Collect the rags and I become a clairvoyant doctor

Chapter 86 Teaching medical skills on site

Zheng Xianghua boasted about how amazing Qin Fei's medical skills were before, but no one believed him.

But now that he has witnessed Qin Fei rescuing a child who was declared dead, who dares to question his medical skills?

Especially the middle-aged doctor.

Previously, he called Qin Fei Master Uncle, which made him feel extremely aggrieved, but now he only felt awe in his heart.

It is not an exaggeration to call this kind of medical skill magical.

"Everyone, today I will give you a free clinic for a day!"

Qin Fei sat down directly after saying that.

"Miracle doctor, I have been suffering from back pain for many years. Please help me quickly!"

"I have a headache……."

"I'm sick to my stomach!"

Seeing Qin Fei's miraculous medical skills, the people around him gathered in front of his diagnosis table.

Compared to being ignored a few minutes ago, Qin Fei has undoubtedly become the center of attention in the audience.

"Don't worry, everyone line up and come one by one."

Seeing that everyone had gone to see Qin Fei for medical treatment, Zheng Xianghua quickly took on the role of maintaining the scene.

"Auntie, your rheumatism is just a minor problem. Just let me give you a few injections and it will be fine!"

Qin Fei is different from Zheng Xianghua. Zheng Xianghua mainly cooperates with acupuncture and decoction to achieve the purpose of healing people, but Qin Fei can directly cancel the decoction and cure the person on the spot.

From this point alone, his medical skills have surpassed Zheng Xianghua's.

Of course, he is not slow to see patients either, almost one patient per minute, without stopping.

"This is the real master of Chinese medicine!"

Seeing that Qin Fei was able to cope with various diseases with ease, the middle-aged doctor's face was full of admiration.

"Why are you so stunned? This is a once-in-a-lifetime learning opportunity for us!"

At this time, Zheng Xianghua pulled his white coat and scolded him harshly.

"Oh oh oh."

Hearing this, the middle-aged doctor woke up from a dream and quickly remembered the acupuncture points Qin Feifei had injected and other details in his mind.

The teacher is right, as long as they can learn a few tricks from Qin Fei, it will be enough for them to benefit from for a lifetime.

The best education is to teach by words and deeds. There are enough patients here right now, so Qin Fei can choose different patients to perform different acupuncture methods.

In this way, he can be regarded as completing his teaching to Zheng Xianghua.

"Miracle doctor, thank you."

"You are such a good person!"

After curing the patient, Qin Fei received various compliments one after another.

It can be seen that they say these words from the bottom of their hearts and are pure gratitude without any interests.

After watching here for almost half an hour, the first few people even sent Qin Fei a pair of banners, which quite left him speechless.

"Did you remember it all?"

It was impossible for Zheng Xianghua to learn many acupuncture techniques in the inheritance, so an hour later, Qin Fei demonstrated everything he thought he could teach in front of Zheng Xianghua.

There are about a dozen acupuncture techniques.


Zheng Xianghua nodded.

"Okay, then come and try your hand!"

Qin Fei took the initiative to give up his position.

"If I make any mistakes, then senior brother should be there to correct me."

"Go ahead and do it boldly!"

"Miracle Doctor Zheng, I want this little miraculous doctor to treat me..."

The next patient saw that the person attending the consultation was changed to Zheng Xianghua, and said with a blushing face.

It's not that he doesn't trust Zheng Xianghua, it's that Qin Fei's methods are obviously better.

"What? You don't believe in my ability?" Zheng Xianghua glanced at the other party and asked.

"No, it's really..."

"Brother, don't worry. I come from the same hospital as him. There is no difference between his treatment and my treatment. And even if there are any mistakes, I can ensure that you leave the hospital safe and sound."

Seeing the other party questioning, Qin Fei had to stand up and say something.

"Then... let's do it!"

Qin Fei had already said this, and the strong man in his thirties sat down opposite Zheng Xianghua without saying any more.

Today, Chunfengtang does not charge for medical treatment. If he asks for too much, they have every reason to refuse to treat him.

"Small problems can be cured with a few injections!"

After some inspection, Zheng Xianghua said seriously.

Identifying and identifying acupoints is not very difficult for an experienced Chinese medicine practitioner like Zheng Xianghua, but Qin Fei also discovered some problems during the acupuncture process.

That is, Zheng Xianghua's control over the depth of acupuncture is not adequate.

Each stitch has a different depth. If there is a mistake in one place, it will affect the effect of the entire set of stitches.

"No, this needle is too shallow. The silver needle must be submerged two-thirds in order to be effective!"

"This injection is too deep..."

Just like two old scholars discussing some course, Qin Fei began to instruct Zheng Xianghua as if there was no one around.

Behind him were a group of Chinese herbalists from Chunfengtang, all of whom wanted to take advantage of this rare opportunity to learn the inscrutable art of acupuncture.

"My mother!"

Lying on the hospital bed, this strong man was so frightened that his face was blue.

He felt that he was completely treated as a guinea pig, pitiful and helpless.

"I see!"

Zheng Xianghua has very high attainments in medical skills, and his comprehension ability is naturally not bad. Under Qin Fei's careful guidance, he quickly mastered one acupuncture method after another.

Practice brings true knowledge, and this will never change.

The news of the new miracle doctor coming to Chunfeng Hall spread like wildfire. Just after lunch time, the number of people queuing up outside was suddenly several times more than in the morning. It was so dark that it made people's heads hurt.

Really helpless, Qin Fei was forced to open the business again, and he didn't even have time to go to the toilet in the middle.

Time passed little by little, and when it was about nine o'clock in the evening, as the last patient in line was cured, Qin Fei finally got a short chance to rest.

"Huh...this is really not something humans do."

After hammering his numb legs with his hand, Qin Fei let out a long breath.

It is true that praise from others can make one feel happy, but this kind of high-intensity work is really not something that ordinary people can bear. Not only is he physically tired, but the energy in his body is also severely depleted.

Some people with more serious conditions were treated by Qin Fei, because Zheng Xianghua could not cure them all at once with acupuncture.

He, a young man, was almost dead from exhaustion, and Zheng Xianghua was naturally even more sad. He hunched over and didn't want to move at all.

However, although his body was tired, his eyes were bright and extraordinary. After this whole day of practice, he had almost mastered more than a dozen acupuncture techniques taught to him by Qin Fei, which gave him an understanding of ancient Chinese medicine. A deeper understanding.

Modern Chinese medicine emphasizes the use of decoctions and other auxiliary treatments to cure patients, but in fact many patients can be cured without medication at all.

Most of the dozen or so acupuncture techniques taught by Qin Fei are those that actively stimulate the patient's body to release vitality, thereby achieving the purpose of self-healing.

Zheng Xianghua had never heard of this method before.

It's really amazing.

"There are some medicinal materials I need on it. Pack the things for me."

After speaking, Qin Fei took out a piece of paper from his pocket, which was full of materials he planned to use for body training.

This is the main purpose of his coming here today.

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