Nelonga disabled the defense force's rocket unit with just one Tyrant Electric Shock.

Therefore, there is definitely something wrong with the Tyrant Electric Shock it used on Daisuke Arashi before.

While the scene was in chaos, Nelonga had already rushed into the third thermal power plant, pressed the tentacles on his head against the power transmission facilities, and ate the buffet.

The staff at the No. 3 Thermal Power Plant could no longer hold on and ran out of the building. They didn't care how important the power supply here was to Tokyo.

As for the humans scurrying about under his nose, Nelonga wasn't even interested in taking a look, and just lay there quietly absorbing the electricity to feed himself.

In the chaos, Gu Chen got up from the ground and began to observe his surroundings.

To be precise, observe the position where Nelonga focuses his attack with Tyrant Electric Shock.

After a while, Gu Chen knew the news he wanted to know.

From a bird's eye view, Nelonga's Tyrant Electric Shock only strafed the front row of the Rocket Troops. Although the subsequent series of explosions were incredibly powerful, they did not cause many casualties.

Except for those defense forces who sat in rocket vehicles and operated infrared cannons and rocket launchers, the others were basically slightly injured. The unlucky ones were only seriously injured. If they were rescued in time, their lives would not be in danger.

So it looks like Nelonga deliberately avoids places where humans are.

Does it not want to harm humans? Is this Nelonga really a docile monster?

Gu Chen had thought this not only once, but now that he looked at the situation at the scene, he felt that it was even more possible.

At this moment, a ray of light flashed, and it was Shin Hayata who pressed the Beta Wand and transformed into Ultraman, completing his debut.

Unlike when facing humans, Nelonga felt a strong threat from Ultraman as soon as he appeared on the stage.

This caused it to stop absorbing electricity and stand upright, issuing a warning and demonstration to Ultraman.

Seeing that Ultraman was unmoved by his warning and demonstration, Nelonga then released another Tyrant Electric Shock.

Gu Chen could feel that the power of this tyrant's electric shock was real.

However, Ultraman just raised his chest, and the Tyrant's electric shock was easily borne by his strong chest muscles.

This makes people couldn't help but think about how developed Ultraman's chest muscles are. He should be pumping iron a lot.

Could it be that Manisan is not only a university professor in the Kingdom of Light, but also a fitness instructor?

Just when Gu Chen's imagination was running wild, Ultraman and Nelonga were already fighting each other.

But how can Nelonga be Ultraman's opponent? Although it is a crawling creature on all fours that makes it difficult for Ultraman to perform his best wrestling skills, it cannot withstand Ultraman's fists.

Seeing that Ultraman was about to perform a classic horn-breaking maneuver, Gu Chen hesitated for a moment and raised the divine light stick.

Another ray of light shone, and Diga's silver-gray body appeared in human sight for the first time, which immediately caused everyone to exclaim.

"Two...two Ultramans?!" Yichu Guanghong stuttered in surprise.

"No, he looks different from Ultraman." Daisuke Arashi added.

"Same as Ultraman, but different, a new giant?!" Toshio Muramatsu concluded.

As soon as Tiga appeared, he grabbed Ultraman's wrist with one hand and stopped him from breaking off his horn.

Ultraman was stunned and looked at Tiga with puzzled eyes, as if asking what Tiga meant.

Diga remained silent, just shook his head, and then pulled Ultraman away from Nelonga.

Nelonga was extremely scared at the moment. An Ultraman could easily knead it, and now there was a giant with an aura similar to Ultraman. Wouldn't that mean there would be no chance of death?

Immediately, Nelonga was so frightened that his legs trembled, and his body made a prostrate posture to show submission.

Seeing this scene, Yichu Guanghong waved his fist and said viciously: "This hateful guy can also feel scared. He is really bullying the weak and afraid of the strong."

Immediately, Tiga took a step forward and gave Ultraman the feeling of letting me solve this matter.

Ultraman also wanted to see what kind of medicine was sold in Tiga's gourd, so he cooperated and stood there.

Nelonga saw Tiga taking a step forward and shrank back in fear, looking like a large puppy.

Diga slowly squatted down, stretched out a hand, and sent a friendly signal to Nelonga with his Ultra thought.

For this kind of monster that only has intelligence but no intelligence, it is impossible to communicate in too detailed a way. It basically communicates through general things like feelings.

Feeling the kindness coming from Diga, Nelonga gradually became less afraid, and was replaced by deep grievance.

It just woke up from a long sleep. When it woke up, it found that its body had grown bigger and its belly had become very hungry. It naturally wanted to come out to find food.

Because of its experience in ancient times, it has no ill intentions towards humans, and does not even dare to harm humans, for fear of provoking the samurai-like figure who can take its life.

Therefore, even in the face of human attacks, Nelonga retreated again and again. The most extreme thing he did was to emit a small electric current to warn those ungrateful humans.

However, what I didn't expect was that even though it had deliberately not harmed humans, it still provoked a great god like Ultraman.

As for the SADF soldiers who died in the rocket car or the workers in the power plant building.

Unfortunately, Nelonga doesn't know that there are people inside. This is very different from the knowledge it has.

Therefore, when Diga showed his kindness to Nelonga, this guy came up crying like a wronged child.

While rubbing his head against Diga's hand, he made a sound of grievance and barely shed two hot tears.

Seeing this scene, Fuji Akiko couldn't help but look at Tiga's figure in fascination, and murmured: "This giant... he is so gentle."

Others strongly agreed with this statement. Although the scene of Ultraman fighting the monster looked very passionate, the scene in front of him made people feel warm, as long as he ignored the ruins around him.

Nelonga's behavior undoubtedly confirmed what Diga was thinking, confirming that it was a harmless monster that had no ill intentions towards humans, but its huge body made it unable to live in harmony with human society.

After understanding this, Diga reached out and grabbed a radiant card in the void, aiming it at Nelonga.

Without any resistance, Nelonga even took the initiative to get into the card and disappeared from everyone's eyes.

After doing all this, Diga stood up and looked at each other with Ultraman, nodded slightly, then flew into the sky and disappeared.

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