Zamorun saw through the five-pointed monster's weakness at a glance. He aimed at the monster's hip, and fired a dark blue energy stream from the muzzle, hitting the enemy's vitals.

The five-pointed monster roared up to the sky, shook its body a few times, and finally fell to the ground, turning into black juice.

Zamoron told Hibat to retreat. He knew that as an Earthling, Hibat did not have the abilities required to participate in such a battle.

He wears a blue armor and is good at tactical command. Fighting on this planet seems to be easy for him.

However, the battle is not over. More five-pointed monsters began to appear. These creatures kept falling down, covering the entire valley.

Zamoron began to feel the pressure building up, and his weapons fired zooming energy bullets, capable of destroying the monsters that Hibart feared.

However, there seems to be no end to the number of these monsters. Zamoron realizes that they are completely controlled by Hibat's enemies, who are out to destroy all life here, including humans and other species on the planet.

Time is getting tighter. Samoran began to use his supercomputer's strategic command capabilities, and he tried to find a breakthrough.

Hibart looked at his electric command and was frightened.

This was the first time he had seen such a war. Those five-pointed monsters looked really scary.

Suddenly, Zamorun raised his head and had a new idea.

He directed Hibart to go and launch their craft into the distant halo of shadows. Hibart didn't know what this meant, but he did as Samoron ordered.

In the deep space full of unknowns and dangers, Hibart discovered a huge space full of light and energy. This space was filled with rotating celestial bodies and suspended angels.

This halo floats in the universe, forming a super large transportation hub, where spaceships from various galaxies constantly shuttle in and out.

This is the Shadow Halo, and Zamoron is using this deep space to build a bridge, a passage between the stars.

Hibart was greatly surprised by his mysterious actions. Samoron is a true genius. His intention is for Hibart to take the entire human race on this interstellar passage, travel across distances of several light years, and win more opportunities and challenges.

Hibart and Zamoron challenged a violent battle. The transition area they were in was full of chaos and powerful enemies. Here, they constantly faced crazy five-pointed monsters. Every pair of battles was full of excitement and danger. , however, they still won in the end.

Hibart ultimately won the battle, and the enemy was routed and retreated.

But the secrets hidden throughout the battle remain puzzling.

Hibart spoke with Samoran, trying to understand what the man was really thinking. Samoron told Hibart that he was from a distant planet and that his world was undergoing a war.

He came to this planet to find a mysterious item called the "Crystal of Life". This item can give humans powerful energy, making them stronger on the battlefield.

Hibart was very interested in this life crystal. He and Zamoron searched for this treasure together and experienced countless hardships in the process. They crossed endless deserts, walked through deep forests and dangerous mountains.

Eventually, they arrive in a world that looks completely different from the outside world. This world is full of mysterious power, and the stars dot the sky, making people feel endless power.

Hibat and Zamoron entered a place that looked like a temple. This ancient building was carved from stone and gold and looked solemn.

They walked slowly towards the temple, filled with anticipation and nervousness.

Entering the temple, both Hibat and Zamorun felt an unusual energy, as if this place did not belong to this world.

They carefully searched for the location of the Life Crystal, and finally found the treasure in the center of the temple. Life crystal emits a bright light, sparkling and dazzling.

Hibart was so happy that he thought he had found what he was looking for.

However, the Sword of Thorns began to glow with red light, which seemed to imply that there were more treasures waiting for them to find.

"There is indeed an extraordinary power here, but I can feel that this is not one of the seven treasures I have been looking for." Hibart mused, "We must move on."

Hibart and Samoran regained their composure and discussed what to do next. They looked at the map, trying to find possible clues.

Half a day later, the clocks in the basement made a sound. They had forgotten that time had passed for so long.

They walked for a long time along the basement passage, passing through a series of tunnels and stone doors.

They finally arrived at a new common area. The walls were a metal with a shiny finish.

In the corner of the room they saw a huge and interesting machine. The machine is sealed and they need to open it.

"Let me try." Samorun bent down slightly next to the machine and put his hands on the machine.

Suddenly, an embedded monitor appeared on the surface of the machine.

The fingerprint scan of his hand was also sensed by the machine. A digital lock flashed on the display.

Zamoron started typing on the keyboard, but each time he finished typing, the machine's screen would go gray. He tried hard several times, but the machine showed no sign of weakness.

"I'm going to try," Hibart said as he stepped forward, feeling hopeless at first.

However, he suddenly stopped and stared at the machine's screen for a while. He exhaled softly and began to enter the numbers...

Finally, the machine took on a humming sound, as if coming from deep within the earth, and its surface began to fall.

As the metal casing fell, an ancient letter inside the machine was revealed.

Hibart and Samoran were so excited that they had found a treasure.

This discovery gives them hope for the next mission. The two of them worked together to open the tablet, which seemed to contain a narrative about a tower known only to God.

The tower is made of a rare metal and appears to be very valuable.

They must find the tower as soon as possible, which will be an important next step in Hibart's search for the seven treasures.

Hibat and Samoron quickly left the temple and began to search for the whereabouts of this mysterious tower.

After that, they find themselves involved in a series of events.

They need to juggle intrigue and subterfuge while staying awake and alert to avoid losing the one thing they have always relied on: their lives.

Hibat and Samoron walked through the ancient temple, and when they came outside, they were shocked by what they saw.

In the distance, a towering mysterious tower stands in the center of the city, exuding strong magic.

Hibart and Zamoron decide to explore the mysterious tower.

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