They came to a secret laboratory with many strange equipment.

Here they met an eccentric old man. The old man claimed to be a pharmacist. He had studied many herbal medicines and knew how to detoxify them.

He offers Hibart and the others an exchange in which he will provide the antidote only after receiving a very valuable treasure.

Facing the sudden situation, Hibart and others were at a loss as to what to do, and they knew nothing about the treasure the old man requested.

While they were thinking, they suddenly heard an inconspicuous detail about the old man. The old man's state was very similar to that of an old man with dementia, but his words were very targeted and logical, which was not consistent with the symptoms of dementia.

Hibart opened his mouth to test: "Old man, what is this treasure that can make you sink your boat?" The old man replied slowly: "Young man, I am a person who studies herbal medicine and potions. Although I am a bit old, I am very familiar with this. The field is much clearer than that of young people.

You will not understand what role my profound knowledge plays in the research of the antidote, but this treasure is vital to me. "

This answer gave Hibart and others some confidence, and they couldn't help but think of the old man's performance before.

It seems that in some details, the old man deliberately concealed his special features.

At this time, Erica on the side suddenly thought of a possibility: "Old man, do you really need this treasure for research? If you give us a clear prescription and research methods, we can also help you research the antidote. "

This suggestion surprised the old man. After thinking for a moment, he replied: "Young man, your idea is very good, but I'm sorry, I must have a special metal to turn on my experimental equipment, otherwise I will not be able to continue my research." .”

Hibart and others began to communicate after hearing this sentence. They suddenly discovered that there were some special details in the old man's description, all of which seemed to cover up his true research purpose.

They hope to start from the old man's research field and understand his research direction.

"Old man, we can try to help you find this metal, and you can also provide us with some knowledge about herbs and potions. In exchange, what do you think?"

The old man pondered for a moment, seeming to consider whether this exchange was reasonable.

After a while, he suddenly stopped and stared at Hibart and others, seeming to examine their true intentions.

Finally, the old man spoke: "I agree with your proposal, but before we can truly cooperate, I need to prove to you that I am conducting research on a very special herbal medicine that can resist the effects of harsh environments and allow People still have super athletic ability in harsh environments.

It has a wide range of applications in military and sports fields, and it is also the focus of my research. "

Hibart and others were startled by this answer. They were a little surprised that this old man was actually conducting such complicated research. This was almost unbelievable.

They plan to delve deeper into the old man's real research direction

A strange smile appeared on the old man's face. He looked at everything around him, seeming to be looking for the answer. “Even if you haven’t studied this matter yourself, you will be forced to face it one day.

So, even if I tell you, what’s the point? "

"Tell us what? Old man, I didn't understand." Hibart asked with confusion.

"In this world, for some reason, a metal called 'memory coating crystal' has appeared." The old man said without any emotion, "This metal can record people's memories and solidify them, thus forming coating crystals.

This is not only an advancement in technology, but also a wonderful discovery in human history. "

Chen Fei remembered some legends he had heard. It is said that the coated crystal can record people's memories and copy their thought patterns into the minds of others.

This is undoubtedly an extremely fascinating technology, but Chen Fei, who is clueless, doesn't know how to find this wonderful metal.

"I know you want to help me, but this metal is so rare that it's hard for me to find it myself.

The old man sighed and said, "However, if you can help me find this metal, I am willing to use all my knowledge in exchange." "

"Then how should we find this metal? Old man, can you give us some clues?" Queen Staffan also began to express her interest.

"This evil thing was discovered in a deep sea area called the 'Tongsun Ocean'." The old man sighed deeply, "I heard that a mysterious crystal can be found there, which is the main component of the memory coating crystal. . But that seabed is full of dangers and unknowns."

"Let's go find it, old man, we will never let you down." Ortega stood up on the side, seemingly ready to start this adventure.

So, after some preparations, the four young people began their adventure. They drove a small submersible through dense sea fog and passed countless mirages.

They finally came to the legendary underwater abyss. It was pitch dark here, with only a few searchlights flashing ahead.

They soon discovered the existence of the mysterious crystal, which was like a restored tree, giving them a glimmer of hope.

However, Chen Fei, Hibart, Queen Starfon and Ortega soon discovered the dangers of this abyss.

As they moved forward, they encountered a large number of monsters, some like octopuses that were good at getting into caves and waiting for opportunities to attack, and some like giant crabs that used their pincers to attack.

Chen Fei, Hibart, Queen Starfon and Ortega began to explore the abyss deeply. They were always vigilant, carefully avoiding the monsters hiding in the darkness, and trying their best to find the way to the crystal. During this adventure, their feelings have also been sublimated and become closer.

"Be careful, there is a hole ahead, we have to slow down!" Chen Fei reminded everyone, and the advancing team slowed down. An octopus that was good at getting into caves and waiting for opportunities to attack sprang out of the cave and almost caught them. While protecting themselves, they increased their speed and walked through the cave.

Suddenly, they found two huge crab claws clamping the entrance to the crystal in front of them, and they had to stop and think about how to get past.

"I can give it a try, let me attract their attention!" Ortega suggested, and everyone followed his instructions and were ready to take action like Ortega, using the light of the crystal to distract the crabs. .

They divided their labors and cooperated, and finally succeeded in subduing the pair of giant crabs. The way forward became unimpeded, and they finally reached the mysterious crystal.

Surrounding the crystal were a group of priests wearing black cloaks.

They were studying the crystal with various tools, and there were various mysterious spells and formations hidden around the crystal.

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