A Journey of American Comics Starting from the Zombie Universe

Chapter 559 Traveling through the ruins (page 12)

Chapter 559 Traveling through the ruins

On the endless wasteland, Bai Ye led the soldiers through.

This land has been devastated by time, like a broken picture, which makes people feel desolate. Years of wars and disasters have turned this place into ruins, and the former prosperity and vitality have long been gone.

Bai Ye's eyes were deep and sharp, as if he could penetrate the fog of this wasteland and find the hope ahead.

The soldiers followed Bai Ye. They walked silently, the ruins under their feet making a dull sound. Everyone's face was full of exhaustion and heaviness, but their eyes revealed an unyielding perseverance.

The ruins and wreckage along the way seem to tell the story of past glory and tragedy. Collapsed buildings and dilapidated neighborhoods all silently tell the story of this land. The soldiers occasionally stopped and stared at the ruins, as if searching for memories of the past.

"This must have been very prosperous in the past." A soldier whispered, his eyes falling on a ruins, where there used to be a tall building, but now only the ruins are left.

"Yeah, it's a pity that it has become like this now." Another soldier sighed, a trace of regret flashed in his eyes.

Bai Ye didn't speak, he just observed the wasteland silently. He knew that every ruin and wreckage on this land represented the pain and sacrifice of the past. However, he also believes that there must be new hope and future in this wasteland.

They continued walking through the ruins and came to an open area. This was once a farmland, but now it has become a wasteland. There are some farm tools and broken pottery scattered on the ground, which seems to tell people about the hard work and good harvest here.

The soldiers looked at this barren land and couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness in their hearts. They imagined the scene here once, with hard-working farmers working in the fields and harvesting full of hope. But now, there is only silence and desolation left here.

The edge of the lake is surrounded by ruins and debris. Those former buildings are now only broken walls, quietly telling the glory and vicissitudes of the past. The ruins are covered with various weeds and vines, swaying in the wind, as if telling the soldiers the story of this land.

The soldiers nodded, their eyes shining with hope. They know that although the road ahead is full of hardships and hardships, as long as they unite as one, they will be able to overcome all difficulties.

On the endless wasteland, the soldiers followed Bai Ye's footsteps, crossing the ruins and going through the baptism of wind and frost. At this moment, a small lake surrounded by ruins appeared in front of them. This lake seems to be a corner forgotten by time, lying quietly on this barren land, exuding a unique charm.

The soldiers stood quietly by the lake, admiring the lake surrounded by ruins, their hearts filled with awe and emotion. They know that in this wasteland, the power of life is extremely powerful. As long as someone is willing to care for and nourish it, it will be able to revive it.

Bai Ye stopped and looked at the land, feeling a strong belief in his heart. He knew that although this land was barren, as long as someone was willing to work hard, he would be able to bring it back to life.

They stood in silence for a long time, until the afterglow of the setting sun shone on the lake, reflecting a golden light. They reluctantly left the lake and moved on. However, in their hearts, this lake surrounded by ruins has left a deep imprint, becoming a beacon of light on their way forward, guiding them towards the future and hope.

The soldiers approached the lake one after another. They stared at the lake surrounded by ruins, and an inexplicable emotion surged in their hearts. They imagined what this lake once looked like, whether it was once crystal clear, and whether it once nurtured countless lives. However, the lake in front of us has become turbid, as if telling the story of the suffering and struggle on this land.

Other soldiers also stretched out their hands and touched the lake. They felt the moisture and temperature of the lake, as if they were establishing a special connection with the land. They knew that although this lake was surrounded by ruins, it still had the power of life and could still shine with a unique brilliance in this desolate land.

Occasionally, a few waterbirds pass by on the lake, and their reflections lengthen in the water, then dissipate with the ripples. These creatures seem to have an indissoluble bond with this lake. They either feed here or live here, bringing a touch of life to this ruined land.

The weeds and vines beside the lake also show their tenacious vitality. Although their roots are rooted in the cracks of the ruins, they still work hard to grow upward and stretch toward the sun. The existence of these plants not only decorates the lake, but also makes people see the tenacity and unyieldingness of life.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment, and the soldiers established a silent connection with the lake. They felt the breath and pulse of the lake, and also felt the hope and power of this wasteland. Beside this lake surrounded by ruins, the hearts of the soldiers were deeply touched and baptized.

The water surface of the lake is not calm, and the breeze blows, causing ripples. Although the lake water is turbid, it has a vibrant atmosphere. The sun shines through the clouds and shines on the lake, making the lake look more mysterious and beautiful.

Around the lake, you can occasionally see traces of wild animals. Some small birds were hovering over the lake. Sometimes they flew low over the water, sometimes they stayed on the ruins and made crisp calls. The appearance of these little birds brings a touch of life and vitality to the ruins.

They continued on, passing through ruins and desolate lands. Everyone's steps became more determined and powerful, and their hearts were filled with expectations and hopes for the future. Above this wasteland, they seemed to see a new dawn rising slowly.

As the sunset approaches, the view of the lake becomes even more stunning. The afterglow of the setting sun shines on the lake, dyeing it golden yellow. The ruins in the distance seemed to be covered with a golden coat under the reflection of the setting sun, looking solemn and mysterious.

"Although this lake is turbid, it still carries the breath of life." The soldier whispered, his voice full of emotion and awe.

The water of the lake is rippled by the breeze, as if telling unfinished stories one after another. Those fragments forgotten by time, those secrets sunk at the bottom of the lake, are lying quietly under the sparkling lake surface, waiting for discovery by the destined person.

A soldier knelt down, stretched out his hand, and gently stroked the waves on the lake. His fingers traced across the lake water, creating tiny ripples. He felt the temperature and touch of the lake water, as if he could feel the pulse of life from it.

"We cannot let this land continue like this." Bai Ye said in a deep voice. Although his voice was low, it was full of determination and strength.

"Beautiful, very beautiful."

The soldiers stood by the lake, quietly admiring the beautiful scenery. A rare smile appeared on their faces, and the fatigue and heaviness in their hearts seemed to be relieved at this moment. They knew that although this lake surrounded by ruins seemed desolate, it contained endless vitality and hope.

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