They moved forward nervously, and when they finally emerged from the tunnel, what they saw shocked them.

In front of them was a huge fossil, an ancient beast. Its remains and fragments were scattered on the ground, as if asking them to search for more clues.

Renlisa began to learn more about the history of this giant creature and started asking some questions.

She wanted to know the environment in which the giant creature lived, its survival strategies, and how it affected its range.

The Hunter-Maker is searching the surrounding ground for signs that may tell them more important data about the existence of the ancient beast.

Through a series of examinations, he determined its age, size, and other important information about the ecosystem.

Lun Lisa and Hunter Maker finally discovered many touching stories from these fossil bones and fragments.

Lisa Lun and the Hunter Maker spent several days researching and thinking in that hidden cave. Among them, they finally found the fossil of an ancient creature. The creature's skeleton glows with astonishing light and exudes a powerful aura and various energies, stimulating curiosity and wonder in Lisa and the hunter-maker.

"What is this?" Lun Lisa muttered, her eyes widened, trying to learn more about the truth about this ancient creature.

Hunter Maker explains: "This is a prehistoric snake that could grow up to 70 feet long. It was an extremely adaptable species and was able to survive a variety of harsh environments."

Renlisa was intrigued and vowed to study this prehistoric creature in depth. Through a series of examinations, he determined its age, size, and other important information about the ecosystem.

Hunter Maker and Lun Lisa finally uncovered many touching stories from these fossil bones and fragments. They reveal how these ancient creatures survived in nature, faced adversity, competed and evolved. These stories, in all genres that pass through time, vividly tell the glory and sorrow of an era, which deeply moved Hunter Maker and Lun Lisa.

They also understand that the distinction between humans and nature is relative and they should live in harmony with nature. Instead of destroying nature, we should learn to balance the ecology and protect the ecological environment.

They realize that their adventure is far from over, this is just part of the rest of their journey. They are attracted by the charm of prehistoric creatures and are eager to explore more lands and cultures.

So, they left the mysterious cave with the fossils,

The old man with the white beard is gone.

Hunter Maker and Lun Lisa marveled at all this, and they realized that this may be a more complicated situation, and the existence of a mysterious force may have been pulling their destiny.

Finally, the fossil of an ancient creature was discovered.

"Well done, we completed our first mission!" shouted the Hunter Maker.

Lisa Lun smiled, feeling that her membership level had increased by 0.3.

She has become a first-level and fifth-level monkey-conscious elf, which makes her very proud. Along with the rest of the team, she listened to the Hunter Maker's instructions.

"Let's complete the second thing. We have to do it together." The hunter maker announced.

"Rescued a kidnapped noble?" Lun Lisa asked.

"Yes, this noble is a very important person. He has been kidnapped for two days. Time is very tight." The hunter maker said.

Lisa Lun and the other team members set off immediately. They got some intelligence and knew that the kidnapper gang's camp was in a remote cave. They approached cautiously, trying to find an opportunity to invade.

Finally, they found an unguarded entrance. They slipped in quietly, ready to make their move. However, when they walked to a room, they found many armed kidnappers inside.

"What should we do?" Lisa asked in a low voice.

"We must avoid fighting as much as possible, otherwise our whereabouts will be exposed." The hunter maker said.

They began to search for the nobles' whereabouts. In a small room, they found the computer used by the kidnappers. Lisa Lun tried to hack into the computer system, but the password was very complicated.

"These guys are so smart." Lun Lisa muttered.

"Let me try." A team member named Alfred came over and started trying to crack the code.

A lot of time has passed and they still haven't found the correct password. Suddenly, a kidnapper walked in and they immediately hid.

"What's the password?" the kidnapper asked.

"I don't know," Alfred replied.

"Then you are still trying to crack it?" the kidnapper said angrily.

"I just want to give it a try." Alfred pretended not to care.

The kidnappers left the room and they continued trying to crack the code. Finally, they succeeded. They were given the location where the nobles were being held captive.

They quietly walked to the room and found the nobleman tied to a chair with his mouth covered. They quickly untied the straps and rescued the nobleman.

"Thank you, you are really my savior." The noble said gratefully.

"You're welcome, we're just on a mission," Hunter Maker said.

They decided to leave the place because they knew that the kidnapping gang would soon discover their whereabouts. They took the nobles out of the cave and returned to a safe place.

"We completed the mission." Lisa Lun sighed.

"Yes, but this is just the beginning," said the hunter-maker,

"They robbed my collection and kidnapped my daughter." the nobleman cried. "Without these, my life has no meaning."

"Yes, but this is just the beginning." The hunter maker said, "We will just go and help you finish it."

Lun Lisa and the other team members continued to move forward, preparing to find the noble's collection and rescue his daughter.

They walked for a long time and finally came to a mysterious castle.

"What is this place?" Lisa asked.

"Here is an ancient castle, and it is said that there is a very important treasure inside." Hunter Maker explained.

They enter the castle and start searching for the treasure. However, the castle was very complicated inside and they got lost. Suddenly, Lun Lisa exclaimed.

"Look, there's a person there!" she said, pointing to a room in the distance.

They walked over and found that the person was a young girl. She looked very scared and had wounds on her body.

"Why are you here?" Hunter Maker asked.

"I was kidnapped here. They wanted me to tell them the location of the treasure." The girl explained.

"Do you know the location of the treasure?" Lisa asked.

"I don't know, but I heard them say that the treasure is in the deepest part of the castle," the girl replied.

They decided to help the girl escape from the castle, but the castle was full of traps and dangers. They walked carefully, trying to avoid all the traps.

Finally, they reached the deepest part of the castle. They discovered a huge room with a lot of treasure inside.

"Are these treasures?" Lisa Lun asked in surprise.

"Yes, but we must be careful, because there may be traps here." said the Hunter Maker.

They start searching for the treasure, but suddenly, a huge boulder falls from the sky, trapping them inside.

"This is a trap!" Lun Lisa shouted loudly.

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