Working as a consultant in the Ultra Universe

Chapter 13 Maybe Nelonga is a good monster?

In the command room of Team Kurt, everyone was gathered around a map.

"Captain, there is a third thermal power plant on the outskirts of Ihema, right?" Daisuke Arashi said.

"If that guy can really absorb electricity, he should do it here next time." Mitsuhiro Isatsu added.

"Yes, I think so too. Hayata, contact the No. 3 Thermal Power Plant." Muramatsu Toshio nodded in agreement, and then ordered Hayata to go in and contact the people at the No. 3 Thermal Power Plant.

"Yes." Hayata Shin immediately accepted the order.

"Hey, really, another thing happened. What would happen if all the power in the Kanto region was cut off at once?" Mitsuhiro Isatsu sighed. During this period, incidents involving monsters and aliens happened one after another, and the peaceful life in the past seemed like Gone forever.

"Don't talk nonsense. Once there is a power outage, it will be very bad. Communications will be interrupted, the Shinkansen will be suspended, as well as water, gas, newspapers, hospitals, etc. Take the headquarters as an example. If there is a power outage, we will not be able to work. The operation of society, The machine will be paralyzed." Daisuke Arashi slapped Mitsuhiro Isatsu on the head to tell him to stop being so talkative.

At this time, Hayata Susumu, who had already contacted the Third Thermal Power Plant, returned to the team and participated in the topic, saying: "The daily output of the Third Thermal Power Plant is 60 million kilowatts, and % of the power in Tokyo and the Kanto area It supplies all the electricity.”

"Well, the fire in the third thermal power plant must not be extinguished." Muramatsu Toshio nodded solemnly. This third thermal power plant must not be destroyed by Nelonga.

On the other side, Gu Chen was leaning against the wall with a cup of coffee, watching the members of Team Cote discussing the battle plan, with no intention of getting involved.

I have told them what needs to be said, and the rest is left to them to express freely.

But when it comes to Neilongga, Gu Chen still doesn't understand why the tyrant electric shock it used on Daisuke Arashi at the Ihejian Transmission Station was so weak.

Apart from doing it deliberately, Gu Chen could not find any other reason to explain this behavior.

But if you put it this way, isn't Nelonga a good monster with a docile personality who won't easily hurt humans?

Gu Chen shook his head gently and did not make any conclusions for the time being. He would wait and observe it next time he saw it.

While Gu Chen was thinking about things alone, Fuji Akiko and Hoshino Isamu, who had already recovered, also returned to the command room.

As soon as they came back, Hoshino Isamu grabbed the ray cannon on the table and said to Daisuke Arashi: "Arashi-kun, lend me the gun."

Upon seeing this, Daisuke Lan immediately took the ray cannon back and said angrily: "Oh, this is too dangerous."

Arashi Daisuke is such an impulsive person, but he is not angry when a child like Hoshino Isamu touches such a dangerous weapon. Hoshino Isamu's background is not ordinary.

Gu Chen, who was watching from the side, took a sip of coffee and thought to himself.

"I want revenge on Nelonga." Isamu Hoshino pouted and said angrily.

He and Fuji Akiko climbed down to the dry well in person to investigate the strange noise coming from the well. Who would have thought that it was exactly where Nelonga was sleeping, and it happened to be when Nelonga was waking up.

With Nelonga's huge body, he moved a little, and part of the tunnel under the dry well collapsed, trapping him and Fuji Akiko underground.

Fortunately, the tunnel leads directly to the sea, so he and Fuji Akiko were not trapped underground, which also made Hoshino Yuki hate Nelonga.

"Leave this matter to our Kurt team, we will help you get revenge." Daisuke Lan patted his chest and put the ray cannon aside.

However, Arashi Daisuke's words did not dispel Hoshino Isamu's idea of ​​taking revenge on Nelonga himself. While Arashi Daisuke was talking to others, he sneaked to the table and planned to steal the ray cannon quietly.

When Gu Chen saw this scene, he put down his coffee, walked over and patted Hoshino Isamu on the shoulder, saying, "Kid Hoshino, stealing is not a good behavior."

Hoshino, who had been caught, retracted his claws that had been extended to the ray cannon angrily, then made a cut sound and reluctantly left the command room.

Gu Chen glanced at the members of the Kurt team who were immersed in mutual discussions, and couldn't help but shook his head again. These guys trusted Hoshino too much and were too indulgent. They simply treated Hoshino as a reserve member. .

Soon, Toshio Muramatsu and his team members finalized the battle plan, and then began to issue orders: "Okay, issue an evacuation order to the residents. And, Ichu. Contact the defense forces and let them gather strictly. Around the third power plant.”

After the defeat of the Baltans, the defense forces returned the command of the army that they had finally regained to the hands of the Cot team. I don't know how angry the staff officers were.

It didn't take much time for the rocket force, centered on infrared cannons and rocket launchers, to gather around the third power plant, with the muzzles aimed at the power transmission facilities inside.

As long as Muramatsu Toshio gives an order, he can launch a fierce attack.

Everyone from the Kurt team also came to the scene, and Gu Chen also followed. However, Hoshino Isamu could only stay at the headquarters because he didn't get the ray cannon.

Without keeping everyone waiting, Nelonga, who was hungry, came to the third thermal power plant invisibly.

Although Nelonga cannot be seen with the naked eye, its huge body leaves obvious traces when walking, sitting and sleeping, especially the pits dug out by Nelonga one after another on the ground. As long as people's eyes are not exposed, Blind, it is not difficult to find this.

When Nelonga was within a kilometer of the Third Thermal Power Plant, Muramatsu Toshio immediately waved his hand and ordered: "Aim at the correct position and launch the attack first, and start the attack."

In an instant, infrared cannons and rocket launchers poured fierce firepower into Nelonga.

A large amount of gunpowder smoke immediately filled the surrounding area, obscuring everyone's sight.

After the round of firing, Daisuke Arashi said: "Is this Neilongga... dead?"

With Daisuke Lan's words, even if Neilongga was in trouble, everything would be fine. He already had the blessing of the Law of Smoke and No Injury. Coupled with Daisuke Lan's words, Neilongga let out a shocking cry as expected. Roar.

Amidst the smoke in the sky, a bolt of lightning shot out of the sky and strafed the rocket troops of the Defense Forces.

Wherever the high-voltage current passed, infrared cannons and rocket launchers turned into large firecrackers, exploding one by one.

Due to budget reasons, this scene on TV doesn't look that big, but Gu Chen, who has experienced it personally, dared to pat his chest and say that this scene is really big for humans.

The fire, smoke, and shock waves generated by the explosion spread to the surroundings, and everything around them immediately became chaotic.

Everyone in the Kurt team also fell to the ground the moment the explosion sounded, to avoid being hurt by the shock wave or debris.

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