They climbed into the ventilation ducts and entered the interior of the base.

It is very spacious and full of various machines and equipment.

However, they know that there is a huge danger hidden here.

They began sabotaging machinery and equipment in an attempt to render the base inoperable. However, they encountered very strong resistance and the guards inside the base began to attack.

They begin a fierce battle, trying to protect themselves while destroying more machines and equipment. Eventually, they succeeded in sabotaging the base and destroying the horrific weapon.

Lisa Lun counted her fingers and found that her membership level was only 2.7, which was still far from being upgraded. She thought about it and decided to complete the next four things. So, she approached the hunter maker to discuss it.

"Hello, Hunter Maker, I want to cooperate with you to complete the next mission." Lisa Lun said with a smile.

The hunter-maker glanced at her and nodded. "Okay, let me hear what you have to say."

"This task requires us to complete four things together. The membership level will increase by 0.3. However, we must complete all four things together for it to take effect."

The hunter-maker pondered for a moment. "Okay, I promise you. However, this task may be dangerous. Are you sure you want to do it?"

Lisa Lun nodded. "I'm sure. I believe we can get this done."

So, they began their journey. The first thing is to defeat a ferocious beast. They walked through the dense forest, weaving in and out of the trees. Suddenly, a huge beast appeared in front of them.

"Be careful!" Lun Lisa shouted.

Hunter-Maker quickly drew his sword and prepared to fight the beast. The beast roared and lunged at them, and Hunter-Maker ducked before striking the beast violently with his sword.

"Pap-pap-pap!" The sword blade hit the beast, making a crisp sound.

The beast roared in agony, then lunged at the Hunter-Maker. The hunter-maker ducks easily before attacking the beast again. The beast became increasingly exhausted from the attacks and was eventually defeated by the hunter-maker.

"Awesome!" Lisa Lun said happily, "We completed the first thing."

They moved on and came to a mysterious cave. The second thing is to find and solve the problem in the cave. They slowly walked into the cave and felt a strange smell in the air.

"There seems to be something shining here." Lisa Lun pointed forward and said.

As they looked closer, they discovered a mysterious gem emitting a faint light. "This must be what we are looking for," said the hunter-maker.

They cautiously approached the gem, and suddenly, a huge bat flew down from the top of the cave and pounced on them. Renlisa screamed in fright, and the Hunter Maker drew his sword to fight. The bats attacked them violently, but the Hunter-Maker was very powerful and easily dodged the attack.

"Quick, use your magic!" Hunter Maker shouted.

Lun Lisa nodded and began to recite the spell. Suddenly, a bolt of lightning shot out of her hand and struck the bat. The bat screamed in agony and fell to the ground.

They successfully solved the problem in the cave and moved on. The third thing is to find a mysterious stone tablet and solve its puzzle. They came to a mysterious altar and found the stone tablet next to the altar.

"This stele looks strange." Lisa Lun said.

"Yes, we must solve its riddle," said the hunter-maker.

They began to carefully observe the stone tablets, trying to find clues. Suddenly, some strange symbols and numbers appeared on the stone tablet. "This must be a clue to the puzzle." Lisa said.

They started trying different combinations to try to solve the puzzle. After some hard work, they finally found the right combination and the stele began to glow.

"Great, we succeeded!" Lisa Lun said happily.

The last thing is to find a mysterious treasure. They came to an ancient castle and found that the treasure was deep inside the castle.

"It looks dangerous here," said the Hunter Maker.

"It doesn't matter, we will definitely find the treasure." Lisa Lun said.

They carefully walked through the corridors of the castle, constantly encountering various dangers. They defeated a giant skeleton, fought their way through a sea of ​​fire, and finally reached the room where the treasure lay.

"There is really a treasure here!" Lisa Lun said in surprise.

They open the treasure chest and inside lies a huge gem. "This must be what we are looking for," said the hunter-maker.

They picked up the gems and prepared to leave. But, suddenly, the castle began to tremble and the ground began to crack. They quickly ran out of the castle and saw a horrific scene.

The land around the castle is shaking, and a huge monster is attacking the castle. "We have to stop it!" Lenlisa shouted.

They took up their weapons and rushed towards the monster. The monster is very powerful and they must work together to defeat it. They kept attacking the monster, but the monster seemed to fend off their attacks effortlessly.

"We can't go on like this!" Hunter Maker shouted.

"We need to unite and defeat it with the most powerful attack!" Lisa Lun said.

Together they launched the most powerful attack and successfully defeated the monster. They happily shook hands to celebrate, and then returned to Lenlisa's home together.

"We accomplished all four!" said Lenlisa happily.

"Yes, and our membership level has increased by 0.3 points!" said the hunter maker.

They hugged each other and celebrated their victory. It was a difficult journey, but they successfully completed the task and proved their strength.

Lisa Lun smiled, feeling that her membership level had increased by 0.3.

She has become a third-level monkey discerning elf, which makes her very proud.

"I'm still one level short. One level is ten 0.1 points. Four things together add 0.3. I still have to complete four four comprehensive events." Lisa Lun calculated in her mind.

The hunter maker seemed to have read through her thoughts and said with a smile: "Little guy, let's go, let's complete the next four-link event together!"

Lisa Lun is a young hunter who has a dream, that is, to become a first-class hunter. In the Hunter Association, the hunter's level is very important. The higher the level, the more tasks you can receive, which is very important to Lun Lisa.

"I'm still one level short. One level is ten 0.1 points. Four things together add 0.3, and I have to complete four four comprehensive events." Lisa Lun was thinking in her mind. She knew that she only needed to complete a few more tasks. He has been promoted to a first-level hunter. However, this is not an easy task.

Hunter Maker is Lun Lisa's friend and he is also a hunter. Seeing Lisa Lun's troubles, he smiled and said: "Little guy, let's go, let's complete the next four-link event together!"

Lun Lisa nodded and followed the Hunter Maker out of the gate of the Hunter Association. They came to a dense forest, where the Quadruple Incident took place.

A quadruple event refers to four tasks occurring at the same time, each with different difficulty coefficients and rewards. Complete four tasks to get very high scores and rewards.

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