A month later, Imagine Technology moved into the new office building.

At this time, the sales of Hanka were no longer as fierce as some time ago. The peak period had passed and sales were gradually stabilizing.

Hanka's popularity gradually decreased as time passed.

However, Imagine Technology is already making a lot of money.

So far, sales have exceeded 1800 million yuan, and annual sales are estimated to be between 4000 million and 5000 million, which means more than Hanka cards have been sold, which is actually not much.

Zhao Ye gave Wang Anshi a task, which was to open the flagship store of Imagine Technology Company in the capital, and then sum up the experience and promote it nationwide.

Without middlemen making the difference, the company can earn more.

Of course, in cities without flagship stores, we will still cooperate with other merchants.

Zhao Ye left all market matters to Wang Anshi, and he became the hands-off shopkeeper. The title of "God of Sitong Company Management" was not just for boasting. In the traditional marketing field, Wang Anshi does have extraordinary abilities.

When Zhao Ye started his business, e-commerce was on the rise, and online was more important than offline, so Zhao Ye didn't know much about the traditional market.


The new office building has three floors, so Zhao Ye arranged that the first floor is the Hanka department, the second floor is the Chinese electronic typewriter department, and the third floor is the BB machine department.

The office space is large and each floor looks empty.

It was indeed a bit wasteful, but Zhao Ye was too lazy to move again.

Once the Chinese electronic typewriter and BB machine are successfully developed, we will have to recruit people again.

At this time, there is a research room on the second floor.

A group of people were discussing something around a table. There were many manuscript papers scattered on the table.

"The screen of the typewriter uses Sharp's 640x400 LCD with a backlight, which can display one page of A1 paper. It is equivalent to the VGA display mode, realizing what you see is what you get, so there will be no additional CRT display. ! Not only beautiful and fashionable, but also cheaper!”

"RB's printer uses soft interrupts to save costs, but the soft interrupt response is too slow and the user experience is not good. The boss suggested that we use hard interrupts. Although this will increase the cost of the interrupt chip by a few dollars, the user experience is better. !”

"The motherboard designed by the boss himself is worth mentioning. Not only is it compatible with IBM-PC, but it can also be connected to a modern modem and transfer files through telephone lines. In addition, the dual floppy disk drive files are also compatible with PC and have specially designed dual-port RAM memory built-in. , the print output speed is higher than the parallel interface transmission. Moreover, the word processing software WPS is also compatible with WordStar! It is so powerful!”

Everyone praised him.

As an independent printer device, the Chinese electronic typewriter requires its own word processing software.

In his previous life, Qiu Bojun developed WPS based on the word processing software of Stone Company.

In this life, Zhao Ye directly developed the relatively mature word processing software of the 90s and named it wps.

Of course, he is responsible for software architecture design, which is like designing the framework of a house in reality, and leaving the specific content to others to build. These people were also commonly known as "coders" in their previous lives.

Qiu Bojun is now an out-and-out "code farmer", responsible for writing certain functional programs of WPS.

In addition, when Zhao Ye was developing Hanka, he wrote an input method, and he could use it when developing a Chinese electronic typewriter.

Therefore, the development progress of Chinese typewriters is much faster than everyone expected.

In fact, when it comes to specific research and development content, Zhao Ye doesn't do much. He mainly maintains a high position and points out the direction of research and development for everyone. And when everyone encounters technical difficulties that are difficult to break through, he steps in to solve them.

No, in just one month, the overall development progress has already exceeded half.

third floor.

The development difficulty of BB machine is actually simpler than that of Chinese electronic typewriter. It is mainly composed of superheterodyne receiver, decoder, control and display.

In fact, as long as the principles are known, many more skilled electronic engineers can develop BB machines.

By the early 90s, BB phones were being copied crazily by domestic factories, taking advantage of Motorola and taking away a large share of the market.

Of course, copycat brand BB machines have serious quality problems.

When Imagine Technology develops the BB machine, it naturally takes a responsible and serious attitude towards consumers and develops a technologically advanced and mature product.

This is a little more difficult.

Don’t think about the Han display BB machine for the time being. The hardware does not support it. If you insist on it, it is not impossible, but the size of the BB machine will increase dramatically. Others are small and exquisite, but yours is bloated and expensive. Who will buy it?

Therefore, currently only digital BB machines can be developed.

Motorola will not launch a digital BB machine until the end of this year, and it is entirely possible that Imagine Technology will launch its own product on the market first.


Zhao Ye's office is also located on the third floor. As a boss, you have to be condescending.

Wang Anshi and Zhao Ye started chatting in the office.

Wang Anshi suggested: "Boss, you can no longer hand over the OEM business to Kyoto Wireless Factory 18. This is equivalent to sharing a part of the profit. When the company was started, there was insufficient funds, but it could be done by Kyoto Wireless Factory 18. , but now that we have tens of millions of cash flows, we can invest in building our own factories. Direct sales from manufacturers will lower costs and our products will have more competitive advantages!"

After a pause, Wang Anshi said slightly worriedly: "I heard that the Hanka development team led by Ni Guangnan of the Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has made a huge breakthrough recently. I think it is about to launch Hanka. By then, we will face severe competition. After all, the identity of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is different, but we are a private enterprise..."

Zhao Ye heard this and nodded: "What you said makes sense. I have had this idea before, but the key is that we can't buy the chips ourselves."

Wang Anshi looked serious and frowned slightly: "I have also thought about this problem. The best way is to open a branch in Hong Kong, purchase the chips ourselves, and then ship them to the country!"

"This method is indeed good, but there is still a problem. If our branch does not have foreign exchange, it will still be unable to purchase things." Zhao Ye nodded first, then shook his head, and then thought about whether Hanka, Chinese typewriters and BB machines could be used in Hong Kong Open the market? ? ?

Of course, Chinese typewriters can also print English. I think Hong Kong, Taiwan and Southeast Asia also need a high-quality and low-priced typewriter.

Jingle bell, jingle bell…

Just then, the office phone rang.

Zhao Ye picked up the phone and asked what was going on.

"Boss, there is a big businessman from Hong Kong below. He said he wants to cooperate with our Imagine Technology Company!"

Hong Kong businessmen are looking for cooperation with us?

Zhao Ye was a little surprised.

"Okay, I understand, please bring him to my office!"

PS: Three chapters have been updated today, please support me.

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