Taking what he needed, Qin Fei declined the invitation to have a casual meal at the medical center.

By the time he returned to his home in the East, it was already past eleven o'clock in the evening.

Still the same as yesterday, Lu Xueqing had already cooked and was waiting for her.

"Why did you come back so late?"

As soon as the door closed, Lu Xueqing, wearing an apron, walked up.

"I have something to do today, so I delayed it for a while."

Qin Fei sat down on the sofa and said, "Sister Xueqing, if you really can't wait until I get off work, you can eat and rest first. After all, you have to go to work during the day."

"My work is all about easy work. It doesn't matter. But you, why do you look so tired?"

"Did you go to the construction site to move bricks?"

"If I really moved bricks, I wouldn't be so tired." Qin Fei rolled his eyes and was quite speechless.

At least he could get some rest while moving bricks, but today he was seeing patients one after another, and he didn't even have time to drink water. He almost wet his pants from holding it in.

"By the way, I never asked you, what do you do at work?" Suddenly, Lu Xueqing asked in confusion.

"I just started a small business with someone in partnership." After thinking about it, Qin Fei explained.

Compared to a tens of billions giant like the Ling family, isn't my own little business just a small business?

"No wonder you've been back so late these past two days."

Since we are doing business, we will inevitably have to socialize outside, so it makes sense to come back late from get off work.

Lu Xueqing was not a woman who liked to ask questions, so she nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

"Then you take a rest first, and I'm going to heat up the food."

After speaking, Lu Xueqing hurriedly entered the kitchen.

Looking at her back, Qin Fei felt quite warm in his heart to be honest.

With a woman at home, you can eat steaming meals when you get home, which is undoubtedly a spiritual enjoyment.

After the meal, Lu Xueqing did not cause any trouble, but returned to her room honestly.

When Qin Fei returned to the room, he didn't even bother to wash up and fell directly on the soft mattress.

"I heard that body training involves tremendous pain. I have to restore the true energy in my body as soon as possible!"

After lying down for about half an hour, Qin Fei slowly sat up with his tired body.

He plans to refine the medicinal solution during the day tomorrow and then strengthen his body.

Sitting cross-legged, Qin Fei slowly started operating the "Qi Condensation Jue".

A trace of spiritual energy invisible to the naked eye continued to pour into Qin Fei's body along the pores of his body. After a while, at least half of his fatigue was gone.


At midnight, it suddenly started to rain heavily, accompanied by suppressed thunder, making the night destined to be uneventful.

Boom boom boom!

There was a knock on the door. Looking up, Qin Fei could see Lu Xueqing, wrapped in thin pajamas, standing at the door, her face slightly pale.

"what happened?"

After getting up and opening the door, Qin Fei asked.

"I...I'm scared!"

After speaking, Lu Xueqing plunged into Qin Fei's arms and arched her head slightly, as if she wanted to use this method to gain a sense of security.

"It's alright with me here."

Caressing the beauty's back, Qin Fei did not expect that Lu Xueqing was still afraid of thunder. After all, she was in her twenties, so this was relatively rare.

"I...I want to sleep here with you." Lu Xueqing hugged Qin Fei's waist with both hands and lowered her head.

"The whole villa is your home. If you want to sleep here, then sleep here."

The energy in the body has almost recovered, and it doesn't matter if I do nothing for the rest of the night.

He hugged Lu Xueqing and placed her gently on the bed, and Qin Fei also lay down.

But at this moment, Lu Xueqing clung to him like an octopus, looking very nervous.

"It's just thunder, don't be afraid."

Patting Lu Xueqing's back, Qin Fei said softly.

"No, I'm afraid!"

Lu Xueqing's head got into Qin Fei's arms and covered her whole body with the quilt.

"Can you tell me what's going on?" Qin Fei asked.


Lu Xueqing's voice was very low, with a hint of fear, but she finally told the reason.

It turns out that she was born in an unfortunate family since she was a child. Her father was an alcoholic and would either beat or scold her every time he drank. Her mother also ignored her.

Especially after her younger brother was born, she was beaten and scolded even more, which became almost a daily occurrence.

Finally, one night when she was six years old, her parents locked her out for a night because she didn't take her brother to dinner.

That night there was lightning, thunder, and pouring rain, leaving an everlasting shadow on a young mind.

To this day, whenever she encounters a thunderous night, the scene of her despair will always appear in front of her eyes.

Her life has reached this point, to be honest, it was her parents who made it happen.

When she was a child, she was a dispensable role in the family, but as she grew older, she became more and more beautiful.

Finally, when she was nineteen years old, her parents accepted a betrothal gift from Xiao Sisi's biological father and forced Lu Xueqing to marry him.

During this period, they never asked Lu Xueqing for her opinion.

In order to escape from her original family, Lu Xueqing had to marry in frustration, but who would have thought that the person she was entrusting to marry had a bad habit of gambling.

It can be said that she has never received the care she deserves since she was a child, and her whole life has been gloomy.

Fortunately, after more than twenty years of suffering, she finally had today's luck. Thinking of this, she subconsciously hugged Qin Fei tighter.

"They are all miserable people."

Qin Fei felt that he was already miserable when he was a child, but he didn't expect that Lu Xueqing's past was even worse. It was not easy for her to grow up alive.

There was a warm feeling from the skin touching each other. If it was normal, Qin Fei would have been unable to bear it.

But now there is no such thought in his mind. At this moment, he just wants to accompany Lu Xueqing quietly.

There was thunder and lightning outside the window, and the room was filled with warmth. Qin Fei slowly fell into sleep as he sniffed the pleasant smell of Lu Xueqing's body.

The villa was quiet and peaceful, but it was now by a small river on the outskirts of Anhai City.

The heavy rain that fell like a curtain seemed unable to cover up the stench emanating from this place.

This is the very edge of the city. No one comes there on weekdays, and the river is full of domestic wastewater.

But in this harsh environment, a figure squatted by the river, letting the rain wash over him.

If you look carefully, you will see that there is another person lying in front of this person.

I saw a horrifying bloody hole between this man's eyebrows, and his face was white with blisters. It was Ma Kaiyuan who was already dead.

At that time, Qin Fei asked Black Snake's people to dispose of his body. Black Snake and others also obeyed Qin Fei's order and took him to the outskirts of the inaccessible city and dumped him in the smelly river.

With this stench covering up, even if Ma Kaiyuan's body rotted, no one would know.

But Qin Fei and the others underestimated the disciples behind Ma Kaiyuan. These people used special means to track Ma Kaiyuan's final trajectory and found his way here.

"Junior brother, I didn't expect that you would end up bleeding here. Don't worry, I will avenge you if you are a fellow junior!"

After saying that, the man kicked Ma Kaiyuan's body back into the river, turned around and left.

When Ma Kaiyuan came to Anhai more than [-] years ago, he had actually been expelled from the school.

But as the old saying goes, even if you throw away something you don’t use, it’s not someone else’s turn to destroy it.

Therefore, regardless of whether Ma Kaiyuan is still a member of their sect or not, this middle-aged man will avenge this hatred for him.

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