

Bai Ye took a deep breath, knowing that this moment was the result of their long-term efforts. He looked back at the soldiers, their eyes full of anticipation and excitement. He nodded and signaled them to prepare to enter the portal.

At the same time, the roar also reached a climax. It was as shocking as thunder, making people feel an experience beyond reality in an instant. In the intertwining of sound and light, the portal seems to have become a bridge connecting the two worlds, waiting for the arrival of the brave.

Suddenly, a dazzling light erupted from the portal, illuminating the entire laboratory like daylight.

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