Maybe Lun Lisa's father Lun Oba - the leader of the Sun Empire's Freedom Resistance.

The goal of this organization is to overthrow the Sun Empire mafia regime and restore true freedom and equality to the Sun Empire. But it has been nearly a month since Lun Oba was killed!

Hibart needs to confirm the authenticity of this information and find a way to contact the resistance organization. However, he had to continue to risk being hunted by the mafia. He has to be calm and give it his all.

Hibart felt that he was suffering under the mafia crisis, but he knew that he had to deal with it calmly, otherwise there would be no hope of surviving this crisis. He began to think about how to confirm the authenticity of this information, and at the same time tried to find a way to contact the SRF.

He returned to his hotel, took out his computer and began researching the information.

Through in-depth digging, he found that this organization called the Resistance Organization was very mysterious. Only some informants circulated some information in the market. It is said that the SRF is an organization hidden in the dark, and their whereabouts are always unknown to outsiders.

Through various inquiries, Hibart finally learned some basic information about the resistance organization. The organization has not been established for a long time, but it has already occupied an important position in the global black market transactions. It is a gathering of dangerous elements and terrorist organizations around the world. Dark organization.

Hibart also discovered that the resistance organization had once had contact with the Mafia, but had recently severed contact for some reason.

He deeply felt the importance and danger of this information, and knew that he must confirm its authenticity as soon as possible.

However, when he was about to get in touch with the resistance organization, he suddenly received an uninvited call. The cry of a child came from the other end of the phone. Along with the child's cry, there was a sentence: "You people are the devils." ! You should pay for what you have done!"

Hibart was stunned. He felt the seriousness of this matter. He had to rush to confirm the source of the call and at the same time find the resistance organization quickly. This might be the best opportunity to get in touch with them.

He rushed out of the hotel and headed to the address the child had sent, while lurking in the night, carefully looking for any potential enemies.

When he arrived at the address where the child lived, he found that it was a slum area and no one was causing trouble outside.

He entered the room along a narrow alley, only to discover that the phone was actually a bomb built inside. When he was inside, the bomb detonated instantly.

At the moment of the explosion, Hibart felt that every cell in his body was shouting for the throbbing of life. He even remembered the moment when death waved to him.

But for some reason, the moment he realized he was still alive, he felt like he was alive again.

His body completely saved him from the explosion, but his nerves suffered a severe shock. When he regained consciousness, he found himself trapped in the room where the bomb had detonated, and there was no one around him.

At this time, Hibart felt that he was so fragile and helpless. He was like a crumbling leaf, wandering around but unable to find his own existence.

Hibart tried with all his strength to free himself from this predicament, but his attempts were in vain. He was silent for a long time, frowning, thinking about his next step.

In this lonely dark world, his heart beat painfully. He could not predict where he would go, nor how the pain that penetrated the depths of his soul would disappear.

There was a huge question in his mind, maybe a puzzle, about what kind of truth was hidden behind this explosion? His brain became clearer and clearer, and he began to look for key clues. With just a little bit of clues, he might be able to escape the trap and find the answer.

He found a small box in the corner of the room with an eye logo printed on it, and inside was a piece of paper with an address written on it.

He quickly picked up the box, hid it under his clothes, and secretly left the room during a time when humans did not exist, heading towards the mysterious address.

On the streets, he is involved again and again in suspense and murder mysteries.

He engages in a tense chase with the police and becomes embroiled in a conspiracy.

He met a mysterious girl who always appeared so inadvertently and helped him at critical moments.

He even meets the leader of a mysterious organization who claims to control the fate of the world.

In the process of searching for clues, Hibart constantly felt fear and despair, but he never gave up.

Finally, he found the answer. All the mysteries pointed to one thing: the explosion was not an accident, but a conspiracy of a terrorist organization.

Hibart returned to Queen Staffan's palace and told the story to the Queen and Ortega. Both the Queen and Ortega were shocked by the story.

At this time, Chen Fei came and told Hibart, Queen Starfang, and Ortega that they didn't know what Lisa had eaten and that she was in very bad spirits. Chen Fei finally controlled Lisa.

Chen Fei came in a hurry and told Hibat, Queen Staffon and Ortega with sweat on his face that he found something wrong with Lisa Lun.

He described Lun Lisa’s symptoms and said that her mental state was very bad and she seemed to be troubled by something.

Queen Staffon asked, "Don't you know what she ate?"

"I'm not sure, Her Majesty. I didn't see her eating anything strange, but..." Fade Chen said, pausing.

"But what?" Ortega asked hurriedly.

"But I noticed she was clutching a packet of herbs in her hand. I thought that was part of her problem and maybe the herbs were causing her symptoms."

Queen Staffan nodded. "Okay, we need to find out what this herb is and maybe find a way to detoxify it."

"Your Majesty the Queen, I guess this herb may be Ganoderma lucidum." Chen Fei said.

"Ganoderma lucidum? I remember this thing is very rare in our kingdom!" Ortega said in surprise.

"Yes, it is a very valuable herb. But if taken alone, it can cause serious symptoms of poisoning. Use cinnamon twigs to relieve its medicinal properties," Hibart explains.

"We need to find a way to detoxify it immediately. Chen Fei, can you take us to find this Guizhi?"

Chen Fei nodded, and then led Hibat, Queen Staffon and Ortega out of the palace.

They searched for Ganoderma lucidum in the forest. Chen Fei seemed to know this place very well, and soon found a cinnamon twig garden.

However, conservation is very strict in this garden. There are a large number of soldiers and guards guarding here.

It is not easy for them to get in.

After Hibart's careful planning, they came up with a very good way.

They would dress up as ordinary farmers and blend in with the crowd trying to get into the garden.

Eventually, they managed to sneak into the Guizhi Garden.

They carefully picked some cinnamon branches, but just as they were leaving, they were discovered by the guards.

They were chased deep into the garden. There, they find a hidden door.

They hurried in and successfully escaped the guards.

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