The Hunter Maker took out the map and carefully observed the surrounding environment.

"We need to find four marking points, each marking point represents the location of a task," he said.

Lun Lisa nodded and followed the hunter maker to start the journey to find the marking point.

They passed through dense forests and climbed steep mountains, and finally found the location of the first marked point.

This is a cave, and there is a very dangerous monster living in the cave - a giant spider.

This spider is very ferocious and very large. They will attack hunters and if accidentally bitten, they will be poisoned and die.

"Careful, there are spiders here!" shouted the Hunter Maker. He took out his weapon and prepared to fight the giant spider.

Lun Lisa also took out her own weapon, and she and Hunter Maker launched an attack on the spider.

The spider let out a scream and rushed towards Lisa Lun in a frenzy.

Renlisa calmly dodged the spider's attack, and then stabbed towards its weak point again.

Hunter-Maker took the opportunity to slash at the spider's legs, causing it to lose its balance.

, they launched an attack on the spider together.

"Papa papa!" Lun Lisa had a sharp dagger in her hand. She skillfully used her skills to continuously attack the spider's weaknesses.

Hunter Maker used his great sword to slash the spider's head violently.

The spider let out a scream and rushed towards Lisa Lun in a frenzy.

Renlisa calmly dodged the spider's attack, and then stabbed towards its weak point again.

"Tsk!" Lun Lisa's dagger accurately hit the spider's weak point, causing it to let out a miserable roar.

Hunter-Maker took the opportunity to slash at the spider's legs, causing it to lose its balance.

The spider let out a scream of terror and fell to the ground.

"We succeeded!" Lun Lisa shouted happily, she felt that her strength had improved again.

Hunter Maker also laughed, "Well done! Your skills are getting better and better."

They examined the spider's body and confirmed it was dead.

Then they move on, pursuing other prey.

However, they did not discover that the giant spider's death was not natural. After they leave, a mysterious figure appears next to the spider's body.

This figure wears a black cloak and has a gloomy face. He took out a dagger and lightly scratched the spider's body.

"The venom of this spider can be used to make a very special medicine." He murmured, "I must bring it back as soon as possible."

The mysterious figure placed the spider's body in a black bag and left the scene. His appearance made people feel a little uneasy.

Who is he? What is he going to do with the spider's venom?

Lun Lisa and Hunter Maker didn't know all this, and they moved on, looking for the next target.

A few days later, Lun Lisa and Hunter Maker heard some rumors about a mysterious figure.

It is said that this character has been collecting all kinds of strange materials, and his purpose seems to be to create a mysterious medicine.

"It sounds dangerous." Lisa Lun frowned, "We should be more careful."

"Yes, we have to protect ourselves." Hunter Maker nodded, "But at the same time, we cannot give up chasing other prey."

They continued to move forward, constantly looking for various prey. However, they often hear strange rumors.

Some people said that they saw the mysterious figure who always wore a black cloak and looked very mysterious.

"We have to be careful." Lisa Lun warned, "This character may pose a threat to us."

"I know." Hunter Maker nodded, "We have to stay vigilant."

They continued on and entered an ancient town. The town has been abandoned for a long time, but there are still some dangerous creatures roaming there.

"Be careful!" Lisa Lun suddenly shouted, "There is a giant bat!"

"Whoosh!" The giant bat fell from the sky and rushed towards Lisa Lun.

Renlisa quickly dodged its attack, then took out her weapon and stabbed towards its weak spot.

"Bah, bang, bang!" Lun Lisa's dagger kept stabbing the giant bat's body, causing it to scream pitifully. The Hunter-Maker used his great sword to slash at the bat's wings.

"Ouch!" The giant bat let out a scream and fell to the ground.

They examined the bat's body and confirmed it was dead. However, after they left, the mysterious figure appeared again.

He took out a small bottle and collected the bat's blood.

"This is a dangerous man."

"Yes, we have to stay vigilant." Hunter Maker took a deep breath, "We have to be careful."

They continued on and entered an ancient temple. The temple has been abandoned for a long time, but some dangerous creatures still haunt it.

"Be careful!" Lisa Lun suddenly shouted, "There is a giant lizard!"

"Whoosh!" A giant lizard jumped down from the wall and rushed towards Lisa Lun. Renlisa quickly dodged its attack, then took out her weapon and stabbed towards its weak spot.

"Bah, bang, bang!" Lun Lisa's dagger kept stabbing the giant lizard's body, causing it to let out a miserable scream.

The hunter-maker swung his sword and slashed at the lizard's tail.

"Ouch!" The giant lizard screamed and fell to the ground.

They checked the lizard's body and found out it was dead.

But after they left, someone took out a small bottle and collected the lizard's blood.

"The blood of this lizard can be used to make medicine." He said to himself, "I want to take it back."

Lisa Lun and Hunter Maker began to have more questions about this mysterious figure. They began to investigate the character's background, but did not find much useful information.

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