They started looking for a way out, but found that all the doors were locked. They began to try various methods to escape.

Finally, they discovered a hidden door. They opened the door and found it was dawn outside.

"We finally escaped." Lisa Lun sighed.

"Yes, but we found no treasure," said the hunter-maker.

They decided to go back to the castle and search again. After some hard work, they finally found a secret passage leading to the location of the treasure.

When they opened the treasure chest, they found it filled with gold coins and jewelry. The nobleman was very happy and cried holding his rescued daughter.

"Thank you, you are really my savior." The noble said gratefully.

"We're just on a mission, you're welcome," the Hunter Maker said.

They decided to leave the place as soon as possible because they knew that the kidnapping gang might find them at any time.

Suddenly, a group of kidnappers appeared in front of them. They were armed and apparently came to snatch the treasure.

"Hand over the treasure or you will die!" a kidnapper shouted.

"We will not give up the treasure!" said the Hunter Maker.

They started a fierce battle with the kidnappers. Lun Lisa picked up her pistol and started firing at the kidnappers. Other team members also began to use various weapons to fight with the kidnappers.

There were constant gunshots and flashes of swords. Although the kidnapper gang has a large number of people, they did not expect that these people are professional hunters and makers, and their fighting power is very strong.

The kidnappers began to retreat, but they did not intend to give up. They picked up more ferocious weapons and began to launch fierce attacks on the team members.

"Watch out!" shouted Hunter Maker.

They began to adopt more aggressive tactics and started a fierce duel. Lun Lisa and other team members were very brave. They tried their best to fight the kidnapper gang to the death.

The kidnappers began to retreat, but they did not intend to give up. They picked up more ferocious weapons and began to launch fierce attacks on the team members.

However, the kidnappers' attacks became increasingly violent. The nobleman's daughter was killed by a kidnapper. The nobleman was stabbed several times to protect his daughter and fell in a pool of blood.

"No!" shouted the noble.

The team members became angry and decided to use all their strength to protect the safety of the treasure and other people. They launched more violent attacks, and the kidnappers began to lose ground.

In the end, the team members defeated the kidnapper gang and successfully protected the treasure. However, this adventure also came at a heavy cost.

"We failed." Lisa Lun said with emotion.

"No, we did not fail, we succeeded in keeping the treasure and others safe, that is our victory." said the hunter maker.

They observed a moment of silence and then led the nobleman back to town with his daughter. Noble was very sad, but he was also grateful for the courage and selfless dedication of the team members.

"I will never forget your heroic deeds and I will pray for you," the nobleman said.

The team members accepted the noble's thanks and blessings and left town. They know this adventure will remain in their memories forever.

However, nobles also died of excessive bleeding. Lun Lisa felt very sad and angry, and she decided to avenge them.

"I will not let the kidnappers go unpunished," Lenlisa said.

"Let's go after them together," said the hunter-maker.

They began to chase the kidnapper gang. Their goal was to catch all the kidnappers and avenge the dead nobleman and his daughter.

They tracked the gang of kidnappers in the mountains and forests, walking cautiously for fear of being discovered. However, the kidnappers did not give up easily and began to fight back.

Lun Lisa and Hunter Maker began to fight against the kidnapper gang. They fought to the death with all their might. There were constant gunshots, flashes of swords, and the battle was extremely fierce.

"Be careful!" Lisa Lun shouted loudly.

They adopted more radical tactics and launched a fierce duel. Both Lisa Lun and Hunter Maker were very brave. They tried their best to fight to the death with the kidnapper gang.

In the end, the team members defeated all the kidnappers, and they successfully captured all the criminals and avenged the dead nobleman and his daughter.

"We succeeded!" Lisa Lun said excitedly.

"Yes, we avenged our dead," said the Hunter-Maker.

They handed over the criminals to the local police and left the place. They know this adventure will remain in their memories forever.

"We're doing really well," said Renlisa.

"Yes, we accomplished our mission," said the Hunter Maker.

They returned to the town and paid their deepest condolences to the dead nobleman and his daughter. They know that this adventure not only made them grow a lot, but also made them understand the preciousness of life.

Lisa Lun smiled, feeling that her membership level had increased by 0.3.

She has become a first-level and eighth-level monkey-conscious elf, which makes her very proud. She and Hunter Maker go on a quest to find a plant that can cure any disease.

Lisa Lun smiled, feeling that her membership level had increased by 0.3. She has become a first-level and eighth-level monkey-conscious elf, which makes her very proud.

"Wow, this mission is so difficult." Lisa Lun said to the hunter maker beside her.

"Yes, but we can definitely get it done," the Hunter Maker responded.

Together they came to a mysterious forest called the "Healing Forest", where it is said that there is a plant that can cure any disease. But the plant is so rare that it only grows under certain conditions, and only the most elite hunters can find it.

Lun Lisa and Hunter Maker began their journey of exploration. They walked along a stream, listening to the sound of water and feeling the fresh air. Before they knew it, they had gone a long way, but still couldn't find the target plant.

"What should we do?" Lisa asked.

"We need more clues, or we need more information." The hunter-maker replied, "We can ask the animals around to see if they know the existence of this plant."

So they started looking for animals everywhere, hoping to get some useful clues. Soon after, they met an old fox.

"Hello, old fox, we are looking for a plant that can cure any disease, do you know where this plant is?" asked the hunter maker.

"Oh, you are here to find that plant." The old fox said, "That plant is difficult to find, but I know a place where there may be some clues."

The old fox pointed to a mountain peak in the distance and said, "There is a group of monkeys there. They seem to know some information about that plant."

So Lun Lisa and Hunter Maker decided to go to the mountain to find those monkeys. They climbed up the mountain and came to a place where monkeys lived. They found that the monkeys were playing and didn't seem to care about their arrival.

"Hello, little monkeys, we are looking for a plant that can cure any disease. Do you know where this plant is?" Lisa asked.

The monkeys seemed so smart that they started communicating with Renlisa in sign language. Soon after, they led Lun Lisa and Hunter Maker to a cave.

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