When Hibart and Mark studied the patterns carefully, a huge monster appeared.

The beast looked around, ready to give its new prey a good demonstration of its vagaries and dangers.

The monster is tall, full of colors and tattoos, and uses fangs and claws to tear to pieces anything that comes before it.

\"Shh!\" Hibart said softly to Mark: "We need to be careful not to piss it off."

At this point, both Hibart and Mark knew they had to find a way to defeat the monster without damaging the treasure.

They looked at the monster, trying to find any advantage, but the monster puzzled them because it seemed to predict their every move.

Suddenly, Hibart imparted an idea, and he said: "We can try to lure it with the treasure. If it sees the light of the treasure or smells its scent, then it will definitely move towards it, and we can seize this opportunity." Come and get its vitals.”

Mark accepted Hibart's advice and continued to stare at the monster.

Mark and Hibart shoot quickly as the monster starts walking towards the treasure.

After a moment of confusion, the monster passed out.

The comatose monster shows them that if they boldly move forward, they can find themselves providing endless supplies of courage and confidence.

Hibart and Mark leaned down to try and defeat it, but they did have to do some suppression and innovation in the heat of battle.

The battle realizes that in the face of monsters, they must fight together, encourage each other, and move forward with the best of themselves.

There are also monsters who are obsessed with treasure and are obsessed with winning, which may not be easy for anyone to defeat.

Injured, Mark and Hibart could only rely on their remaining strength to walk to where the collection was.

When they arrive, they realize that their situation is even more dangerous than before.

The room where the treasure is hidden is very cleverly built, the light is dim, and the room is full of traps and obstacles. However, they couldn't easily leave empty-handed, so they started searching everywhere.

After a brief silence, they began a detailed search for the treasure. While searching for treasure, they discover a letter that at first seems extremely ordinary.

However, upon closer inspection, they discovered the hidden meaning.

This letter is a suicide note, hidden in a very hidden corner, and the sender is their friend.

Their friend lost his life searching for this treasure, but he left a letter asking them to continue their work. This document confirms the truth behind the disappearance of previous treasure explorers.

After Longzhong Hongbulu was robbed, there were rumors that part of the stolen treasure was hidden in this place.

But due to the mysterious nature of the treasure, the place is said to be unverifiable due to the existing nature of this treasure.

But the letter convinced them of the treasure's existence, and the imprinted evidence would prove it.

However, they did not know the value of this treasure or what it actually meant.

In these puzzles, they continue to search and try to understand the hidden shining side.

Eventually, they realized that all the collections had been taken by someone who had painted them how they imagined them to be.

They were traveling to a strange place, but even so, they still believed that they needed to continue searching for this great treasure.

They need to bring it back so they can prove it was worth it.

When they discovered the treasure, the attackers were waiting for them.

Although Mark and Hibart were exhausted, they still struggled hard.

But their efforts soon overspent, leaving each other seriously injured.

Mark fell to the ground, and Hibart stayed by his side.

Before losing consciousness, Mark told Sheba that he just wished he could rest in the warmth of his home. Xi raised his head and looked at the enemy lurking in the darkness with angry eyes.

The followers shouted victory, but no one noticed the pool of red liquid on the ground.

This was Mark's last job. He secretly injects red slurry into the enemy's body. This slurry is made from a mysterious substance that can cause the organs in the enemy's body to stop working, leading to death.

Mark's mission is dangerous, but he knows this is the only way to defeat his enemy. He protected Hibart with his own life.

The followers began to attack. They swept away the previous disastrous defeat and the atmosphere was extremely intense. However, in the melee, the five-pointed monster appeared again.

This is a very scary monster with a body like a five-pointed star and is very ugly. It has extremely powerful attack and defense power, and neither humans nor other creatures can compete with it. Hibat was flying with the sword of thorns, preparing to fight the five-pointed monster.

The battle was very fierce. The five-pointed monster's attack and defense power were much stronger than Hibart expected. Hibart constantly avoided the attacks of the five-pointed monster, keeping his distance and looking for opportunities.

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning appeared in the sky, and a white light flashed in front of Hibart's eyes. He felt a powerful force rushing toward him. When he opened his eyes again, he saw a strange man standing in front of him. The man's name is Samoron, the commander of the Samoron Regional Army.

Samoron's appearance is very unique. He is tall, has blue skin, orange eyes, wears blue armor, and is good at tactical command.

He told Hibart that he was here to help him and save him from danger. While Hibart was grateful, he also became curious about Zamorun. He wanted to know what Zamoron's true purpose was and why he was able to defeat the five-pointed monster so easily in this battle.

Hibart looked at Samoron with a puzzled face, wondering what the true purpose of this mysterious alien was. Samoron's presence and the way he behaved really unsettled Hibart.

"Why did you come to help me?" Hibart asked, "We don't know each other."

There was a strange light in Zamorun's eyes. He stood quietly and said nothing. Hibart noticed that Samoron attached great importance to this question and obviously cared about the answer.

After a long time, Zamorun finally spoke, his voice low and hoarse: "Our different civilizations produce different cultures. However, there are many similarities between us. You also have battleships similar to ours, just like us. , you are also facing crises and threats in space. Although the appearance is different, our purpose is the same. We are all warriors who protect our homeland."

After listening to Samoron's words, Hibart felt even more uneasy. He began to feel that this encounter seemed very dangerous, and there were more mysteries waiting for him to solve.

Hibart's thoughts were not over yet. Suddenly, a loud noise broke the quiet night.

A huge creature fell from the deafening explosion, waving its huge scaly wings in all directions, causing the air around it to rise and fall.

This is a five-pointed monster, and it looks more powerful than the previous one.

Its skin was even hairier than Hibart imagined, with poisonous spikes growing on it. The five-pointed monster let out a terrifying roar from its throat, and the entire valley was shaken by the sound.

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